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Legal Publications Cyberspace: more detail |
61. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, FindLaw for legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that The siteincludes publications, materials and links on computer law as well as http://news.lp.findlaw.com/legalnews/scitech/cyber/ | |
62. IST Faculty - More Information Bagby has authored or coauthored more than 100 publications, articles, and research of the major legal issues confronting cyberspace and ecommerce. http://ist.psu.edu/facultyresearch/faculty/tenuretrack/page2.cfm?intNodeID=127&i |
63. SAGE Publications - Deciphering Cyberspace view of the technical nature of cyberspace, its social impact, and legal Sage publications Inc. Pub Date 12/2002. Pages 416. Subject Areas http://www.sagepub.co.uk/book.aspx?pid=104547 |
64. Eugene Volokh legal writing. Humor. Fiction. Other. Awards / Honors. cyberspace Law The Dangerous Drift of Harassment in From Data to Public Policy Affirmative http://www.law.ucla.edu/volokh/ | |
65. Bowne & Co., Inc. Bowne Corporate & Legal Publications Catalog With a core offering of more than 200 essential publications and an easyto-browse and convenient one-stop service for corporate and legal publications. http://www.bowne.com/resources/catalog.asp | |
66. EFF: Legal Issues And Policy: Cyberspace And The Law Article on legal aspects of electronic networks, or cyberspace . First part isan overview of the many types Public records/FOIA Reverse engineering http://www.eff.org/legal/ | |
67. InfoQuest! Some Legal Resources On The Internet NABE Communications Public Relations Section Workshop The legal Topicssection covers everything from advertising to cyberspace law to preventive law http://www.tbchad.com/legpub.html | |
68. Future Access - Long Term Preservation Of Australian Electronic Legal Publicatio 7.6) AustLII aims to put on the Net public legal information primary legalmaterials aiming to ensure that some part of cyberspace is public space, http://www.nla.gov.au/nla/staffpaper/wsmith2.html | |
69. Law Firms In China - Internet And Cyberspace Search for specific words in the description, location, publication LawInternet and cyberspace HG legal Associations Every legal Association http://www.hierosgamos.org/hg/db_lawfirms.asp?action=search&subcategory=Internet |
70. Events - Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law And Policy Centre The Centre holds public seminars and conferences on cyberspace law and policy, The need for a legal regulatory framework for Public Key Infrastructure http://www.bakercyberlawcentre.org/events_2004.htm | |
71. Australian Public Law Key legal sites, Australian Public Law, Case law fast finder, Legislation This area includes many links to resources on cyberspace law, as well as a set http://www.ntu.edu.au/faculties/lba/schools/Law/apl/Cyberspace_Law/cyberspace.ht | |
72. Legal Resources On The Internet About The Net Article on legal aspects of electronic networks, or cyberspace . Libel,Public Figures, and the Ne Discusses the legal protection afforded to critics http://www.infosyssec.net/infosyssec/legres1.htm | |
73. EFF S (Extended) Guide To The Internet - Table Of Contents A round trip through Global Networks, Life in cyberspace, and Everything Hardcover Softcover publications Journal Articles and Papers http://www.utia.cas.cz/EFF/eeg_toc.html |
75. First Monday: Last Writes? The Law Review In The Age Of Cyberspace Law professors depend upon law reviews for publication and promotion. It presents the law review as the creature of narrow legal considerations where http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue3/hibbitts/ | |
76. Legal Research Sources Contains article abstracts or references from more than 800 legal publications; Research guides on a variety of legal topics highlighting the best http://www.law.duke.edu/lib/lresources.html | |
77. Odr.info - CITDR publications. BOOKS. Ethan Katsh and Janet Rifkin, Online Dispute EthanKatsh, cyberspace and Law Some Speculations on the Movement From Place to http://www.odr.info/publications.php | |
78. Leonardo On-Line: Intellectual Property Special Project Confronting the Limits of Our legal System in the Age of cyberspace. Gey,Steven G. Reopening the Public ForumFrom Sidewalks to cyberspace. http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/Leonardo/isast/spec.projects/intellpropbibli | |
79. Ethics And The Law Practice Resources, legal Community. Codes Statutes, legal Subject Outlines.Federal Agencies, legal Technology. legal publications, legal Research http://www.lexisone.com/legalresearch/legalguide/practice_areas/ethics_and_the_l | |
80. EFF "Legal Issues And Policy: Cyberspace And The Law" Archive Article on legal aspects of electronic networks, or cyberspace . Discusses thelegal protection afforded to critics of public figures, http://www2.cddc.vt.edu/www.eff.org/pub/Legal/ | |
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