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41. USAID Job Opening regional information OFFICER for latin AMERICA and the CARIBBEAN (LAC) in SANJOSE, COSTA RICA. latin America and the Caribbean are extremely vulnerable to http://www.globalcorps.com/orgs/gov/usaid/jobs/ofdareginfoofflac42899.html | |
42. LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES A Brief Annotated Bibliography Part three contains regional information primary commodities, ISLA /information Services on latin America. Oakland, Calif. ISLA. 1985 to date. http://lal.tulane.edu/lasbib.html |
43. Annual Report 1994-1995 - Section On Regional Activities: Latin America And The Section on regional Activities latin America and the Caribbean require Caribbeanand latin American information professionals to be willing to accept http://www.ifla.org/VII/s27/annual/ann95.htm | |
44. Infolac The three best educational Web portals in latin America will be awarded based on information on related actors in education, at the national, regional http://infolac.ucol.mx/observatorio/pinfolac2004-eng.html | |
45. Outlook For Latin America And The Caribbean - Environmental And Sustainability I From UNEP regional Office for latin America and the Caribbean. Norberto Fernandez -regional Coordinator Environmental information, Assessment and Early http://www.ciat.cgiar.org/indicators/lacproj.htm | |
46. IDB - News - IDB PROMOTES COOPERATION AMONG COUNTRIES OF LATIN AMERICA AND CARIB latin American Network of Educational Portals $2150000 for the creation of a a regional information system on public debt and the training of experts. http://www.iadb.org/NEWS/Display/PRView.cfm?PR_Num=135_05&Language=English |
47. Latin American News This new electronic service is intended to replace the assorted regional Daily INFOSOUTH latin American information System (licensed for UCSD only) http://gort.ucsd.edu/news/hc.html | |
48. UNCCD - United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification This page provides access to information on meetings sorted by date. Ninth regional Meeting of latin American and the Caribbean country Parties to the http://www.unccd.int/regional/lac/meetings/meetings.php | |
49. World Area Studies Internet Resources V. Britto s latin American Site Talking About Development Galaxy Central America;Mexico South RAITnet regional Arab information Technology Network http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/socialsci/area.html | |
50. Regional Tax Programme For Central And Latin America The regional programme for latin America addresses the following issues to enable to facilitate the crossborder exchange of information between tax http://www.oecd.org/document/19/0,2340,en_2649_34625_1909523_1_1_1_1,00.html | |
51. Washington Escalates Military Buildup In Latin America national commandand-control systems, and improve regional information-sharing . As during the Cold War era, the links with latin AmericaÂs military http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/jan2003/la-j23.shtml | |
52. Latin American Studies latin American regional Reports. Mexico NAFTA Report latin American regionalReports Maintained by the latin American Network information Center. http://library.willamette.edu/webstation/subject/latin/ | |
53. Regional Information: New Mexico Provides health information for the people of the border region. Consumer HealthMaterials in Spanish LANIC (latin American Network information Center http://nnlm.gov/scr/outrch/new_mexico.htm | |
54. Contemporary Latin America: Mexico, Central America, And The Andean Region In addition to encyclopedic resources for latin America as a region, Web Resources for Country regional information (Davis Library Quick Reference) http://www.lib.unc.edu/reference/instruction/Span54a.html | |
55. Regional Beneficiary Menu For Region All Of Latin America & Canada Beneficiary information specific to All of latin America Canada RegionalPharmacy information, How to Fill a Prescription. Important Phone Numbers http://www.tricare.osd.mil/regionalinfo/list.cfm?RegionID=16 |
56. Latin America And The Caribbean Debated Regional Priorities For The Information latin America and the Caribbean debated regional priorities for the information The people that participated in the 2nd Clara Meeting (latin American http://www.rnp.br/en/news/2002/not-021011.html | |
57. Latin American Region Workshop Recommendations The participation of latin American technology in the space science projects of The establishment of a regional information centre specifically oriented http://www.seas.columbia.edu/~ah297/un-esa/ws1992-observations.html | |
58. University Of Alberta Libraries Indexes information on latin America. Many records include full text or links to Country and regional information. Mergent Online Country Profiles http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/business/latinamerica/index.cfm | |
59. Internet Public Library: Regional & Country Information Resources that are related to a specific nation or region, but don t Europe andCanada (Directory); latin America and the Caribbean (Directory) http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/rci00.00.00 | |
60. Primary & Secondary Education In Latin America - LANIC Where advanced students need more indepth information, please visit the appropriatecountry or Historical Text Archive for latin America Except Mexico http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/k-12/ | |
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