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61. CNN.com - Florida To Build Two Public Law Schools Simultaneously - May 29, 2000 CNN http://cnn.com/2000/LAW/05/29/florida.law.school/index.html | |
62. All Law - Schools And Education - Law Schools Links to law schools by state. Home Schools and Education law schools.Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut http://www.alllaw.com/schools_and_education/schools/ | |
63. OUAC: Professional Applications - OLSAS The Ontario Law School Application Service (OLSAS) is a nonprofit centralizedapplication The definitive guide for applying to law schools in Ontario. http://www.ouac.on.ca/olsas/ | |
64. Lawschools (Lexadin) law schools. Click the globe for world map or choose a country from list.Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bolivia Bulgaria Brasil China http://www.lexadin.nl/wlg/lawsch/nofr/lawsch.htm | |
65. Monash University, Law As one of Australia's largest and most prestigious law schools, Monash Law enjoys a broad teaching base, strong international links and a worldclass reputation. http://www.law.monash.edu.au/ | |
66. U.S. Law Schools News Brief St. Thomas University School of Law News Releases from US law schools. http://web-5.interliant.com/stu/dmregis.nsf/lsn | |
67. Maori Law Review Decisions of the MÃÂori Land Court and general courts, reports of the Waitangi Tribunal and publications of government and law schools. http://www.bennion.co.nz/mlr/index.html | |
68. A2ZColleges.com - Education, Community, Graduate, Language, Law, Medical, Dental Alphabetical listing of community, graduate, management, law, dental and medical schools, colleges and universities around the globe. http://www.a2zcolleges.com/ | |
69. ÂÂÂÃÂÂÂÃ¥Âw Faculties of liberal arts, business, law, and economics, grad schools, and international programs. Located in Tokyo. http://www.asia-u.ac.jp/english/ | |
70. Fiqh-us-Sunnah A translation of five of Sayyid Sabiq's popular summaries of Islamic law according to the four main schools. Covers purification and prayer; supererogatory prayer; zakaat and fasting; funerals and dhikr; hajj and umrah. http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/law/fiqhussunnah/ | |
71. Archived: Religion In The Public Schools: A Joint Statement Of Current Law A statement drafted by 35 religious and publicpolicy organizations, in an effort to find common ground on the issue of religious expression in public schools. http://www.ed.gov/Speeches/04-1995/prayer.html | |
72. Title IX: Schiller Law Firm Mandates gender equity in high school and junior high athletics. Read about recent enforcement in public schools. Schiller law Firm, with Professor Ray Yasser, has filed numerous lawsuits. http://www.schillerlawfirm.com | |
73. California Safe Schools Coalition An organization offering research, news and details of the law. http://www.casafeschools.org/ | |
74. Drug Abuse Recognition Training - Bruce R. Talbot And Associates Trains employers, schools, and law enforcement to recognize and document drug impairment. Other services include expert witness. http://DrugRecognition.com | |
75. Háskólinn à ReykjavÃk - ForsÃða Consists of three schools the schools of Business, School of Computer Science and School of law. In addition, the university offers executive education. http://www.ru.is | |
76. Law Library - Boston College Located in Newton Centre (Boston), Massachusetts. The general collection contains approximately 348,000 volumes. Electronic access is provided to indices and abstracts of US congressional publications, Hein's United States Treaty Index, and several other CDRom collections. The microform collection includes UN and US congressional documents, US Supreme Court briefs and session laws from all of the United States. Research affiliations Research Library Group, New England Library Consortium. http://www.bc.edu/schools/law/library/ | |
77. Home Specializes in training for public service agencies; law enforcement, schools, medical facilities, government agencies. http://www.jdwesson.com/ | |
78. National Institute Of Justice Research Report: The Appropriate And Effective Use National Institute of Justice Research Report. This document provides basic guidelines to law enforcement agencies and school administrators and encourages their collaboration as they decide what, if any, security technologies should be considered as they develop safe school strategies. http://www.ncjrs.org/school/home.html | |
79. U Of Iowa: Journalism And Mass Communication Resources Resources on journalism in general, working journalists' resources, cyberjournalism, diversity in mass communication, media law, news sources, Journalism schools, Ezines; online searching guides, and Journalism jobs. Hosted at the University of Iowa. http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/journalism/ | |
80. Connecticut Bars Schools From Suggesting Drugs For Kids A new Connecticut law prohibits schools from suggesting that children with attention deficit disorder be put on Ritalin or other moodaltering drugs amid concerns kids are over-medicated. Diane Orson reports on Morning Edition, from NPR. Realaudio format. 353 in length. http://www.npr.org/ramfiles/me/20011217.me.10.ram | |
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