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61. WBFF - Latin America Region Every two years, we hold a latin American Bonsai Encounter, where besides As it is open to the general public, there are numerous bonsai lovers present http://www.bonsai-wbff.org/rlatinam.shtml | |
62. ZNET Latin America Watch: Cuba 2000) La Asamblea general de la ONU Discute el Fin del Embargo a Cuba. Policy Focus on Cuba (latin America Working Group) provides with documents, http://www.zmag.org/LAM/zcuba.html | |
63. Framingham State College 2004-2005 Undergraduate Catalog: Academic Programs 32.336 latin America from the Conquest to the Present To fulfill the general education requirement, students must complete course credits outside the http://www.framingham.edu/catalog0405/catalog_aprograms.htm | |
64. UNT Libraries: Subject Guides, Latin American Studies Business in latin America. Located in general Reference, 1st floor, Willis Library. Argentina Business The Portable Encyclopedia for Doing Business with http://www.library.unt.edu/subjects/latinamer/latin.html | |
65. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - General Non-USA Mailing Lists CENSOlatin-AMERICA (censuses in latin America and documentation of latin American LATAMSIG (Jewish family roots in all countries of latin America) http://www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/gen_mail_country-gen.html | |
66. Warwick University: Undergraduate Study - Arts - Comparative American Studies general Studies and Key Skills Offers will normally exclude general Studies at A Those going to a latin American university will receive more intensive http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/arts/cas/ | |
67. Literary Research / Recherche Littéraire, Nos. 37-38, 2002 The efforts to control the latin American bookmarket were, undoubtedly, (Catálogo general de Publicaciones, 13). Seix BarralÂs editorial policy http://www.uwo.ca/modlang/ailc/Forum/Forum2.htm | |
68. Latin American Studies / UTSA Library Subject Guide See also UTSA Library subject guide general Reference and Research Resources, Includes journals on latin American Studies, History, Language and http://www.lib.utsa.edu/Research/Subject/latinamguide.html | |
69. HIST 224: Art & Politics In 20th Century Latin America | Cornell University, Spr Full of insights into the evolution of latin American art over the twentieth century, John M. Schechter, general editor New York Schirmer Books, 1999 http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/hist224.html | |
70. International Higher Education--8/5 latin American Jesuit University Education is Alive and Well SJ, the assistant to the superior general of the Jesuits for northern latin America spoke http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/newsletter/News08/text5.html | |
71. LATIN AMERICAN DICTATORS: Perez Jimenez, Simon Bolivar, Romulto Betancourt Forgotten by the world, general Marcos Perez Jimenez died, aged 87. Bolivar House became a haven for exiled latin American intellectuals. http://wais.stanford.edu/LatinAmerica/latinamer_jimenezbolivarbetancourt10701.ht | |
72. ASU Libraries: Latin American History - Colonial Period A general index to more than 400 journals dealing with latin American studies in all major disciplines of the social sciences and humanities. http://www.asu.edu/lib/hayden/ref/lata/colonial.html | |
73. XVIII ANNUAL LATIN AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL 2004 - FILMS IN THE TRIAD North Carolina A T Â general Classroom Building Auditorium Winner 2001 Sundance Film Festival, latin American Cinema Award. DIRECTIONS http://www.unc.edu/depts/ilas/LAFF/triad2004.html | |
74. DefenseLINK News: SOUTHCOM Faces Threats To Peace In Latin America, Caribbean SOUTHCOM includes the landmass of latin America south of Mexico; The general said supporters generate illicit funds through money laundering, http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Mar2004/n03312004_200403317.html | |
75. LULAC :: About : History And the third was The League of latin American Citizens with councils in Harlingen Ben Garza was elected President general, MC Gonzalez was elected Vice http://www.lulac.org/about/history.html | |
76. Peninsula Peace And Justice Center The resistance to gloabliazation is centered in latin America and the Caribbean at the 35th general assembly of the Organization of American States, http://peaceandjustice.org/index.php?topic=latinamerica |
77. The Forgotten Crucible: The Latin American Influence On The Universal Human Righ latin American Influences on the Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human For the actual draft, see United Nations, general Assembly, Statement of http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/hrj/iss16/glendon.shtml | |
78. "Features Service Articles - Unemployment: An Enormous Challenge For Latin Ameri A new ILO report paints a grim picture of unemployment in latin America and the The Directorgeneral added that unemployment is the main political http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/inf/features/04/latin_unemp.htm | |
79. ISA: Universities - San José - Costa Rica - Study Abroad Programs - Study Abr general Electives. Humanities. Industrial Engineering The latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT) was founded in 1987 and received http://www.studiesabroad.com/programs/country/costa_rica/city/san_jose/viewUnive | |
80. Penn State Libraries Latin American Resources - Reference general editors Simon Collier, Harold Blakemore, Thomas E. Skidmore. 2nd ed. Handbook of latin American literature. Compiler David William Foster. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/artshumanities/latam/latamref.html |
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