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21. Health Law Institute - HLI Publications - Health Law Review The health Law Institute provides legal education to health care and otherprofessionals, Public health Law and Ethics Lessons from SARS and Quarantine http://www.law.ualberta.ca/centres/hli/hl_review.html | |
22. Health Law Institute - Publications - Health Law Journal The health Law Institute provides legal education to health care and other NOW AVAILABLE Take a look through todayÂs news  public health policy, http://www.law.ualberta.ca/centres/hli/hl_journal.html | |
23. Hsedirect - Health And Safety Executive, Health And Safety Legislation, Health A For example, if you re looking for the publication Successful health and As one of the leading publishers of tax, legal and business publications in the http://www.hsedirect.com/ | |
24. Health Care And Medical Publications - Guide To All Magazines American Journal of Public health from American Public health Association Milbank Quarterly - social, legal, ethical dimensions of health care policy http://www.pohly.com/admin2.html | |
25. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, FindLaw for legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that includesonline case law, free state codes, free federal codes, free legal forms, http://www.findlaw.com/01topics/19health/publications.html | |
26. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, FindLaw for legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that National Center for health Statistics (NCHS) Surveys, databases, publications, http://www.findlaw.com/01topics/19health/gov_agencies.html | |
27. Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) - Publications By Subject - Health & Di health Disability (listed alphabetically) This publication explains eachright and describes what can be done if any of these rights are violated. http://www.cleo.on.ca/english/pub/onpub/subject/health.htm | |
28. Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) - Publications By Subject - Workers' Co This booklet explains how doctors and other health care professionals can helpa worker with It also includes information on where to get legal help. http://www.cleo.on.ca/english/pub/onpub/subject/compen.htm | |
29. Alcoholism: Getting The Facts Having recurring alcoholrelated legal problems, such as being arrested for driving If your health care provider determines that you are not alcohol http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/booklet.htm | |
30. Underage Drinking: A Major Public Health Challenge -- Alcohol Alert No. 59 For example, raising the minimum legal drinking age in all States to 21 saved anestimated 20000 American Journal of Public health 86(6)791Â797, 1996. http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/aa59.htm | |
31. Victoria Legal Aid Publication covering changes to the Mental health Act that came in on 6/12/04 . Publication about legal rights for the gay and lesbian community. http://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/publications.cfm?publication=1 |
32. American Bar Association 10 legal Myths About Advance health Care Directives Understanding health PlanDispute Online publications for Lawyers Search our publications Catalog http://www.abanet.org/aging/ | |
33. Telemedicine And Telehealth Legal Publications legal publications. publications; Virtual library Growth of health care onthe Internet and the application of legal controls to it are largely driven http://tie.telemed.org/legal/pubs.asp | |
34. HSE - Publications - Health And Safety Commission Guidance, "Directors Responsib The guidance also summarises the legal responsibilities of directors for ensuring Does the Government plan further legislation on directors health and http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg343faq.htm | |
35. Connecting For Health - Commission Publications And Resources - Press Release A PublicPrivate Collaborative today released Financial, legal and Organizational Organization and legal Sustainability of health Information Exchange, http://www.connectingforhealth.org/news/pressrelease_102204.html | |
36. Lawyers Weekly: Home Get legal news, court opinions, and hardto-find resources from Lawyers Weekly quarterly publications for doctors and health care providers in those two http://www.lawyersweekly.com/ | |
37. Dorsey & Whitney LLP: Publications: Legal Updates: Vital Signs | Health Law Mont Created under section 330 of the Public health Service Act, While the publichealth centers are funded with Public health Service ( PHS ) grants, http://www.dorsey.com/publications/legal_detail.aspx?FlashNavID=pubs_legal&pubid |
38. Dorsey & Whitney LLP: Publications: Legal Updates: Recent Guidance About Health health Savings Accounts (HSAs)Âtaxfavored vehicles used to pay medical as legal advice or legal opinions on any specific facts or circumstances. http://www.dorsey.com/publications/legal_detail.aspx?FlashNavID=pubs_legal&pubid |
39. PJB Publications PJB publications publisher of business information for the pharmaceutical, Crop Protection Animal health legal Regulatory health Service http://www.pjbpubs.com/home.htm | |
40. SurfWax - LawKT Topics legal publications legal publications from journals, law organizations, andother legal Title 41 - Public Contracts Title 42 - Public health, Welfare http://www.surfwax.com/products/lawkt_topics.htm | |
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