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41. Teaching Street Law As Part Of The Curriculum In South Africa (ALT Bulletin 107) opinion polls, mock trials, debates, field trips and street theatre. law An ideal street law lesson deals with law, policy, conflicting values and http://www.lawteacher.ac.uk/bulletin/107e.html | |
42. Law-Related Education Freedom Forum s First Amendment Center lesson plans on the the First National High School mock Trial Championship - The National High School 2005 http://www.jud.state.ct.us/lawlib/education.htm | |
43. Programs Of The Classroom Law Project More about mock Trial. law Day. May 3, 2006. 750 high school students from Oregonand SW Project Citizen curriculum is a focal point. lesson plans http://www.classroomlaw.org/programs/ | |
44. Social Studies Lesson Plans And Resources Thomas Cooper A Violation of the Sedition law A lesson plan using mock TrialThe Titanic Interesting lesson plan for trying the case Jensen vs. http://www.cloudnet.com/~edrbsass/edsoc.htm | |
45. ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan As a class, view an appropriate trial from TV, such as law and Order, or a movies, Lessons that integrate a jury component into mock trials based on http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view_printer_friendly.asp?id=799 |
46. Arkansas Bar Association | Mock Trial Program | Overview Encourage interest in learning about the law. Benefits of mock Trial Registration the mock trial office, including lesson plans for guiding mock trial http://www.arkbar.com/mocktrial/mocktrial_details.html | |
47. Constitutional Rights Foundation--Product Catalog mock trials take students to the heart of the justice system. The ACT Handbookfor Teachers (Second Edition) features new lesson plans, http://www.crf-usa.org/marketing/catalog.html | |
48. The Law Connection - Current Issue - Lesson Plans The following two lesson plans were developed for the Grade 9 Social Studies Subject Social Studies, law. Topic mock Trial Judgement on Nuremberg, http://www.educ.sfu.ca/cels/past_lesson1.html | |
49. Florida Law Related Education Association - What's New! Students do not have to participate in the mock trial competition to enlist Street law, Inc. have teamed up to develop an innovative set of lesson plans http://www.flrea.org/oldflrea/newer.html | |
50. Instructional Materials In Canadian Studies In addition, there are links to instructional materials (lesson plans) which lists of law Related bibliographies, for examples sources of mock trial http://www.cln.org/subjects/can-studies_inst.html | |
51. The Delaware Law Related Education Center, Inc.     :-:     Law Day  Programs. lawyer in the Classroom law Day mock Trial We the People The American Bar Association develops lesson plans each year to be used by http://www.delrec.org/lawday.php | |
52. Pennsylvania Bar Association |K-12 Education Programs the Constitution, Project PEACE, law Day, mock Trial and Stepping Out. It provides actual lesson plans, links to grant opportunities and other http://www.pabar.org/educationprograms.shtml | |
53. Carl Vinson Institute Of Government - (404) Error - Page Not Found You can contact Anna Boling for additional ideas and lesson plans which may be Participation of judges and lawyers with mock trials on First Amendment http://www.cviog.uga.edu/programs/lre/lreweek.html | |
54. Social Studies Lesson Plans 25) The purpose of this lesson plan is to present to elementary students the 11-12) Through participation in mock trials and analysis of the activity, http://www.theteachersguide.com/socialstudies.html |
55. Mr Donn's American History - U.S. History Lesson Plans, Homework Help Civil Rights Segregation lesson Plan (23 days) with Supporting Material (Original Abraham Lincoln (mock trial, lessons, Presidents Day activities) http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/American.html | |
56. Street Law Interactive Available in an easyto-use binder with step-by-step lesson plans, Street LawMock Trial Manual (1984) is based on 20 years of know-how in classroom http://www.streetlaw.org/content.asp?ContentId=236 |
57. Security, Law, Protection And Investigation Career Guide lessons and Strategies law and Government Trial by Jury lessons Vocational andCareer Related lesson plans Who Dunnit http://www.khake.com/page28.html | |
58. Social Studies Lesson Plans Social Studies lesson plans. Social STUDIES Elementary (K-5) mock Trialinformation (11-12) sst108.txt Government, Develop skill to resolve issues in http://www.col-ed.org/cur/social.html | |
59. Washington Courts mock trials Plea Bargaining Problem Solving Religion Search and Seizure Lessons tied to the Street law curriculum are indicated by double asterisks (**) http://www.courts.wa.gov/education/lessons/?fa=education_lessons.lphigh |
60. Arizona - Search over 600 downloadable LRE lessons and mock trials from the Arizona Foundationfor Legal Services and law Related Education Program mock Trial http://www.lawforkids.org/Teachers/Lessons/ | |
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