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81. The Sci.lang FAQ Answers to frequently asked questions about dialects, languages and their relationships, linguistics, and phonetic systems. http://www.zompist.com/langfaq.html | |
82. Other Languages Information / Free Lealfets About Health And... Other language free leaflets on health and safety, occupational health and safety,chinese, hindi, bengali, punjabi, turkish, turkey, arabic, czech, http://www.hse.gov.uk/languages/ | |
83. Professional Language Translation Service - Exotic Languages Agency Flash needed Translation and interpretation services for business, legal, technical, medical, conferences and the entertainment industries in 152 languages. http://www.ela1.com/ | |
84. World Languages,Languages Of The World,Language Directory,Language Websites,Lang Language Schools, World languages, languages of the World, Language Directory,Language Websites, Language Learning Sites, languages official sites, http://www.123world.com/languages/ | |
85. Network Languages Wide range of language practice services including translation, interpreting, DTP, glossary development and language auditing. http://www.netlang.net | |
86. BYTE.com A special Byte Magazine article published for Byte's 20th anniversary special report http://www.byte.com/art/9509/sec7/art19.htm | |
87. Welcome To The Department Of Languages And Literatures We currently teach twenty languages represented on five continents. Faculty Associate (Spanish and other languages) Pool Recruitment open http://www.asu.edu/languages/ | |
88. Advanced Programming Languages Useful links about programming languages. Describes the syntax and semantics of programming. http://lsi.uniovi.es/~labra/APL.html | |
89. Languages Of The World Links to language resources including Indonesian, Swedish and the Classics. http://wwwcg.twi.tudelft.nl/~ari/lang.html |
90. Internet For Modern Languages > WELCOME Â Â Â Internet for Modern languages has been written by Gavin Burnage of the Facultyof Modern and Medieval languages, University of Cambridge. http://www.vts.rdn.ac.uk/tutorial/languages | |
91. Welcome To Key Languages Language training and cultural briefing. Lists an introduction, registration, courses and contact details. http://www.keylanguages.com/ | |
92. Interpreters By Anglo Worldwide Languages Interpreting in all languages, for business and organisations. Also translation and language training. http://www.anglo-worldwide.com/interpreting.htm | |
93. The JESUS Film Project +++ STREAMING +++ You can watch the JESUS film in many languages by clicking one of the links below!Aari Aceh Achi, Rabinal Acholi Bengali, Common Language http://www.jesusfilm.org/languages/ | |
94. Diccionarios Y Gramáticas / Dictionaries And Grammars Organized by language family, in alphabetical order, this list includes other related books published by the Summer Institute of Linguistics/Instituto Ling¼Âstico de Verano (Mexico). English/Spanish. http://www.sil.org/mexico/pub/DicGram.htm | |
95. Welcome To LOTE CED Works to enhance the skills of LOTE teachers in Texas. Includes online courses, information about products for teachers. http://www.sedl.org/loteced/ | |
96. The World's Top Twenty Spoken Languages Estimates for the world's top 20 languages (given in millions) on the basis of the number of mothertongue (first-language) speakers and population estimates for those countries where the language has official status. http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/COMMUNICATIONS/TopLanguages.html | |
97. Andrew Cooke: An Introduction To Programming Languages A page for people who know one language and are wondering about learning another. http://www.acooke.org/andrew/writing/lang.html | |
98. The Linguasphere Observatory, World 's Languages And Speech-Communities, Linguas An exploration of linguistics and related resources with extracts from the Linguasphere Register of the world languages and speech communities. http://www.linguasphere.org | |
99. FlsGlobal Languages Translation, interpreting, consulting, editing and language instruction. Based in Charlottesville, United States. http://www.flsglobal.com | |
100. Visual Languages a description of Visual Programming languages by Daniel LaLiberte. http://www.hypernews.org/~liberte/computing/visual.html | |
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