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101. GouldLaw.com - Your Law Source Search our catalog for legal publications you need. Reference treatises analyzing case law, bilingual dictionaries, and Homeland Security publications are http://www.gouldlaw.com/ | |
102. Western States Legal Foundation-- Advocates For Peace And The Environment Information and analysis for peace and environmental activists. Provides WSLF publications, government documents on nuclear weapons policy and related topics, and web links. http://www.wslfweb.org/ | |
103. Michigan State University College Of Law Planned repository of a full set of legal material relating to animals for all levels in the US, foreign national and international. Includes case law, policies, journals, publications and historical materials. http://www.animallaw.info/ | |
104. International Organization Of Legal Metrology Established to promote the global harmonization of legal metrology procedures. Includes overview of certificate system, publications for purchase, meetings, partipating regional and internal organizations, member login, contacts in Paris, France. http://www.oiml.org/ | |
105. INSTITUTE FOR POLICY AND LEGAL STUDIES (IPLS) Nonprofit, non-governmental organization aiming to bridge the gap between legislators and policy makers, and the public. Contains information on the laws, the judicial system, the constitution and its history. Also includes publications and articles, projects and activities, a study of the judicial sector and resources. http://www.ipls.org/ | |
106. Engelin Teh & Partners Web Site Provides legal services in litigation and insurance practice. Contains areas of expertise, company profile and publications. http://www.etplaw.com/ |
107. Ernst & Young Ernst Young practices also provide legal services in those parts of the world where programs, and systems with your overall global business strategy. http://www.ey.com/ |
108. 12--Runaway Children The site provides bibliographies of publications related to the runaway experience in various categories such as international works , bibliographies and resource books , shelters, law enforcement and psychology , and legal, congresses and legislation . http://www.preciousheart.net/Main_Archives/Crisis-Grief_Archive/12--Runaway Chil | |
109. Charles Russell LLP Offering a range of commercial and private legal services. Includes service information and online publications. Located in London, Surrey and Guildford. http://www.cr-law.co.uk/ | |
110. Welcome To The American Pet Product Manufacturers Association (APPMA) Notfor-profit trade association. Includes publications, news, legal information, and industry directory. http://www.appma.org/ | |
111. RAILBIKES's Home Page An association of railbike enthusiasts organized to promote safe and legal railbiking on abandoned rails. Provides newsletter, Railbike International Messenger (RIM), publications and maps. http://members.aol.com/RAILBIKES/ | |
112. Roma Report Report from the Columbia Law School, November 1997. http://www.pili.org/publications/roma/ | |
113. GEPLAC - Home Includes overview, event details, staff list and publications. http://www.geplac.org | |
114. Legal Aid Department Latest news, general information, legal aid schemes, panel, and ordinances, and publications. http://www.info.gov.hk/lad/ |
115. Weiss & Weissman, Attorneys At Law Directory Of Business Legal Publications For Return to Homepage. business Directory. business Formation. business Entities Fees. http://www.wwlaw.com/bus.htm | |
116. Women's Centre For Legal Aid Counseling Jerusalembased Palestinian NGO providing a legal and social network for women in need of it. With news, eyewitness accounts, UN documents, books and publications. http://www.wclac.org/ | |
117. Kalligram Foundation - Center For Legal Analyses Provides commentary, publications and analysis focusing on humen rights and minority legislation. http://www.cla.sk |
118. AEPLAC - Armenian-European Policy And Legal Advice Centre Presents activities, legal inventory, publications, books database, staff, news and links. http://www.aeplac.am/ |
119. UMKC School Of Law University of MissouriKansas City School of Law Continuing legal Education programs and publications. http://www.umkc.edu/law/cle | |
120. Welcome To LexisNexis Canada legal and accounting publications in a variety of formats, including textbooks,law reports, newspapers, and CDROMs. http://www.butterworths.ca | |
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