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121. Openlaw: Golan V. Ashcroft Open law public forum for collaboration and discussion on the case challenging the Sonny bono Copyright Term Extension Act and restoration of expired copyrights. http://eon.law.harvard.edu/openlaw/golanvashcroft/ | |
122. DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary DLA Piper earmarks over 41000 hours to pro bono work as it significantly expands CSR activity , 22 July 2005, With more than 2900 lawyers located in 20 http://www.dlapiper.com/ | |
123. Probono.net | Self Help Support In addition, pro bono Net has provided the web platform and software that allows DialA-LawThe Canadian Bar Assoc. provides free plain language legal http://www.selfhelpsupport.org/index.cfm | |
124. LawMoose Minnesota - Pro Bono & Pro Se Center pro bono pro Se Center Easyto-use, well-organized information. Hundreds of legal and government topics. Browse or search. State and federal coverage http://www.lawmoose.com/index.cfm?Action=Library.&Topic=MN102097 |
125. DMCA And The Politics Of Copy Protection@Everything2.com Paper by Damian Yerrick about under the table laws such as the bono Act and the DMCA sponsored by corporate lobbyists that dilute the public's right to publish. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=952746 |
126. LawHelp: National Home Page and advocates who provide free legal services to people with low and moderateincomes. Use the menus below to reach existing probono.net practice areas. http://www.lawhelp.org/ | |
127. If You Are A Legal Aid Volunteer, And Enjoy The Following Receive WomanView Governor Signs 5 Child Support Bills Into law (08/12/2005); LSC Publishes Final Rule on Financial Eligibility for LSC-Funded Services http://www.illinoisprobono.org/ | |
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