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41. Welcome To Chinese Civil Law Forum - CCLAW.NET contract law, company law, partnership law, and sole proprietorship law) a series of laws on sources of law, contract, and business organizations, http://www.cclaw.net/ | |
42. "Every Client Is This Office's Most Important Client" (415)841-1000 Burlingame firm providing services to small businesses, corporations and individuals for a wide range of civil matters, including contract disputes, personal injury, consumer law, criminal defense, and real estate. http://www.lawsuite.net/ | |
43. Canadian Contract Law. Contract Lawyers. A contract is a promise or a set of promises, the breach of which the law givesa remedy or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a http://www.canadianlawsite.com/contracts.htm | |
44. Problems In Contract Law, By Knapp, Crystal And Prince Contracts textbook for students, professors and practitioners, from Aspen Publishers. http://www.knappcrystalprince.com/ | |
45. Contract.principles - Lex Mercatoria: Private International Commercial Law TOC linked Principles of European contract law 2002 by the Commission on Europeancontract law. TOC linked TOC table of contents for individual articles http://www.jus.uio.no/lm/private.international.commercial.law/contract.principle | |
46. The Principles Of European Contract Law 1998, Parts I And II(Parts I And II Comp (b) have not chosen any system or rules of law to govern their contract. (1) A party may avoid a contract for mistake of fact or law existing when the http://www.jus.uio.no/lm/eu.contract.principles.1998/doc.html | |
47. Mirabella & Kincaid, P.C. | Illinois Family Law Attorneys Wheaton Corporate Comm Wheaton firm handling family law, zoning and annexations, corporate law, real estate law, criminal defense, and tort and contract litigation. http://www.mirabellakincaid.com/ | |
48. CLFAQs: Alberta - LABOUR LAW - Contract Of Employment Canadian Legal FAQs answers frequently asked questions about the law in Canada.Information is available on many legal topics. http://www.law-faqs.org/ab/lab-con.htm | |
49. Law-Write Associates, LLC contract writing services from a New York attorney. http://www.law-write.com/ | |
50. What We Offer - Areas Of Law - Contract Drafting And Management contract DRAFTING AND MANAGEMENT, spacer. spacer. CORPORATE law AND GOVERNANCE,spacer. spacer. COURTS AND TRIBUNALS, spacer. spacer. CRIMINAL law, spacer http://www.ags.gov.au/whatweoffer/areasoflaw/contract.htm | |
51. Marwan Al-Hussein & Sons Law Office: Home Specializes in commercial and business affairs including Company law, contract law, Banking law, and Maritime law. http://www.mahlaw.com/ | |
52. ERA - ACADEMY OF EUROPEAN LAW - Contract Law European contract law Trier, 1718 Nov 2005. Seminars on request Europeancontract law in Community law Hans Schulte-Nölke,Rainer Schulze (ed. http://www.era.int/web/en/html/nodes_portal/4_2012_273/4_1803_71.htm | |
53. About The Firm Advice for writers and theatre workers on copyright, trademark, libel and contract law. Includes free Helpful Articles section. http://copylaw.com/aboutus.html | |
54. Franchise Lawyers And Services In Chicago, Illinois Based in Chicago and provides franchise law and litigation services such as breach of contract, fraudulent inducement, intellectual property matters, trademark infringement. http://www.franchiselawfirm.com/ | |
55. Internet Law - Contract Internet law contract - Updated August 2, 2005. America Online Inc. v.Robert Pasieka, et al. 2004 Fla. App. Lexis 764, No. 1D03-2290, (Fla. http://www.phillipsnizer.com/library/topics/contract.cfm | |
56. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Compromise (In Canon Law) In a general sense, a mutual promise or contract of two parties in controversy to refer their differences to the decision of arbitrators. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04189a.htm | |
57. KL Scott Associates Firm of quantity surveyors and project managers. Can Also provide construction law information. http://www.btinternet.com/~k.l.scott/ | |
58. Personal Injury Claims Attorney Trial Lawyer Jacksonville, TX Roland Brown Law O Jacksonville firm offering services for personal injury, professional negligence, commercial litigation, real estate and contract disputes. http://www.yourlawyertexas.com/ | |
59. Lovins & Metcalf Attorneys At Law Practice includes litigation, corporate, probate, real estate, contract, employment and intellectual property law. http://www.lovinslaw.com |
60. International Payroll | Human Resources Specialising in international employment regulations, terms and conditions and employment contract documents and local labour law. http://www.compandben.com/ | |
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