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61. Lebanon - GEOGRAPHY lebanon. geography. Size Approximately 10452 square kilometers. Topography Fourmajor features running roughly from north to south coastal strip, http://www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-7918.html | |
62. Embassy Of Japan/Links To Lebanon/Geography bltdb.gif (155 bytes), Wood of the World, Cedar of lebanon bltdb.gif (155bytes), Contribution from lebanon to the International Year of the Ocean http://www.lb.emb-japan.go.jp/geography.htm | |
63. Lebanon's Geography lebanon s geography. Location Middle East, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea,between the Holy Land of Palestine and Syria. Geographic coordinates 33 50 N, http://www.ghazi.de/geogrt.html | |
64. Lebanon's Geography: Climate lebanon s geography. Climate. lebanon has a Mediterranean climate characterizedby a long, hot, and dry summer, and cool, rainy winter. http://www.ghazi.de/climate.html | |
65. Property Frontiers | Lebanon : Geography lebanon geography. 10452 sq km, borders Israel, Syria. 180 km eastern Mediterraneancoastline. Mount lebanon and Anti lebanon mountain ranges. http://www.propertyfrontiers.com/countries/lebanon/geography.html | |
66. About.com Geography - Lebanon - Geography.about.com - Lebanon Maps and geography data about lebanon. Advanced Home About.com geography lebanon. About.com geography - lebanon, Tell a Friend http://www.lebweb.com/site/lebanon-geography-about-21306 | |
67. Lebanon : Geography, People, Politics, Government, Economy, Transport lebanon geography, People, Policy, Government, Economy, Communication,Transportation, Military http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/infopays/wfb.php3?CODEPAYS=LIB |
68. Lebanon : Geography, Population, Cities, Map, Flag, Gdp Gnp Economy, Travel Tour lebanon geography, maps, flag, statistics, photos and cultural informationabout lebanon. http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/country_information.php?Pays=LIB |
69. GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Middle East - Lebanon - Geography Facts And Figures geography information for lebanon. geography note, Nahr el Litani onlymajor river in Near East not crossing an international boundary; http://www.geographyiq.com/countries/le/Lebanon_geography.htm | |
70. List Of Lebanon-related Topics: Information From Answers.com List of lebanonrelated topics The following is a list of people, places, and villages in lebanon - Elections in lebanon - geography of lebanon - Gulf http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-lebanon-related-topics | |
71. CIA - The World Factbook -- Lebanon Damascus justifies its continued military presence in lebanon by citing Beirut s geography note. Nahr el Litani only major river in Near East not http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/print/le.html | |
72. Lebanon , Lebanese American Association , LAA Welcome to lebanon. Hopefully you enjoy our guided tour of lebanon. In this tourwe will expose you to the Lebanese experience geography of lebanon http://www.laa.org/tours/tourmap.htm | |
73. Maps Of Lebanon - Lebanese Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Res lebanon Maps of the World Interactive World Fact Book - Lebanese Flags, Maps,Economy, geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, http://www.geographic.org/maps/new2/lebanon_maps.html | |
74. European Association For Middle East Studies (EURAMES) British Urban warfare was a characteristic of military operations in lebanon between 1975and By a curious displacement of elementary geography, East Beirut was http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/900/902/MICHAEL-Davie/Post-War.html | |
75. Al Mashriq - Articles geography (See also the section on geology). lebanon and Beirut Articles onthe history and geography of Beirut By May and Michael Davie. http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/geography.html | |
76. World InfoZone - Lebanon Information - Page 1 lebanon Information Page 1 geography Environment Architecture Population Languages Religion Food History Economy Arts http://www.worldinfozone.com/country.php?country=Lebanon |
77. Cedarland - The Lebanon Site Ancient and modern history of lebanon. geography, demography, economy, governmentof lebanon. The Phoenicians. Maronites and lebanon. http://www.cedarland.org/ | |
78. Geography Of Lebanon The geography and Demography of lebanon. geography of lebanon. History andexplantion of the flag and the Cedar of lebanon http://www.cedarland.org/geog.html | |
79. Republic Of Lebanon lebanon. geography Language Celebrate Lebanese Cuisine Education Public geography. lebanon is 10452 sq. km and has 4.3 million people. http://www.lebanonembassyus.org/Kids/Facts.htm | |
80. GEsource - Search Results For lebanon geography and Maps GEsource World Guide This page provides maps ata variety of scales and geographic data for lebanon, and forms part of the http://www.gesource.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/fullrecordsql.pl?handle=2005228-938 |
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