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61. Educom Review This branch is closely related to the law of defamation, legal issues and should not in any way be construed as legal advice. http://www.educause.edu/apps/er/review/reviewArticles/29610.html | |
62. Drexel University: College Of Law: Intellectual Property and policy issues facing creators and innovators in an Information age, Rather, it will focus on the legal and economic implications of the new http://www.drexel.edu/law/intellectualproperty.asp | |
63. MURANE BOSTWICK, LLC Attorneys At Law Questions About If you have a question or a problem which may involve legal issues or Civil Rights in EmploymentÂFederal law. age Discrimination in Employment Act http://www.murane.com/employ.html | |
64. Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center - Fact Sheet: Legal Issues For LGBT Caregi ageÂand especially for older adultsÂcertain legal and financial issues become These issues and other related issues are of major importance to LGBT http://geroweb.usc.edu/lacrc/caregiverissues/FactSheets/lgbtlegal.htm | |
65. Center For Law, Technology And The Arts - Case School Of Law on the theoretical and doctrinal issues related to the law of copyrights. The students will advise their clients on a variety of legal issues http://www.law.case.edu/centers/lta/content.asp?content_id=13 |
66. Diotalevi Emerging new technology has created new legal issues in this respect. The age of information has The law of copyright has entered the age of cyberspace. http://www.westga.edu/~distance/diotalevi21.html | |
67. UNODC - Bulletin On Narcotics - 1985 Issue 2 - 019 legal issues relating to judicial decisionmaking in respect of young drug addicts Some type of law is necessary for controlling drug-related offences http://www.unodc.org/bulletin/bulletin_1985-01-01_2_page020.html | |
68. Morgan Lewis : Practices > Employee Benefits/Executive Comp - Legal, Law Firm, L We offer our clients a complete array of legal services related to executive Advice regarding employment law and labor relations issues related to http://www.morganlewis.com/index.cfm/nodeID/56cbb4c6-b5bb-4552-b7e3-186b1432a5f7 | |
69. Business & Human Rights : Age Discrimination good link legal issues Burden on companies grows UK related topics good link Federal ruling may open door for IBM age discrimination claims USA http://www.business-humanrights.org/Categories/Issues/Discrimination/Agediscrimi | |
70. Office Of Legal Affairs -- Employment Issues Under The Law A Guide to legal issues in Health Care EMPLOYMENT issues UNDER THE law These laws include Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the age http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/legal/empis.html | |
71. A To Z Of Legal Issues A to Z of legal issues. Everything you need to know from A to Z about going The age of your users impacts the Web site. According to Federal Trade http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/0,4621,307747,00.html | |
72. Korea - Age Of Sexual Consent of discriminatory sexual offence laws and their Even outside age of consent issues, there are many laws in Korea which......Samesex female legal http://www.ageofconsent.com/korea.htm |
73. THE MERCK MANUAL--SECOND HOME EDITION, Introduction In Ch. 9, Legal And Ethical legal Terms related to Health Care. Competency The right to manage oneÂs own affairs (bestowed at age 18 in most states). Incompetency The inability to http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec01/ch009/ch009a.html | |
74. Age Laws Could Expose UK Employers To £73 Billion In Litigation Costs For the first time, the new age laws will rank ageism alongside other forms of Can you provide evidence that salaries and benefits are not age related? http://www.management-issues.com/display_page.asp?section=research&id=545 |
75. Internet Resources In Aging - Employment, Retirement, Finances, Dying, Medicare Housing and Long Term Care law and legal issues Leisure, Learning, AARP fights for issues that matter to you. Support our advocacy work today. http://www.aarp.org/internetresources/ | |
76. Elsevier.com - Telecommunications Law In The Internet Age Telecommunications law in the Internet age To order this title, The legal Texts 5.5.2 WTO Established and Absorbed GATT 5.5.3 Annex 1A?1994 GATT 5.5.4 http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/677927 | |
77. AMA (Alcohol) Minimum Legal Drinking Age Includes a brief history of the minimum legal drinking age MLDA - and Effects of minimum drinking age laws on alcohol use, related behaviors and http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/13246.html | |
78. Law & Government For Seniors And Baby Boomers Information about legal and political issues of special interest to seniors such as and noneligible retirees without violating age discrimination laws. http://seniorliving.about.com/od/lawpolitics/ | |
79. Full Circle Of Care Caregiver Website This law states that a parent or legal guardian of a minor may designate, The Center was created to address the financial and legal issues faced by http://www.fullcirclecare.org/grandparents/grandlegal.htm | |
80. ALA | Copyright The Digital age presents new challenges to fundamental copyright doctrines Copyright issues are among the most hotly contested issues in the legal and http://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/WOissues/copyrightb/Default1964.htm | |
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