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41. NYPL, The Spanish-American War Research Guide Handbook of latin American Studies. Gainesville University of Florida Press, *RAGW 93-7087 and HPR 93-6609 Illustrated list of notable people from http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/spanamerwar/general.html | |
42. Colorado Christian University-Biography Resources A65 H35 1999; Artists from latin American cultures REF N 6502.5 . notable womenscientists - REF Q 141 .N736 1999; people of the century - REF CT 120 http://www.ccu.edu/library/subjectguide/biography.asp | |
43. What Young People Think - Latin America And The Carribean the Southern Cone and Central America; and drug addiction and alcoholism which person or character do you admire most?, it is notable that more http://www.unicef.org/polls/tacro/participation/ |
44. What Young People Think - Latin America And The Carribean with the highest levels of concern being reported in Central America (43%) and when they exhibit positive behaviour or accomplish a notable task, http://www.unicef.org/polls/tacro/health/ | |
45. Best Of Notable Quotables 1990 -- Media Research Center But they young people are the healthiest and most educated young people in It s almost impossible for most americans to understand a government http://www.mrc.org/notablequotables/bestof/1990/best16-18.asp | |
46. New & Notable latin American partnershipThe latin American Studies Program at Mount Holyoke The following people have left MHC Denise Almodovar, equestrian center; http://www.mtholyoke.edu/offices/comm/csj/970321/notable.html | |
47. Americas.org - Latin America's Ascendant Left Has Social Democratic Cast The notable exception is Chavez, who remains closely allied with Cuba s Communist latin America, a region of nearly 500 million people with enormous http://www.americas.org/item_16809 | |
48. Eco-Exchange - May 2005 - New & Notable On Www.eco-index.org: Building Conservat practice of conservation medicine in latin America, beginning in Mexico, We trained a number of people and, with support of several institutions, http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/programs/neocomm/newsletter/2005/apr05-3.html | |
49. The Children's Book Guild Of Washington D.C. And if painting the people and the places of latin America true to their ownbeauty fosters CBC notable Social Studies Trade book for Young people http://www.childrensbookguild.org/delacre.htm | |
50. University Of Tennessee Libraries: Small Masthead Template (3-Column 100% Width) Hispanic americans, who number 35 million people. Selected Reference Encyclopedia of contemporary latin American and Caribbean cultures http://www.lib.utk.edu/refs/hispanic.html | |
51. SAPL: Websites - History or HLatAm (Forum for scholarly discussion of latin American History). Links to notable people and organizations are provided. http://www.sanantonio.gov/library/web/history.asp | |
52. America's Grand Strategic Crisis (I)Â December 18, 2002 The American people would be well advised to ask two questions Why has this The notable exceptions are latin American countries, notably Guatemala, http://www.d-n-i.net/fcs/comments/c465.htm | |
53. Guillermo Murillo, Impressions From The Fifth Panamerican Conference On AIDS In There was a notable lack of representation from Central American countries of people The AIDS epidemic in latin America, bears little resemblance to the http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/40/176.html | |
54. InfoDome - Latin American Studies notable TwentiethCentury latin American Women A Biographical Dictionary F1754.E53 2003 Ref 2 volumes Encyclopedia of Cuba people, History, Culture http://infodome.sdsu.edu/research/guides/latinamer/latinamer_studies.shtml | |
55. AIDS - A Prescription Long Overdue The number of latin americans with HIV/AIDS who receive medical ThePortuguesespeaking nation of 162 million people stands out in latin America for its http://www.ipsnews.net/aids/page_2.shtml | |
56. Classical Liberalism In Argentina: A Lesson For The World among the most notable), people were free to engage in any economic enterprise Since then, Argentina has become just another latin American country, http://www.fff.org/freedom/0794a.asp | |
57. Sonja Haynes Stone Center For Black Culture And History Library-Stone Center Gui African Diaspora in latin America This site includes resources about the Caribbean, The site incldues biographical profiles of notable people, http://www.lib.unc.edu/stone/webguide/?display=print_items&item_id=2 |
58. Library System/Howard University with biographies and photographs of notable people and descriptions anddocuments of historic latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC) http://www.howard.edu/asp/keywordsearch/resourcesondemand.asp?keyword=History |
59. Librarians Internet Index Mexico Http//lii2.wested.org/pub It also includes Indian people of Central America and Mexico. From the Centerfor latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley. http://lii2.wested.org/pub/subtopic/47583 |
60. Institute For Connectivity In The Americas :: Connecting People. Connecting Idea Connecting people. Connecting Ideas. Connecting the Americas. latin Americancompanies report technology has improved customer satisfaction, http://www.icamericas.net/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=715 |
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