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61. George Mason University School Of Law: Faculty: Faculty News Jump to Navigation. George Mason University School of law calendar contact us news people finder site map Home Faculty Faculty news http://www.gmu.edu/departments/law/faculty/news.php | |
62. Employment Law Information Network Employment law reference site for lawyers and human resource professionals. Articles, forms, policies and Get Your Employment law news Daily by Email http://www.elinfonet.com/ | |
63. News And Events, School Of Law, Northwestern University Northwestern law hosted the first national conference on Teaching Contract Drafting to provide Facilities Resources law Library news Events http://www.law.northwestern.edu/news/ | |
64. The CDC Public Health News public health law news. To subscribe to the weekly CDC Public Health law news, visit http//www.cdc.gov/subscribe.html. For help with subscriptions or http://www2a.cdc.gov/phlp/weeklynews.asp | |
65. Public Health Law Resources: States Directories, Presentations, Publications The CDC Public Health law news is a weekly email digest of current, The news presents occasional features highlighting the law behind the news, http://www2a.cdc.gov/phlp/cphln.asp | |
66. Centre For Innovation Law And Policy: News And Events add new text here. The Centre for Innovation law and Policy is an academic centre devoted to the study of laws, institutions and policies that affect, http://www.innovationlaw.org/pages/1news.html | |
67. INNOVATION LAW FORUM: Intellectual Property Law the announcement Wednesday that SCO s licenses are available worldwide. article. Older news Stories Visit the Intellectual Property law Archive http://www.innovationlaw.org/lawforum/pages/intellectual_property_law.htm | |
68. Law Library News The law Library news column appears in The Crier, the weekly University of The column features news on law Library policies, legal research tips, http://lib.law.washington.edu/news/LawLibNews.html | |
69. UW Law Librarianship - Alumni News Briefs Alumni news Briefs. Browse Most Recent Previous 10 Next 10 Changes in Evaluation Methods for Academic law Libraries. http://lib.law.washington.edu/lawlibrarianship/ahNewsBriefs.asp | |
70. Environmental Law Institute news from the Institute. The Environmental law Institute is widely respected as a nonpartisan organization specializing in legal analysis and not known for http://www2.eli.org/pressmain.cfm | |
71. VH1.com : Unwritten Law : Artist Main Audio clips, news, links, reviews, and chat trascript. http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/id_23131/artist.jhtml | |
72. LawMeme Posted by Rebecca Bolin on Monday, August 01 @ 160932 EDT news. A friend volunteering for the Innocence Project at Cardozo School of law sent me this http://research.yale.edu/lawmeme/ | |
73. Law And Order News From NZCity Most Popular Recent law and Order news. 20 Jul No surprise at celebrity drug involvement law and Order, NZ news, newsLinks, NZ Web. Power Search http://home.nzcity.co.nz/news/default.asp?cat=980 |
74. IP Mall - Pierce Law - IP At Pierce Law - IP Library News SELECT news SELECT news Pierce law IP in the news, IP Faculty Speak to the Press, Pierce law Founder Rines in the Press, Pierce law IP Library news http://ipmall.info/news_activities/news_library.asp | |
75. Special Report - Outdated Oversite: Michigan's Campaign Finance Law - The Detroi Donors skirt campaign finance law LANSING Millions of dollars in unregulated contributions are pouring Read more special reports by The Detroit news http://www.detnews.com/specialreports/2005/campaignfinance/ | |
76. Stetson University College Of Law - Centers For Excellence Elder law Courses. AARP. Other Elder law. Elder law news and Events. General Information on Trial Advocacy. Trial Team, Moot Court, Client Skills Board, http://www.law.stetson.edu/centers/ | |
77. Court Agrees 'partial Birth' Law Unconstitutional - U.S. News - MSNBC.com An appeals court on Friday upheld a ruling that a federal ban on socalled partial-birth abortions is illegal. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8511662/ | |
78. Thurgood Marshall Law Library - Library News Thurgood Marshall law Library news The Thurgood Marshall law Library has the most important documents for researching City laws. http://www.law.umaryland.edu/marshall/librarynews/current.asp | |
79. Thurgood Marshall Law Library - Library News University of Maryland School of law logo. skip to page content Library news Archive. Coverage Spring 2002 present. Current Library news. Spring 2005 http://www.law.umaryland.edu/marshall/librarynews/archivelist.asp | |
80. UK: Authorities Must Act Immediately On Law Lords Ruling - News.amnesty - Amnest Amnesty International is relieved at today s ruling of a panel law Lords that legislation, adopted in the United Kingdom in the aftermath of the attacks in http://news.amnesty.org/index/ENGEUR450332004 | |
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