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21. Latvia Vacation Guide: Romantic Latvia Cruises, Latvia Honeymoons, Getaways, Spa latvia geography. Location Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, between Estonia and Lithuania Geographic coordinates 57 00 N, 25 00 E http://www.travelwizard.com/europe/Latvia1196_Geography.html | |
22. Geography Of Latvia: Information From Answers.com Geography of Latvia Between 55.40 and 58.05 latitude and 20.58 and 28.14 longitude, Latvia lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea on the level. http://www.answers.com/topic/geography-of-latvia | |
23. Latvia Atlas Entry Latvia continues to revamp its economy for eventual integration into various Western latvia geography History Anthem Politics Economy Demography http://www.abacci.com/atlas/country.asp?countryID=246 |
24. Geography Of Latvia Geography of Latvia. Map of Latvia. Location Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, between Estonia and Lithuania. Geographic coordinates 57 00 N, http://www.abacci.com/atlas/geography.asp?countryID=246 |
25. Latvia - Percevia latvia geography. Continent. Continent. Bordering the Baltic Sea, Eastern Europe latvia geography. Europe Click for a larger map. Continent. Continent http://www.percevia.com/explorer/db/world_fact_book/obj/418/target.aspx | |
26. Latvia Geography. Latvia borders Estonia on the north, Lithuania in the south, the Baltic Sea Atlas Latvia Facts on Latvia flags, maps, geography, history, http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107706.html | |
27. Geography - Merriam-Webster's Atlas Latvia Location of Latvia Ethnic Composition. Official name Latvijas Republika (Republic of Latvia). Form of government unitary multiparty republic with a http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/nytmaps.pl?latvia |
28. GEsource World Guide - Latvia Geography and Maps. A collection of maps and geographic information for Latvia, including outline, Latvia is located in Europe, in the timezone GMT 2. http://www.gesource.ac.uk/worldguide/html/937_map.html | |
29. Latvijas UniversitÃÂte www.lanet.lv/members/LU/geography_geol_env/ 1Up Travel latvia geography and FactsTravel portal offers the countrys geography. Includes details on topography, location, terrain, map references, area, land boundaries, climate, http://www.lanet.lv/members/LU/f_geog.html | |
30. LATVIA Geography Population Map City And Cities Coordinates Location Geographical database, places and cities in the whole world. http://www.tageo.com/index-e-lg.htm | |
31. LIEPAJA LATVIA Geography Population Map City And Cities Coordinates Location Geographical database, places and cities in the whole world. http://www.tageo.com/index-e-lg-v-16.htm | |
32.  Country Information - CountryReports.org Land Area 63589 sq km Water Area 1000 sq km Highest Point Gaizinkalns 312 m Lowest Point Baltic Sea 0 m » Additional latvia geography Information http://www.countryreports.org/country.aspx?countryID=138&countryName=Latvia |
33. Latvia Geography Latvia is located on the eastern coast of the Baltic sea. There are different soils from light sandy till heavy clay in all parts of country. http://www.hridir.org/countries/latvia/ | |
34. Traveljournals.net - Geography Of Latvia Geography of Latvia. Ads Travel Insurance Latvia Hire Cars. Geography of Latvia. Locations in Latvia A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/latvia/geography.html | |
35. MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Geography Of Latvia Latvia Flag and Anthem Latvia Flag and Anthem. Geography of latvia geography of Latvia. Wetland in Latvia Wetland in Latvia http://encarta.msn.com/media_701702853_761577313_-1_1/Geography_of_Latvia.html | |
36. Economy And Transportation (from Latvia) --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia latvia geography Overview of this country of northeastern Europe. Provides notes on geography, government, economy, society, transportation, communications, http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?tocId=203680&ct= |
37. CIA WORLD FACTBOOK 1995 Via The Libraries Of The University Of Match 138 DB Rec 7590 Dataset-WOFACT Title Latvia Text latvia geography Location Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, between Estonia and http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/lps35389/1995/wf950137.htm |
38. CIA - The World Factbook -- Latvia Lists information about the geography, form of government, economy, industries, telecommunications, and defense capabilities. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/lg.html | |
39. ABC Country Book Of Latvia - Geography Flag, Map, Economy, Geography, Climate, N latvia Interactive Factbook geography, Flag, Map,geography, People, Government, Economy, Transportation, Communications. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/latvia_geography.html | |
40. Latvia: Selected Internet Resources (Portals To The World, Library Of Congress) Part of the Library of Congress. Includes annotated links to business, culture, education, embassies, genealogy, geography, the environment, government, politics, law, history, literature, libraries, media, recreation and travel. http://www.loc.gov/rr/international/european/latvia/lv.html | |
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