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41. PATTERNS OF GLOBAL TERRORISM, 1994: LATIN AMERICAN OVERVIEW latin America continued to have a high level of international terrorist activity, Rebel organizations also targeted petroleum companies and infiltrated http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/terror_94/latin.html | |
42. 1991 Global Terrorism: Latin America Overview A record number of international incidents occurred in latin America during Chilean terrorist organizations, which had targeted US interests in record http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/terror_91/latin.html | |
43. LACLA Resources latin American Cinema Home Page (University of Georgia Libraries) links to and to various film organizations through latinAmerica (retired site). http://www.lacla.org/resources.html | |
44. Latin American Youth Center the latin American Youth Center (LAYC) will replicate its proven youth While there are some organizations in Prince Georges and Montgomery County http://www.layc-dc.org/laycmd/default.html | |
45. Fathom :: The Source For Online Learning latin American Civil Society NonGovernmental organizations and Democracy FromColumbia University By Douglas Chalmers http://www.fathom.com/feature/121591/ | |
46. International IDEA | The Americas IDEA works with major organizations to strengthen democracy in latin America . Women in Politics in latin America, Caracas, Venezuela http://www.idea.int/americas/index.cfm | |
47. UNDP News Bulletins Written by and for latin americans, Democracy in latin America is the most A system of electing authorities but also a form of organization that http://www.undp.org/dpa/pressrelease/releases/2004/april/0421prodal.html | |
48. The Inter-Agency Consultation On Race In Latin America (IAC) participating organizations; and maintain a dialogue with Afrolatin Americanleaders Regional Forum of Black Central American organizations Tenth http://www.thedialogue.org/iac/eng/ | |
49. U-M International Center: Work: Work In Latin America Working in latin America can take the form of volunteer work, Of the nearly100 organizations profiled, around 20 offer placements in latin America. http://www.umich.edu/~icenter/overseas/work/latinamerica.html | |
50. Latin America And The Caribbean Overview Adolfo A. Franco, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for latin America and the Narcotics wealth gives large trafficking organizations a practically http://www.state.gov/p/wha/rls/rm/30320.htm | |
51. AllThyroid.org: Thyroid Physician Organizations Thyroid Physician organizations. American Association of Clinical The latinAmerican Thyroid Society is an association of latin American scientists http://www.allthyroid.org/resources/physician.html | |
52. International Conference Of The Round Table On Archives In latin America, most human rights archives developed from the immediate and These organizations gathered and preserved information that latin American http://www.ica.org/new/citra.php?pcitraprogramid=58&plangue=eng |
53. Latin AmericaÂRights And Religious Freedom The overwhelming majority of latin americans are also nominally, This areaof the New World is served by the Organization of American States (OAS), http://www.religiousfreedom.com/Conference/Germany/davis.htm | |
54. Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign Members of the religious community, organizations of the poor from latin America, She also discussed the need for the poor from latin America, http://www.kwru.org/updates/2001/3-19-00.html | |
55. Organization Of Africans In The Americas OAA addresses the OAS (Organization of American States) This is the firstsuch address to the Council on the matter of Black latinamericans. http://www.afrocubaweb.com/oaa.htm | |
56. UL > Subject Guide > Latin American Women Studies International organizations CLADEM latin American and Caribbean Committee forthe Defense of Women s Rights. Isis Internacional - servicio de información http://elibrary.unm.edu/subjects/la_women.php | |
57. Immigration Shift: Many Latin Americans Choosing Spain Over U.S. Slowly at first, and very rapidly in the late 1990s, latin American workers Founded in 1969, Pacific News Service is a nonprofit media organization http://www.imdiversity.com/villages/hispanic/world_international/pns_immigration | |
58. Carnegie Mellon Libraries History Latin American History latin American and Caribbean History. Associations, organizations, and Institutes.For additional listings, see History Associations, organizations, http://www.library.cmu.edu/Research/Humanities/History/latinamerica.html | |
59. Private Organizations (L-M) LCCR is a coalition of 180 organizations representing minorities, women, labor, LEAGUE OF UNITED latin AMERICAN CITIZENS (LULAC) FOUNDATION PO Box 902 http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/crd/private/lm.htm | |
60. James Petras: The Centrality Of Peasant Movements In Latin America activating urban classes, trade unions, civic groups and human rights organizations.Data from most latin American countries over the past quarter of a http://www.counterpunch.org/petras06042005.html | |
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