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41. NAWL Publications: Health And Reproductive Issues PUBLICATION CATEGORIES Criminal Justice Day Care/Child Care the Law/Womenin the legal Profession Judicial System health Reproductive Issues http://www.nawl.ca/p-health.htm | |
42. O - Abbreviations Of Legal Publications (Monash University Library) Abbreviations of legal publications. Abbreviations lists A B C D E F G H I OHSA, Occupational health and Safety Authority (Victoria) http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/legal-abbreviations/abb-o.html | |
43. J - Abbreviations Of Legal Publications (Monash University Library) Abbreviations of legal publications. Abbreviations lists A B C D E F G H J health Care L and Poly, Journal of health Care Law and Policy http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/legal-abbreviations/abb-j.html | |
44. IHF Publications: Legal Issues Established to bring the issues of personal health freedom to the forefront ofAmerica s health policy debate, IHF s mission is to present the ethical and http://www.forhealthfreedom.org/Publications/LegalIssues/ | |
45. WHO | Publications To order a hard copy of the following recent HGN publications, please write This Report addresses the important ethical, legal, social and health issues http://www.who.int/genomics/publications/en/ | |
46. TDR Publications: Ethical, Legal And Social Issues Of Genetically Modified Disea and social issues of genetically modified disease vectors in public health This monograph on the Ethical, legal and Social Issues (ELSI) involved, http://www.who.int/tdr/publications/publications/seb_topic1.htm | |
47. Work Experience - Legal Responsibility And Health And Safety PRE16 WORK EXPERIENCE - legal RESPONSIBILITY AND health AND SAFETY There aretwo other relevant publications in preparation. Managing health and http://www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/guidanceonthelaw/dfeepub/may99/090599/mainte | |
48. Work Experience - Legal Responsibility And Health And Safety Work Experience legal Responsibility and health and Safety Further Copies,DfEE publications Centre Tel 0845 6022260 Fax 0845 6033360 http://www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/guidanceonthelaw/dfeepub/may99/090599/ | |
49. Legal And Criminological Psychology You Are Here BPS publications Journals legal and Criminological management of offenders, mental health and the law, public attitudes to law, http://www.bps.org.uk/publications/journals/lcp/lcp_home.cfm | |
50. OkHIMA Publications - Oklahoma Health Information Management Association Oklahoma health Information and the Law OkHIMA legal Manual. At last!! OkHIMA isproud to announce that the Oklahoma legal Manual has now been updated. http://www.okhima.org/article35.html?&MMN_position=22:22 |
51. Your Legal Rights: Health Care And Advance Directives, Page 1 Your legal Right To Make Decisions About health Care and Advance The informationin this publication describes health care decision making laws that http://www.aasa.dshs.wa.gov/Library/publications/htmlversions/legalrights.htm | |
52. OfW Publications OfW commissioned WomenÂs health Australia to undertake an analysis of the AustralianLongitudinal Study on WomenÂs International and legal publications http://ofw.facs.gov.au/publications/publications_list.htm | |
53. Library Of Parliament Publications: Health Abortion Constitutional and legal Developments (18 August 1998), 8910E Public and Private Sector Involvement in health Care Systems An International http://www.fedpubs.com/subject/lop/health.htm | |
54. SAGE Publications - Legal Issues In Social Work, Counseling, And Mental Health legal Issues in Social Work, Counseling, and Mental health Guidelines for ClinicalPractice in Psychotherapy Authored by http://www.sagepub.com/book.aspx?pid=4035 |
55. SAGE Publications - Legal Issues In Social Work, Counseling, And Mental Health legal Issues in Social Work, Counseling, and Mental health Sage publications,Inc. Pub Date 03/1998. Pages 296. Trim Size 5 x 8 . Subject Areas http://www.sagepub.com/printerfriendly.aspx?pid=4035&ptype=B |
56. Alaska Court System Forms Advance health Care Directive / Provided by Alaska legal Services Corporation The publications are available at all court locations statewide, http://www.state.ak.us/courts/forms.htm | |
57. Research, Publications And Conferences The Institute prepares legal analyses of contemporary health law issues, whichare available For local health care attorneys and public health lawyers, http://www.law.uh.edu/healthlaw/research.html | |
58. Law Publishers : The AcqWeb Directory Aspen Publishers, Inc. Professional publications in fields of health, law, Canadian law and tax publications; Dahlstrom legal Publishing, http://acqweb.library.vanderbilt.edu/pubr/law.html | |
59. Publications - Health Systems Trust They are the official record of proceedings, serving also as the legal record, Public health Association International Association of health Policy http://www.hst.org.za/publications/419 | |
60. Publications - Health Systems Trust The main publication of the HST is the annual South African health Review. that should provide the legal weight behind these policies and plans. http://www.hst.org.za/publications/96 | |
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