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21. Law.com - Litigation Practice Center IP law, Litigation, Tech law. PracticeSpecific news More news Some elder law attorneys see the decision as momentous, with an impact likely to http://www.law.com/jsp/pc/litlaw.jsp |
22. Police & Law Enforcement - Officer.com Police Site: News, Community, Links & Mor The police source. Leading news and information source for the police, law enforcement community. http://www.officer.com/ | |
23. Officer.com: Current Issue Of Law Enforcement Product News Industry news The latest developments in law enforcement. Â Calendar of Events Trade shows and training courses. Â Classifieds. Â Advertiser Index http://www.officer.com/magazines/lepn/current.shtml | |
24. JURIST - Legal News And Research law news and legal research in realtime, reported and edited by law students and faculty at the University of Pittsburgh School of law. http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/ | |
25. Electronic Discovery Law Commentary, news and best practices relating to discovery of electronically stored information, from the Washington firm, Preston Gates Ellis LLP. http://www.ediscoverylaw.com/index.xml | |
26. FindLaw Legal News Select a Practice Area, Administrative law, Admiralty Maritime law Findlaw.com LEGAL news Top Headlines · Supreme Court · Commentary · Crime http://news.findlaw.com/ | |
27. FindLaw Legal News Sports law news Sports law Guide. Index of links to sports law resources including web sites, caselaw, articles, associations and more. http://news.findlaw.com/legalnews/sports/ | |
28. Cal Law: California's Legal News Source law.com state and regional resources provide you with local and national news, cases and developments. http://www.callaw.com/ | |
29. Law & Entrepreneurship News law Entrepreneurship news will be taking a break for the summer, but we plan to be back in Welcome to law Entrepreneurship news for Blawg Review 4. http://entrepreneur.typepad.com/news/ | |
30. RSS News Feeds For Law In The Legal Research Guide Find RSS (rich site summary) news feeds that cover legal topics or issues. The Legal Research Guide at The Virtual Chase assists researchers in their quest http://www.virtualchase.com/resources/rss_law.html | |
31. Law Policy CORANTE Tech news. Filtered Daily. Home Industry news law Policy. Industry Insiders, Apple, Brain Waves, Customer Intelligence, Get Real, Going Global http://www.corante.com/policy/ |
32. Law Technology News - Main Monthly magazine with technology updates, articles and technology company press releases for the legal profession. http://www.lawtechnews.com/ | |
33. University Of Miami School Of Law: The University of Miami School of law Located in one of the world s most exciting and international metropolitan areas, with a renowned faculty, http://www.law.miami.edu/news/368.html | |
34. OUT-LAW.COM: IT And E-commerce Legal Advice And Support OUTlaw has 5000 pages of free legal news and guidance, mostly on IT and e-commerce issues. These issues can affect any organisation, and OUT-law is as much http://www.out-law.com/ | |
35. Santa Barbara & Ventura Colleges Of Law Classes offered in both Ventura and Santa Barbara, California. The site provides information on programs offered by the Colleges, including admissions/application information, California accreditation information, and information about news and events at the Colleges. http://www.santabarbaralaw.edu/ | |
36. The 'Lectric Law Library's Legal News And Events Room Newsworthy legal happenings, stories, court cases about the Clinton problems, OJ, the Oklahoma City Unibombings, and more plus the Library s usual http://www.lectlaw.com/top.html | |
37. FAQ: Wi-Fi Mooching And The Law | CNET News.com FAQ WiFi mooching and the law Is it legal to use another s network without asking? Is it OK to share your own network? It s not always clear. http://news.com.com/FAQ Wi-Fi mooching and the law/2100-7351_3-5778822.html | |
38. Electronic Discovery Law : Preston | Gates | Ellis Commentary, news and best practices relating to discovery of electronically stored information, from the Washington firm, Preston Gates Ellis LLP. http://www.ediscoverylaw.com/ | |
39. Left Gets Nod From Right On Copyright Law | CNET News.com Left gets nod from right on copyright law A prominent federal judge warns of an enormous expansion of intellectualproperty law, adding a conservative http://news.com.com/2100-1023-966595.html | |
40. DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary Excerpts from Aspen law Publisher's journal, with subscription information. http://www.gcwf.com/gcc/GrayCary-C/News--Arti/Journal/journal.doc_cvt.htm | |
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