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Languages Index: more books (100) |
141. 1st International Collection Of Tongue Twisters This index file contains one tongue twister for each language. More tongue twisterscan be accessed over links under each language, where you can also find http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/ | |
142. Kurso De Esperanto: Learn The International Language Esperanto! Multilingual program for learning Esperanto, 16 languages available. Pronunciation, translation, songs. Free download and email guidance. http://www.cursodeesperanto.com.br/ |
143. Swearsaurus Swear Words: Swearing, Cursing, Cussing And Insulting! Foreign languages Swearing, Profanity, Cursing, Cussing and Insulting! How to insult, swear, cuss, and curse in 165 languages! http://www.insultmonger.com/swearing/ | |
144. Lernu! Presentation of the language in multiple languages and direct communication with Esperanto speakers from countries all over the world. Features include a builtin dictionary, multimedia courses at various skill levels, and objective examinations. http://www.lernu.net/ | |
145. TESOL - Home Page A global professional association for English language educators involved in theteaching English as a second, foreign, or other language. http://www.tesol.org/ | |
146. Programming Languages Are Like Women Mildly sexist metaphorical languages lineup. http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/prog.lang.html | |
147. Ancient World Languages, Archaeology Fonts TrueType and Postscript archaeology fonts Mayan, Egyptian, archaeological font packages, and Native American southeastern and southwestern Indian glyphs. http://www.geocities.com/mayanglyphs/ | |
148. Artificial Languages An essay on the nature of artificial languages, by Robert Isenberg. http://www.uib.no/people/hnohf/artlang.htm | |
149. The Teaching About Programming Languages Project Information about the teaching of the concepts of programming languages, especially undergraduate survey courses and courses about programming language semantics. http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~leavens/teaching-prog-lang/ | |
150. Cover Pages: Code For The Representation Of The Names Of Languages. From ISO 639 Documents the essential information from ISO 639, Codes for the Representation of the Names of languages. http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/iso639a.html | |
151. American Classical League Founded in 1919 for the purpose of fostering the study of classical languages in the United States and Canada. Membership is open to anyone committed to the preservation and advancement of the heritage of Greece and Rome. http://www.aclclassics.org/ | |
152. Aspect-Oriented Software Development Community & Conference :: AOSD Aspectoriented tools and research projects for various languages; applications of AOP; theory; events calendar; discussion and announcement mailing lists. http://aosd.net/ | |
153. Fonts In Cyberspace Guide to finding language fonts on the Internet, containing more than 400 sources for 124 languages. http://www.sil.org/computing/fonts/ | |
154. Human Rights Watch - Defending Human Rights Worldwide Organization dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world, standing with victims and activists to bring offenders to justice, to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom and to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime. Investigates and exposes human rights violations and hold abusers accountable. In English with versions in six other languages. http://www.hrw.org/ | |
156. Frequently Asked Questions: Locales & Languages FAQs on locales, language groups, system and user locales, codepage support, and Unicode support. http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/DrIntl/faqs/Locales.mspx | |
157. Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) Return to language index. Cambodian Language VISs The Coalition thanks theCalifornia Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Health for http://www.immunize.org/vis/ | |
158. Programming Language Lab At The University Of Calgary University of Calgary. http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/pll/ | |
159. Bwrdd Yr Iaith Gymraeg - Welsh Language Board From the Welsh Language Board. Ideas and suggestions to agencies, groups or individuals who wish to promote the use of minority languages in their communities. http://www.cymuned.org.uk/ | |
160. AclEnglish.com English for communication, general English and for qualifications needed to enter an English speaking University. http://www.aclenglish.com/ | |
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