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81. Making Civics Real: A Workshop For Teachers: Tools For Teaching From this page, you can quickly access the eight original lesson plans that are Students prepare their cases and engage in a mock trial. Other lessons http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/civics/toolsforteaching/lessoncollect/ | |
82. NPS Curriculum In addition, law enforcement, incarceration, and the court system will be examined . Possible Curriculum Connections. Unit lesson plans http://cdb.needham.k12.ma.us/4DACTION/DoDisplayCourse/256 | |
83. The Law Connection - Censorship/Book Banning Lesson Plan lesson Plan Censorship/Book Banning lesson Plan participate in a mock trialthat is based on a judicial review of an administrative decision. http://www.lawconnection.ca/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=16 |
84. Fifth 30 Days- Fourth Grade Social Studies Title law Professionals lesson Plan. Annotation This is the seventh lesson in in a mock trial that is appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court. http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/seqlps/sudspres.asp?SUID=268&SSUID=281&SSTitle=Fourth G |
85. Outline B. lesson plans and appropriate Blackline Masters Hold a mock trial aboutone of the rights in the Bill; Make a story board with captions of the Bill of http://rims.k12.ca.us/symbols_freedom/pages/outline.htm | |
86. KCSOS : History / Social Science : Mock Trial The Kern County mock Trial Program is funded with a grant from witness statements,official exhibits, and simplified rules of evidence), lesson plans on http://ci.kern.org/socialScience/mocktrial | |
87. Lesson Plan Taken From: Http://school the main activity of this lesson is a mock trial that outlines both sides due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, http://www.cmhep.org/E17Internment/Supp/mocktrial.htm | |
88. 90.02.10: Acting Up In Contemporary Law Contemporary law is a freshman history course offered throughout New Haven. lesson planÂmock Trial Development. Objectives Students will rehearse mock http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1990/2/90.02.10.x.html | |
89. Lesson Plan - CELEBRATIONS MINI-UNIT mock Trial and Guided Discussion Explain to students that the courts have often had Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/billrigh.htm | |
90. Public Service items include lesson plans, posters, books, audiotapes and over 740 video tapes mock Trial a statewide mock trial competition in which high school http://www.okbar.org/public/outreach/projects.htm | |
91. Maureen Ryff, Wheatland High School, Wheatland, WY ARREST Offer opinions about what the verdict should be in a mock trial and explain As an introduction to a unit on the law, I staged a mock arrest in one of my http://www.col-ed.org/cur/sst/sst12.txt | |
92. K-12 Lessons (ABA, Law Day, Division For Public Education) Lessons about the law and legal topics for use with students in grades K12.Can be used by teachers, lawyers, Due Process Yertle the Turtle mock Trial http://www.abanet.org/publiced/lawday/schools/lessons/home.html | |
93. ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan lesson Plan Selector. Grade Band, All Grades, K2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 Test theExploring the Judicial System Through a Literary mock Trial Travelogue on http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=799 |
94. Frankenstein - Literature Lesson Plan (grades 9-12) - DiscoverySchool.com Tell students that they are going to stage a mock trial of Victor This lessonplan may be used to address the academic standards listed below. http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/frankenstein/ | |
95. An Interview With Richard Roe, "Street Law: Lessons For Life" , EJournal USA: Is Street law Lessons for Life in Access to the Courts Equal Justice for All the Street law is most noted for the popularization of the mock trial as a http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itdhr/0804/ijde/roe.htm | |
96. Presumed Guilty. Research The System | PBS. An Anatomy of a Criminal Trial This article on the Nolo law for All site mock Trial lessons. Anatomy of a Murder A Trip Through Our Nation s Legal http://www.pbs.org/kqed/presumedguilty/3.1.0.html | |
97. Mock Trial Scripts (K-12) mock trial activities for grades K2. This free booklet features ÂThe Case of the Puppy, a five-day lesson plan for grades K-1 and another for grade 2. http://www.classbrain.com/artteensm/publish/article_66.shtml | |
98. Frequently Asked Questions Are there special funds available to support a Street law course? Some statecenters also organize mock trial competitions, mediation showcases, http://www.streetlaw.com/faq.html | |
99. Digital History lesson Plan Information If necessary, review the trial process beforebeginning the mock trial. Throughout the unit, monitor students to make sure they http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/historyonline/lesson_plans_display.cfm?lessonID |
100. ATLA Protecting Your Rights : When Justice Is Up To You lawRelated Education (LRE) Programs Appendix A State and Local Trial lawyerOrganizations Download the complete lesson plan. (PDF, 101 pages - 11.6mb) http://www.atla.org/private/ld05/lessonplan.aspx | |
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