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61. Institute For Connectivity In The Americas :: Connecting People. Connecting Idea Connecting people. Connecting Ideas. Connecting the Americas. WALC 2003 latin American and the Caribbean Workshop oÂn Internet Technology Networks http://www.icamericas.net/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=208 |
62. Biographical Resources / UTSA Library Subject Guide Encyclopedia of latin American History and Culture Location JPL Reference Stacks notable American WomenThe Modern Period; A Biographical Dictionary http://www.lib.utsa.edu/Research/Subject/biographyguide.html | |
63. WWW-VL: History: American West History Index: American Westward Expansion: Ameri THE AMERICAN WEST people Westward MAP latin America Political Map.American Presidents with a Name the president quiz, and president crossword puzzle. http://www.ku.edu/kansas/west/people.htm | |
64. Notable AfroBorincanos an abreviated list with short biographies and photos of the most notable black art and became known as the most gifted of latin American rococo artist. http://www.elboricua.com/AfroBorinquen_people.html | |
65. ADLAI E. STEVENSON: A VOICE OF CONSCIENCE The 1952 Campaign Better to lose the election than mislead the people During the summer of 1961, Stevenson toured latin America, trying to persuade http://www.harvardsquarelibrary.org/unitarians/stevenson.html | |
66. Research By Subject: Latin American Studies people Organizations, Web Resources, Further Research, Course Home Pages The following is a selected list of resources in latin American Studies. http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/sst/las/guide/path.htm | |
67. Latin America And The Caribbean Lead The Developing World In Providing HIV/AIDS ? Today latin America and the Caribbean lead the developing world in providing for more than half of all people on antiretrovirals in developing countries. http://www.news-medical.net/?id=2808 |
68. Open: Open Source In Latin America After embarking on a field trip, and talking to lots of people, latin Americancountries should be more aggressive about mandating Open Source. http://www.open-mag.com/features/Vol_97/OSLA/OSLA.htm | |
69. Central And South America Women's History latin American female film director, from Argentina. a radical conference onlatin American issues, focusing on the notable absence of women delegates. http://womenshistory.about.com/od/latinamerica/ | |
70. AIDS Epidemic Update: December 2004 Latin America 10 million million people are living with HIV in latin America. Shadowing theconsiderable variation in latin AmericaÂs epidemics, however, http://www.unaids.org/wad2004/EPIupdate2004_html_en/Epi04_09_en.htm | |
71. Maya, Indigenous People Of Mexico And Central America: Maya Prehistory Maya, indigenous people of Mexico and Central America Maya Prehistory Statistical Data Included) (latin American Antiquity) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0859547.html | |
72. Global Views On Bush's Reelection Substantial Minority Now Feels Worse Toward American people  The most negativecountries are western European, latin American and Muslim ones. http://www.pipa.org/OnlineReports/BBCworldpoll/html/bbcpoll011905.html | |
73. PUERTO RICO HERALD: A Bilingual America? The Trend Among Hispanics Suggests Not Alba uncovered some notable exceptions to the trend, finding that larger Fiftythree percent of those immigrants were born in latin America and half had http://www.puertorico-herald.org/issues2/2005/vol09n12/BilingAmer.shtml | |
74. Notable Facts notable Facts gives a chronological overview of important facts from New Jersey Europe and latin America repopulated the stateÂs declining cities, http://www.scc.rutgers.edu/njwomenshistory/notablefacts.htm | |
75. 99:2 Newsletter On Hispanic/Latino Issues In Philosophy - Crossing The Borders O Of course, the panels on latin American Philosophy were not exhaustive of in latin American philosophy, the single most notable division at the http://www.apa.udel.edu/apa/publications/newsletters/v99n2/hispanic/article-varg | |
76. WhatÂs Holding Back Latin America? : Globalization : HBS Working Knowledge What s holding back latin America? At Harvard Business School s recent studentrun The afternoon session on Success Stories was notable, in part, http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item.jhtml?id=2827&t=globalization |
77. Publications And Resources: Kellogg Foundation, Latin America And Caribbean Panel The Context of Youth in latin America Young people represent 40% ofthe population in the region; they are the future and have immense potential. http://www.wkkf-lac.org/Programming/Resources.aspx?NID=3,14&LanguageID=0 |
78. LATIN AMERICA GOES SOUTH: Political Reform In Latin America Have free market reforms caused stagnation in latin America? They key to thiswhole thing is reform so that the people participate in the system much http://www.uncommonknowledge.org/900/921.html | |
79. People Puerto Rico, at Colby College s latin American studies speaker series people with SAD may not be as in sync with their 24hour internal clock, http://www.voice.neu.edu/960516/people.html | |
80. People Among the findings people are working more hours than ever; delivered apresentation on latin America at the Alliance for the Commonwealth Board of http://www.voice.neu.edu/960125/people.html | |
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