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41. G. Edward White Review The William And Mary Quarterly, 58.3 This semiotic turn holds the promise of making legal documents, of omissionthat would have a powerful impact on American legal history amid the flurry http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/wm/58.3/br_1.html | |
43. Idiot Legal Arguments Section Six Idiot legal Arguments A Casebook for Dealing with Extremist legal Arguments perp s FOIA request that the IRS work up its own legal history and proof of http://www.militia-watchdog.org/suss6.asp | |
44. Legal Novels: An Annotated Bibliography legal Novels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 legal process, legal history or special problems or institutions of law. http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/lpop/etext/kretschman.htm | |
45. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, FindLaw for legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that as representing several strands in the State s political and legal history. http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=000&invol=03-1500 |
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47. Sacco Vanzetti Project Press Release as the first case in American legal history in which the complete legal record Some were never part of the legal record but have become important to http://www.saccovanzettiproject.org/pages/press/press.htm |
48. Transblawg: Dtv-Atlas Recht/Legal 'atlas' Margaret Marks Weblog on GermanEnglish legal translation. I bought thePenguin Atlas of World history (in two volumes) last week - it s scheduled for http://www.margaret-marks.com/Transblawg/archives/000796.html | |
49. History Matters Search Covers legal, social, and cultural aspects of segregation, black community researching American diplomacy, constitutional, political, and legal history. http://historymatters.gmu.edu/search.php?function=find&toppol=1&wwwhist=1 |
50. History Collections Policy Religious and legal mediaeval history are emphasised in the Department. Law The Faculty of Law collects works on legal history, particularly Canadian http://gateway.uvic.ca/dept/col/policies/histpol.html | |
51. Accounting History: Towards The Great "Desideratum": The Unification Of The Acco However, while ever there were no legal restrictions upon the use of the title Copyright Accounting history Special Interest Group of Accounting http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3933/is_200411/ai_n10297976 | |
52. From Robertson's The Baconian Heresy by making their nonlegal personages use terms which none but lawyers couldunderstand! There is no question of legal knowledge in the matter. http://www.sourcetext.com/lawlibrary/robertson/heresy3/06.htm | |
53. Aural Metaphors In Law And Legal Discourse - Professor Bernard Hibbitts he growing popularity of aural metaphors in contemporary American legal The history of Western culture over the past 125 years suggests that the recent http://www.law.pitt.edu/hibbitts/meta_p3.htm | |
54. History | Undergraduate Program history 285 Topics in Historical Analysis legal Thought in the American Significant works of legal history will serve to introduce students to major http://www.history.emory.edu/undergrad/atlas/fall01.html | |
55. AllRefer.com - Temple, The (Legal Terms And Concepts) - Encyclopedia Temple, the, legal Terms And Concepts. Related Category legal Terms And Here the lord mayor officially receives personages from outside the City. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/T/TempleLon.html | |
56. A History Of The General Councils - AD 325 Through AD 1870 - Mgr. Philip Hughes These laws are the work of a legal genius; and they are but a fraction of what a great movement of research into the past legal history of the Church. http://www.christusrex.org/www1/CDHN/coun12.html | |
57. Book Review: "By The Book: Legal ABCs For The Printed Word" Chapter 1 A legal Viewpoint, covers threshold legal issues in the publishing concern Native Americans or other events or personages in the Southwest. http://www.rjg.com/rjg/bybook.html | |
58. Social Sciences and Law, US history, Psychology and Sociology, World history FindLaw legalInternet Guide Find legal information on the Internet from online code, http://www.merritt.edu/~lrc/social.html | |
59. The Tichborne Claimant The Tichborne Claimant litigation was a long and complex legal motion, action in British legal history, per capita it remains the most expensive. http://www.sniggle.net/tichborne.php | |
60. Zangyan Research Into Politics and legal System.?In the last decade or more, including the legal Status of Tibet in history (a Chinese translation) by Li http://www.tibetinfor.com.cn/tibetzt-en/zxyj/01/01_03.htm |
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