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21. Service Learning: Disabilities And Special Needs Students And Service-Learning: National Servicelearning Clearinghouse. special education/disabilities Links. Can Service-learning Play a Role? Keeping in PACE/special ed 3, no. http://www.servicelearning.org/lib_svcs/bibs/disab_sel/ | |
22. American Teachers: Free Special Education Resource For Identifying And Inclusion ESubjects special ed lessons History of special education Database special education Inclusion. Top. learning disabilities http://www.americanteachers.com/specialed.cfm | |
23. SERSP: Learning Disabilities: Bilingual/Bicultural: University Of Arizona Colleg Foundations of special Education Rehabilitation. learning disabilities Core (18). SERP 505. Introduction to learning disabilities (3). SERP 507a http://www.ed.arizona.edu/specialed/ldbilingual.html | |
24. JS Online: Learning Disability Label Used Less, But Explanations Vary Children with learning disabilities make up about 38% of the special education That should happen with any student whether they re special ed or not. http://www.jsonline.com/news/wauk/oct04/267927.asp | |
25. Nolo's IEP Guide: Learning Disabilities Next B. special education and learning disabilities. Back to Top. The Complete IEP Guide How to Advocate for Your special ed Child http://www.nolo.com/product.cfm/ObjectID/6383438D-6F9F-4A83-979310DC11EA847A/sam | |
26. Nolo's IEP Guide: Learning Disabilities B. special education and learning disabilities. A child with a learning disability has The Complete IEP Guide How to Advocate for Your special ed Child http://www.nolo.com/product.cfm/objectID/6383438D-6F9F-4A83-979310DC11EA847A/sam | |
27. Education World ® - Lesson Planning: Understanding Kids Who Are Different: Acti special ed. Teacher Resources disabilities. Related Articles Additional sites that help students understand learning disabilities include these http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson115.shtml | |
28. Learning Disability Or Language Development Issue? ÂBillngual special education Specific learning disabilities in language and (ed 329 131). Root, C. (1994) ÂA guide to learning disabilities for the ESL http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/special_education.php | |
29. NCCU School Of Education | Departments > Department Of Special Education > M.A.T Department of special education. MAT learning disabilities ed. Tech. Instructional Tech. Overview special Endorsement in Computer education (18079) http://www.nccu.edu/soe/departments/special_ed/mat_ld.htm | |
30. CSU 2004-2005 Catalog, Course Requirements, MEd Special Ed, Learning Disabilitie special Education learning disabilities. Area 1 Professional Core Required Hours 6 EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology Achievement for Diverse Learners http://academics.colstate.edu/catalogs/2004-2005/reqs/COE_MED_SPECld.htm | |
31. Amby's Education Site -- Specific Learning Disabilities Sharyn Neuwirth, M.ed http//www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/learndis.htm Office of special education learning disabilities Listing of resources provided http://amby.com/educate/SLD.html | |
32. Special Education Program - Educational Psychology (University Of Minnesota) licensure opportunities in the areas of developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, Admission checklist for the M.ed. in special education http://education.umn.edu/EdPsych/SpecialEd/default.html | |
33. Camp Huntington High Falls, NY Coed, overnight, 7-week program serving 6-21 year old campers with learning and Developmental disabilities, ADD, PDD, autism and other special needs. Located in High Falls, New York. Activities, daily schedule, facilities, dates, rates, and information request form. http://www.camphuntington.com/ | |
34. Learning Disabilities LD OnLine is the leading Web Site on learning disabilities, learning disorders Dr. SpearSwerling is Professor of special Education and Reading and Area http://www.ldonline.org/ | |
35. Special Education, Learning Disabilities Resources For Special Education A nationwide directory of professionals who serve the learning disabilities and special education communities. http://www.iser.com/index.shtml | |
36. Special Education, Learning Disabilities Advocacy, Legal Advice,Attorneys And La special Education Advocacy Professionalsadvocates, attorneys, lawyers. http://www.iser.com/CAadvocacy.html | |
37. Council For Exceptional Children While CEC supports ed s decision to provide alternative methods of assessing an international authority on learning problems and special education, http://www.cec.sped.org/ | |
38. Learning Disabilities OnLine - LD-Indepth: Special Education/IDEA information on learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/special_education/ | |
39. Effective Techniques Information about special education and disabilities. Department of Human learning and Development and John Lloyd (johnl@virginia.edu) of the University http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/sped/projects/ose/information/interventions.h | |
40. NICHCY Publications: News Digests Interventions for Students with learning disabilities (ND25) Children with disabilities who are eligible for special education may also receive related http://www.nichcy.org/newsdig.asp | |
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