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81. Latin America Sites The site includes a teacher guide and activities and resources. Edit This site is filled with links to resources about latin America. Edit http://oswego.org/staff/cchamber/resources/latinamerica.cfm | |
82. Border Studies Curriculum The NMSU Center for latin American and Border Studies, with a grant from the books and other outside resources have been recommended if the teacher is http://www.nmsu.edu/~bsc/ | |
83. Latin American Connections: School Connections latin American Authors in English Translation (Ohio State) Virtual Resource Station for Ohio Spanish teachers (Ohio State) http://www.coe.ohio-state.edu/mmerryfield/global_resources/modules/LAConnections | |
84. Random House Academic Resources Irish Studies, Jewish Studies, latin American Caribbean Studies American Academy of Arts and Letters The American Academy of Arts and Letters http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/ | |
85. Latin American And Caribbean Library - Resources At U.S. Institutions Center for North American Studies A teaching and research center for North latin American Resource Center - A center for educational resources by the http://www.library.uiuc.edu/lat/other.html | |
86. Birkbeck College Library - Resources For Spanish And Latin American Studies latin American and Caribbean library resources in London a guide (7th edtion 1997. Internet resources. Internet for Modern Languages A free teach http://www.bbk.ac.uk/lib/spsubject.html | |
87. The Consortium In Latin American & Caribbean Studies At The University Of North latin America and the Caribbean from a Global Perspective A Resource Guide for This is a teaching resource manual for secondary school teachers http://www.duke.edu/web/carolinadukeconsortium/K-16_community/lendinglibrary.htm | |
88. University Of Liverpool Library, Internet Resources For Latin American Studies To provide a key service in supporting learning and teaching in languages, These resources include research papers written by latin American studies http://www.liv.ac.uk/library/subjects/arts/las/lasintres3.html | |
89. Re: Latin America TEFL Resources ESL jobs, EFL jobs, TESL jobs, TEFL jobs, TESOL jobs, ELT jobs Teach English Overseas. In Response To latin America TEFL resources (eigoman) http://www.tesolmax.com/discussion/index.pl?noframes;read=921 |
90. Testimony Of Fernando Unzueta CLAS supports the development of latin Americancontent courses. Our colleagues write textbooks, prepare teaching resources, and conduct research on http://edworkforce.house.gov/hearings/109th/sed/internationaled042205/unzueta.ht | |
91. Latin American, Caribbean & Latino Resources Center for latin American, Caribbean and latino Studies You are welcome to visit our Community Conections and Academic resources sections where you may http://www.umass.edu/clacls/lacl_resources.html | |
92. New Resources latin AMERICA TeacherÂs Manual. By ML Clardy and KE Waldron. TEACHING ABOUT NICARAGUA Resource Packet for Secondary Schools. http://www.uvm.edu/~uvmcwe/lateurcan.html | |
93. Electric Teacher- Thematic Resources Each page has links to excellent resources to help enrich the teaching and Government Immigration latin America Maps Globes Middle Ages http://www.electricteacher.com/resources.htm | |
94. EGK Teaching Resources Teaching resources site for Dr Geoffrey Kantaris, Dpt of Spanish and Portuguese, If you are looking for the Home Page of the Centre of latin American http://www.cus.cam.ac.uk/~egk10/ | |
95. International Studies Resources Teaching About Africa, Africa America the African Diaspora (Twoday institute Teaching resources from the Center for latin American Studies Maps, http://ias.berkeley.edu/orias/internat.html | |
96. Implementing "Exploring Humanitarian Law" In Latin America regional delegations in latin America have been asked to carry out. We must not forget that EHL is a set of teaching resources designed to help http://www.icrc.org/web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList568/F9ED4E2DA39E0A30C1256DF20043 | |
97. K12> Latin American Resources For Educators resource materials dealing with latin America, the Caribbean and the US a teacher training workshop that focused on latin American affairs, http://scout.wisc.edu/Projects/PastProjects/NH/96-07/96-07-19/0044.html | |
98. University Of North Carolina Institute Of Latin American Studies Courses the Consortium receives resources that significantly enrich the curriculum. In addition to encouraging research and teaching of latin American subjects, http://www.unc.edu/depts/ilas/about.html | |
99. Awesome Library - English latin America (Netpoint Communications) latin American resources (University of Texas) Spanish Teaching resources (TeachSpanish.com) http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/English/Languages/Spanish.html | |
100. RETANET: Resource For Teaching About The Americas Using Cartograms to Learn about latin American Demographics APS Resource Center. Grade Level 68 Subject Area American History, Western Hemisphere http://retanet.unm.edu/index.pl?section=1996LPs |
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