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81. Columbia University Libraries Maintains specialized collections related to area studies, architecture and art, biology, chemistry, business and economics, history and humanities, geology and geoscience, health sciences, law, journalism, and other areas. Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries, Research Library Group. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/ | |
82. Online NewsHour: Libraries And Liberties -- June 18, 2003 Transcript of a report on libraries and the Patriot Act. PBS http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/law/jan-june03/library_6-18.html | |
83. Explodedlibrary.info A cross of libraries, culture, law, politics and the internet. http://www.explodedlibrary.info/ | |
84. Contra Costa County Public Law Library Location and directions, hours, holiday schedule, staff, policy, collection, and services. Online access to research information about California law, Federal law, legal reference sources, other libraries and Internet search tools. http://www.cccpllib.org/ | |
85. New York University Libraries Research collections include law, medical and dental studies, environmental medicine, real estate, mathematics, the fine arts, conservation, and nearEastern studies. Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries, Research Library Group. http://library.nyu.edu/ | |
86. JS Online: Some State Libraries Purging Records The Wisconsin Library Association has warned libraries about the new federal Patriot Act, leading some to purge circulation records to protect privacy, and others to begin warning patrons about the law's effects. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel http://www.jsonline.com/news/state/oct03/175277.asp | |
87. NSU - Shepard Broad Law Center - Law Library & Technology Center Contains 348,000 volumes and volume equivalents, including state and federal documents, special collections, and other electronic resources. It is in the top 25% of current subscriptions among law school libraries. http://www.nsulaw.nova.edu/library/index.cfm | |
88. Cornell University Library Gateway Research collections include Africana, industrial and labor relations, society and economics, engineering, entomology, the fine arts, law, management sciences, mathematics, medicine, music, and the physical sciences. Special collections include rare books and manuscripts, veterinary science. Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries. http://www.library.cornell.edu/ | |
89. Legal Research Center Legal research solutions for law offices and libraries, covering all jurisdictions, practice areas and legal topics. http://www.lrci.com/ | |
90. West Group Legal research solutions for law offices and libraries. http://www.westgroup.com/ | |
91. Record Supply From RLG Databases Through RLIN21 RLIN, the Research libraries Information Network, is an information management and retrieval system used by hundreds of comprehensive research libraries, archival repositories, museums, academic, public, law, technical, and corporate libraries for cataloging, interlibrary loan, and archives and manuscripts control, and to build an international database of bibliographic information which includes a bibliographic database, The English Short Title Catalogue, and authority files. http://www.rlg.org/rlin.html | |
92. S.J. Quinney College Of Law At The University Of Utah SJ Quinney law Library Interior. UNIS Quinney law/Marriott libraries Marriott Library Eccles Health Sciences Library World Catalog http://www.utah.edu/redirect-rl-library-Law-Library/www.law.utah.edu/library/ | |
93. Cassidy Cataloguing Services Offers cataloging services and consulting for law and business libraries. http://www.cassidycat.com/ | |
94. John E. Jaqua Law Library The law Library holdings appear on the University of Oregon libraries online catalog. The law Library may be used by UO students, faculty and staff, http://lawlibrary.uoregon.edu/ | |
95. Law Library - Brandeis School Of Law - University Of Louisville Brandeis law School Home U of L Home University libraries Contact Us. University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of law Library Girl with http://library.louisville.edu/law/ | |
96. LibDex - Worldwide Index Of Library Catalogues, Web Sites And Friends Of Librari Provides a list of academic, law, K12, government, First Nations, medical, public and religious libraries. http://www.libdex.com/ | |
97. Law Library Association Of St. Louis Includes services provided and links to various local and national libraries. http://tlc.library.net/lla | |
98. The George Washington University Law School - Library Information & Services: Jacob Burns law Library GW libraries Other libraries Employment Opportunities Friends of the law Library Burns Dispatch http://www.law.gwu.edu/Burns/ | |
99. UNBSJ Ward Chipman Library University Of New Brunswick Saint John The library of UNB Saint John offers a full slate of services including searches, search tips, links to other systems, law, engineering and science libraries, general information, news, events and resources for librarians. http://www.unbsj.ca/library/ | |
100. PACE UNIVERSTY LIBRARY:: Please Wait... Consisting of the Henry Birnbaum Library in New York City, the Edward Doris Mortola Library in Pleasantville, and the law and Graduate Center libraries in White Plains. http://library.pace.edu/ |
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