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21. Librarians Internet Index Latin America Http//lii2.wested.org Botanicas African and latin American Spirituality in Southern California view detail Topics 0Art by Region, Arts and Humanities, notable people, http://lii2.wested.org/pub/subtopic/47234 |
22. History Subject Guide Biographical information of notable americans. Coverage does not include Biographical entries on notable British people, from ancient times to the http://www.rollins.edu/olin/subjects/history.htm | |
23. Notable Hispanics Most of the time, when someone speaks about notable Hispanics, in the United deeply imbeded in the traditions of the indigenous people of latin America. http://www.chs-urc.com/opinions-policies/notable-hispanics.html | |
24. Project MUSE Authoritarian Legacies and Democracy in latin America and Southern Europe. Map, abbreviations, timeline, list of notable people, glossary, bibliography, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/latin_american_politics_and_society/v046/46.3books_ | |
25. Hispanic Resources The following resources provide biographical information on people of notable Twentieth Century latin American Women A Biographical Dictionary. http://www.grpl.org/collections/highlights/pathhispanic.html | |
26. People Person Along the way, she has met hundreds of latin American people, which she says is the One of Jamison s most notable encounters was with Bernardo Gomez, http://videosystems.com/mag/video_people_person/ | |
27. Mexican Americans In Texas: Notable Works, 1990-1996 55, Mexican americans in Texas notable Works, 19851989 and, This historicalanalysis of the League of United latin American Citizens, http://www.lib.utexas.edu/benson/bibnot/bn-90.html | |
28. HIV & AIDS In Latin America And The Caribbean More than 2 million people are now living with HIV in latin America and the One notable exception is Puerto Rico, where injecting drug use appears to be http://www.avert.org/aidslatinamerica.htm |
29. Carlyle Group - DKosopedia launching funds aimed at Asia, Europe, latin America, and Russia. notable people currently or formerly affiliated with the Carlyle Group include http://www.dkosopedia.com/index.php/Carlyle_Group | |
30. Europanas - Discover Latin America And Europe it contains crypts of several notable people, some of which were executed inthe tower. Discover to Hispanic America and Europe EuropanasMail http://www.europanas.com/londres-en.htm | |
31. Accent Media Inc. - Accent Staff Her international works in Africa, the Far East, and latin America treat development and other major clients are notable for their strong scripts, http://www.accentmediainc.com/people.htm | |
32. Research By Subject: Mexican American Studies Handbook of latin American Studies, Z1605 H23 Main Ref. See also HLAS Online notable latino americans a biographical dictionary, E184.S75 M35 Main Ref. http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/sst/mas/guide/path.html | |
33. Liberation Theology (by Ron Rhodes) With a few notable exceptions, latin American liberation theology has Liberation theologians and the people of latin America have a legitimate gripe. http://home.earthlink.net/~ronrhodes/Liberation.html | |
34. Biographical Information biographical anthologies of the lives of notable people in specific Biographical Dictionary of latin American and Caribbean Political Leaders http://ww3.munet.edu/library/resource guides/reference guides/biographical_infor | |
35. Expo 67: Information From Answers.com The fair was visited by many of the most notable people of the day Norway,Sweden, Switzerland, the USSR, and Yugoslavia; latin America Barbados, Cuba, http://www.answers.com/topic/expo-67 | |
36. EMDM - November 2004 - Special Section Originally Published EMDM November 2004 Special Section notable people in Medical States and latin America, Squibb in latin America, Erbamont in Asia, http://www.devicelink.com/emdm/archive/04/11/020.html | |
37. Opening Speech From The Kellogg Foundation 75th Anniversary Conference: Kellogg Welcome to this memorial building that pays tribute to our latin America. Today, we have the honor of receiving a notable group of people who, http://www.wkkf-lac.org/GenericPage.aspx?PageID=40&LanguageID=0 |
38. FSU - Page Title notable TwentiethCentury latin American W a Biographical Dictionary Ref CT The premier biographical resource for notable people in American history. http://library.uncfsu.edu/reference/WomensStudies.htm | |
39. GLOBAL TRENDS latin AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN. Demography. Among notable features of According to the data, over 60% of people can access to safe water in many http://www.unhabitat.org/habrdd/latin.html | |
40. Read Hebrew Language Articles To Help You Learn Hebrew back on some of the most notable people, events, and accomplishments of the20th century. This month, we take a look at latin American artists, writers, http://www.transparent.com/newsletter/Hebrew/2000/jun_00.htm | |
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