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81. Each Year They present lectures to schools, displays for the library, and demonstratedlapidary techniques to all who were interested. http://www.ghg.net/gpenning/scfmsor.htm | |
82. PIRSA Minerals - Mineral Resource Potential - Nephrite Jade Cowell black jade takes a very high polish by simple lapidary techniques.Very finegrained premium black takes a mirror-like polish. http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/pages/minerals/commodity/nephrite_jade.htm:sectID=245&t | |
83. 2002-2003 UVSC Academic Catalog Introduces various techniques used in the commercial art industry. Includesfabrication, construction, casting, enameling, and lapidary techniques. http://www.uvsc.edu/catalog/2002-2003/courses/avc/avc-cdl.html | |
84. Business Success Stories - Schooner Regional Development Corporation St. Lawrence Mineral Products Inc., has been formed and using an onsite workshopproduces goods for the giftware market by lapidary techniques. http://www.schooner.nf.ca/business-success-stories.html | |
85. October 2001 demonstrations of lapidary techniques, dealers, and opportunity drawings for Demonstrations will include working with beads, wire wrap techniques, http://www.mineralsocal.org/bulletin/2001/2001_oct.htm | |
86. Entrez PubMed Such as edge can be obtained either by breaking a piece of vitreous carbon or byusing lapidary techniques. The resultant edge seems well adapted to both http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=6 |
87. Community Briefs -- Los Altos Town Crier Her jewelry, made from opals, semiprecious stones and various metals, includingsilver and copper, use the casting, fabrication and lapidary techniques. http://latc.com/1999/04/07/community/communit7.html | |
88. Interviews the lapidary techniques to process crystal had existed from the Edo period . He says it is hard to learn the carving techniques but even harder to http://www.kougei.or.jp/english/crafts/1404/d1404-5.html | |
89. Archives :: The Web Edition Of The Lebanon Express, Lebanon, OR Experts will be on hand to demonstrate various lapidary techniques and lectureon various topics, including fossil identification. http://www.lebanon-express.com/articles/2005/08/03/community/calendar/calendar04 | |
90. How Are Gems Cut And Polished? Several common techniques are used in lapidary work One of the simplestlapidary forms is the cabochon, a stone that is smoothly rounded and polished http://www.tradeshop.com/gems/howcut.html | |
91. Silver Supplies Online Catalog: Books About Lapidary Silver Supplies lapidary and Jewelry Making Tools and Equipment. techniques formaking special tools are summarized, including detailed instructions on http://www.silversupplies.com/catalog/books/lapidary.shtml | |
92. Fire Workers: Techniques Of Bronze Smithy And Lapidary: Stoneware Bangles Fire workers techniques of bronze smithy and lapidary stoneware bangles Seeweapons, implements etc. made by fireworkers of Sarasvati-Sindhu http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/sarasvati/html/fireworkers1.htm | |
93. Ancient Egyptian Stoneworking Tools And Methods: Stone Vase Making Long, FW (1976) The creative lapidary materials, tools, techniques, design.Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 136 p. Lucas, A. Harris, JR (1962) Ancient http://www.geocities.com/unforbidden_geology/ancient_egyptian_stone_vase_making. | |
94. Bob's Rock Shop: Books About Lapidary The author of American lapidary categorizes carved gemstones into three main techniques for making special tools are summarized, including detailed http://www.rockhounds.com/rockshop/books/lapidary.shtml | |
95. Reports Submitted To FAMSI - Bradford Andrews The assemblage did reflect evidence that lapidary 3 techniques were used to makebeads in the elite zone (Figure 5, g h). This interpretation is supported http://www.famsi.org/reports/01029/section02.htm | |
96. Lapidary Journal & Step By Step Beads Present BEAD FEST: A Weekend Full Of Bead Bead Fest lapidary Journal and Step by Step Beads Annual Bead Show and onsite with live demonstrations of different bead making and bead techniques. http://www.stepbystepbeads.com/beadfest/ | |
97. Alibris: Crafts Hobbies Lapidary The Creative lapidary Materials, Tools, techniques, Design more books like this techniques of Gem Cutting A lapidary Manual more books like this http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Crafts Hobbies Lapidary | |
98. Yoruba Glass Beads Confusion arises as to the technique used to perforate these lapidary beads.By all appearances, the perforations look as if they are drilled or bored, http://www.nfobase.com/html/yoruba_glass_beads.html | |
99. Types Of Koli Beads Among The Krobo Today, exogenous beads and those made locally of scrap glass, either by lapidarytechniques, by drawing molten glass, or by the powder glass method, http://www.nationalbeadsociety.com/articles/pachecobead.html | |
100. Bahti Indian Arts - Jewelry Gallery 1 He and his brother Boyd are wellknown for their combination of silver and lapidarytechniques. Richard has been silversmithing for over twenty years. http://www.bahti.com/jewelry.html | |
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