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61. Otherpublications publications. The Mental health legal Advisors Committee (MHLAC) providesunderstanding of new developments in mental health law, housing law, family law, http://www.mass.gov/mhlac/otherpublications.htm | |
62. IOM Publications: Human Trafficking, Migration Health, Labor Migration, Informat Recent publications. More information. legal Review on Trafficking in Persons in The Migration health Annual Report documents the global achievements of http://www.iom.int/iomwebsite/servlet/com.crosssystems.iom.publication.servlet.S | |
63. IOM Publications: Human Trafficking, Migration Health, Labor Migration, Informat Human trafficking, migration, migration health, labor migration, IOM focuses legal Review on Trafficking in Persons in the Caribbean The Bahamas, http://www.iom.int/iomwebsite/Publication/ServletSearchPublication?event=detail& |
64. CAHL Publications English A, Morreale M, Stinnett A. Adolescents in Public health Insurance Programs English A. health Care for the Adolescent Alone A legal Landscape. http://www.cahl.org/publications.htm | |
65. Legal Momentum -- Publications & Resources List For publications from legal MomentumÂs Immigrant Women Program (IWP), with knowledge and resources to help ensure that their children, health, http://www.legalmomentum.org/pub/index.shtml | |
66. CT.gov CT.gov Reading Room Judicial Branch Commission on Official legal publications Almost 300publications, fact sheets and reports on health related issues. http://www.ct.gov/ctportal/cwp/view.asp?a=1121&q=255068 |
67. Publications Answers to tough legal questions in school health¡¦ Get expert advice on avoidingthe legal pitfalls in school nursing! As a school nurse, you often face http://www.schoolnurse.com/publicationslegal.html | |
68. Answers To Some Frequently Asked Questions About Mental Health And Mental Health The National Mental health Information Center provides free publications on Where problems are found, PAIMI programs pursue legal, administrative, http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/publications/allpubs/government/default.asp | |
69. ADA.org: Advocacy & Legal Publications Dental Professionals The ADA Your Oral health This regular onlinepublication focuses on legal issues encountered in operating a dental practice, http://www.ada.org/prof/resources/pubs/advocacy.asp | |
70. Databases A-Z Topics include education, health, women s legal status, A customized interfaceto search only UWM publications is also available (including the http://www.uwm.edu/Libraries/databases/ | |
71. Faculty Research PublicationsâÂÂLegal Strategies To Prevent Gun Violence The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public health HANDGUN INJURIES THEEPIDEMIOLOGIC EVIDENCE FOR ASSESSING legal RESPONSIBILITY http://www.jhsph.edu/gunpolicy/faculty_research_pubs_legalsgvp.html | |
72. Technical Assistance Legal Center The Technical Assistance legal Center (TALC), funded by the California Departmentof health Download the revised memo from TALC s publications page. http://talc.phi.org/ | |
73. Wiley  - Publications & Events  I provide below a summary of the legal issues involved in health care fraud Given the public nature of the health care system, and the astonishing http://www.wrf.com/publication.cfm?publication_id=8079 |
74. WCLAC- Women S Center For Legal Aid And Counselling Violations of WomenÂs health Rights in the West Bank From the Perspective of This publication analyses the legal status of Palestinian women through an http://www.wclac.org/publications/publications.html | |
75. Publications - Torys LLP legal publications legal Client Memos Articling Student and Summer legalCareers. bulletins environmental, health and safety http://www.torys.com/publications/bulletins.aspx?section=EHSbulletin |
76. Legal Issues And School-Based And School-Linked Health Centers The state and federal legal framework governing health services to minors Click here to view the publications Catalog and/or to order this publication. http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/iag/sbhcslhc.htm | |
77. Legal Publications Although primarily for health care providers with a medicallegal interest, Important information regarding the public defender experience. http://www.graduategroup.com/legal.htm | |
78. UNICEF - Publications - to be no more than a legal formality, unrelated to child development, health, Jointly produced by UNICEF and the World health Organization, http://www.unicef.org/publications/ | |
79. Health (Reentry) Corrections Agency Collaborations With Public health. Effects of AdolescentPsychopathology on Juvenile Competence To Make Medical and legal Decisions http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/reentry/publications/health.html | |
80. Ipas > Publications > Initiatives In Reproductive Health Policy Printed copies of most publications are available in English, This issuefocuses on two aspects of legal abortion how health systems can prepare to http://www.ipas.org/english/publications/initiatives.asp | |
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