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61. College Of Law : Pro Bono The largest legal training and education establishment in Europe. With centres in Birmingham, Chester, Guildford, London (Moorgate and Bloomsbury) and York, http://www.college-of-law.co.uk/20165.html | |
62. GSU College Of Law :: Registrar :: Pro Bono Information The College of law at Georgia State University, located in Atlanta, Georgia, can offer you extraordinary educational opportunities. At the College of law, http://law.gsu.edu/registrar/probono.php?version=html |
63. Varnum Law - Pro Bono Work Varnum Riddering Schmidt Howlett Attorneys at law Varnum s primary vehicle for providing pro bono legal services is its active participation in the http://www.varnumlaw.com/about/probono.php | |
64. Moritz College Of Law - Pro Bono Research Group pro bono Research Group Moritz College of law The Ohio State University 55 West 12th Avenue Columbus OH, 43202 pbrg@osu.edu Phone (614) 6888693 http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/pbrg/ | |
65. Moritz College Of Law - Pro Bono Research Group (Woodside Speaker Series) The Moritz College of law s pro bono Research Group will host a symposium as part of the Woodside Speaker Series on the right to housing for lowincome http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/pbrg/woodside.html | |
66. Georgetown Law- Pro Bono pro bono Challenge A new program to the law Center, the pro bono Challenge encourages students to perform at least 75 hours of lawrelated pro bono work http://www.law.georgetown.edu/opics/probono.html | |
67. University Of Manitoba - Faculty Of Law - Pro Bono Students Canada Welcome to pro bono Students Canada! Information for students Information for organizations. Information for Lawyers. http://www.umanitoba.ca/law/pbsc/ | |
68. University Of Manitoba - Faculty Of Law - Pro Bono Students Canada pro bono Students Canada ÂPBSCÂ - is a national network of law schools and community organizations that matches law students who want to do pro bono work http://www.umanitoba.ca/law/pbsc/pbsc_students.shtml | |
69. Pro Bono Program Logo for the law school s pro bono program. pro bono program. How to Reach the pro bono Office. The pro bono Office is located in the Office of http://indylaw.indiana.edu/career/probono.htm | |
70. De Montfort University - Law - Pro-Bono Work probono refers to legal work that involves students, law teachers and De Montfort law School currently offers two regular kinds of pro-bono work http://www.dmu.ac.uk/faculties/business_and_law/law/law_probono.jsp |
71. The District Of Columbia Pro Bono Legal Crier. Spring, 2005. Legal News For Pro Legal news and information for pro bono attorneys and paralegals practicing in the DC Consumer law, Family law, Organizations, Veterans Advocacy http://www.dclegalcrier.com/ | |
72. ABA Standing Committee On Pro Bono And Public Service Comments Sought on proposed Interpretation of law School pro bono Accreditation The new interpretation addresses whether non lawrelated pro bono http://www.abaprobono.org/ | |
73. Untitled The pro bono Students Canada website is temporarily unavailable. A new version will be published during the summer. http://www.law.utoronto.ca/probono/ | |
74. University Of Toronto - Faculty Of Law: Prospective Students The pro bono and Public Interest law Education and Awareness program has been informing and inspiring law students about public interest law since 2000. http://www.law.utoronto.ca/prosp_stdn_content.asp?itemPath=3/12/4/0/0&contentId= |
75. Pro Bono Resources Elder law project (LIFE) pro bono attorneys supervise students representing SJ Quinney College of law - pro bono Initiative, Family law Section of the http://www.utahbar.org/public/pro_bono_resources.html | |
76. SJ Quinney College Of Law We hope that law students who make pro bono work a part of their education will In addition to matching up law students and attorneys, the pro bono http://www.law.utah.edu/career/probono/ |
77. Stetson University College Of Law - Student Life All pro bono requirements must be completed 6 months prior to graduation. College of law requires that students fulfill a pro bono requirement. http://www.law.stetson.edu/studentlife/probono.asp | |
78. Santa Clara University School Of Law : Pro Bono Project public interest social justice law faculty services scholarships financial support certificate curriculum news events clinic intern volunteer death penalty http://www.scu.edu/law/socialjustice/pro_bono_project.html | |
79. Law Society Of New South Wales - Pro Bono Scheme pro bono Scheme. Application for pro bono Referral. The law Society encourages its members to undertake pro bono legal services as part of their wider http://www.lawsociety.com.au/page.asp?partID=6744 |
80. Pro Bono Law - MegaLaw.com pro bono law web links and resources, at Megalaw.com. http://www.megalaw.com/top/probono.php | |
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