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161. PLEIS - SPEIJ - Public Legal Education And Information Service Of New Brunswick A nonprofit organization whose mandate is to inform the public about the law. Offers information about the organization, news, its programs, publications, contact information and related links. http://www.legal-info-legale.nb.ca/ | |
162. .. :: NILSC :: Access To Justice .. Provides information on solicitors practicing legal aid in Northern Ireland. Also includes contact information, publications and members details. http://www.nilad.org/ | |
163. LESA, Legal Education Society Of Alberta Providing continuing legal education to Alberta lawyers through seminars, publications and the Alberta Bar Admission course. http://www.lesa.org/ | |
164. Children Traumatized In Sex Rings Provides the childcare practitioner with guidelines in dealing with the child victim of sexual exploitation. Issues covered include an overview of the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, a description of the different kinds of sex rings, guidelines for the physical and mental assessment of the child victim, interviewing techniques, and legal considerations. Included in the text are actual drawings made by the children in the study. PDF Format. http://www.missingkids.com/en_US/publications/NC71.pdf |
165. TexasBarCLE - Texas Continuing Legal Education publications (see our featured books) Call us for current prices! ABA Guide to legal Marketing; Complete Guide to Marketing Your Law Practice http://www.texasbarcle.com/CLE/LMPublications.asp | |
166. Child Pornography It's A Crime Brief issues paper reviewing the legal aspects of child pornography. PDF Format. http://www.missingkids.com/en_US/publications/porn_issuebrief.pdf |
167. UK Limited Company Formation And Company Registration Agent. Start Your Limited Services include company formation and administration, software solutions, intellectual property, company search services and legal publications. Based in England, Scotland and Gibraltar. http://www.jordans.co.uk/ | |
168. CCH Canadian CCH Tax CCH legal CCH business CCH Financial Planning Tax Planning for Small business Canadian Income Tax Guide with Legislation FP Solutions http://www.cch.ca/ | |
169. Education Solutions Online - Legal Advice/knowledge At Your Fingertips Provides legal advice and information on the education sector. Includes details of services, publications and contact information. http://www.educationsolutionsonline.co.uk | |
170. Small Business Help - Business Owners Idea Cafe, Small Business Ideas, Informati How to plan and start a business, get financing, grants, and run your business. legal Forms Tax Information legal Biz Forms Managing a business http://www.businessownersideacafe.com/ | |
171. MGCB Licenses and regulates casinos, including those operated by Native American groups. Site includes information, regulations and online publications on many aspects of legal gambling in Michigan. http://www.michigan.gov/mgcb | |
172. Marine Law Institute Home Page Provides legal research, teaching, and public service to establish marine policies. Features local and national publications, legal updates, educational courses, and links. http://www.mli.usm.maine.edu/ | |
173. MLM Lawyer Jeff Babener Presents MLM Legal, A Resource Of Multi-level Marketing An mlmlaw firm dedicated to mlm legal issues. Startup Essentials II MLM business Experience, MLM Software Technology, MLM Product Selection, http://www.mlmlegal.com/ | |
174. Second Amendment Foundation Online Seeks to promote a better understanding of firearms rights through educational and legal action. Editorials, publications, and news. http://www.saf.org/ | |
175. USC Law Legal Journals Listing the interaction among legal, technical, public policy, and business issues as Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest A legal journal http://lawweb.usc.edu/library/resources/journals.html | |
176. MultiLingoLegal.ca Provides access to legal publications and resources in nine different languages Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese. http://www.multilingolegal.ca/ | |
177. Russian Legal Server A tutorial on Russian legal research; links to publications and legal commentaries; news and announcements related to Russian law. http://www.friends-partners.org/partners/fplegal/main.html | |
178. National Citizen's Coalition For Nursing Home Reform NCCNHR offers publications, fact sheets, advocacy tips, federal laws and regulations focused on abuse/neglect prevention. Includes government policy and legal updates. http://www.nccnhr.org/ | |
179. Human Rights Watch: Women's Human Rights: Trafficking News, international legal standards, publications and links to related material. http://hrw.org/women/trafficking.html | |
180. Progressive Grocer - Supermarket Industry Management - Food Business Management VNU business Media is launching the inaugural Hispanic Retail 360 Conference editorial director for the Retail Group of VNU business publications. http://www.progressivegrocer.com/ | |
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