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121. The Instant Access Treasure Chest The Foreign language Teacher s Guide to Learning Disabilities Foreign languageand LD. General Information. Government resources. Hyperlexia http://www.fln.vcu.edu/ld/ld.html | |
122. Annenberg Media: Teacher Professional Development Explore educational resources and activities for teaching and learning on theAnnenberg/CPB Project s Learner Online. http://www.learner.org/ | |
123. CanTeach - Resources For Educators Online resources for educators including hundreds of lesson plans, thousands oflinks English language Arts Songs Poems Fine Arts Social Studies http://www.canteach.ca/ | |
124. ELT Publisher And Publisher Of School Curriculum Materials - Macmillan Education Find out more about our list of English language teaching courses, In additionour resource sites, designed to provide online support for our main http://www.macmillaneducation.com/ | |
125. Canadian Association Of Second Language Teachers Information and resources for second language teachers, including printable andonline activities for students, insightful articles, a conference listing, http://www.caslt.org/ | |
126. ALOHA! National Foreign Language Resource Center The National Foreign language Resource Center (NFLRC) in Hawaii conducts researchon foreign language teaching and learning. The NFLRC undertakes projects http://www.nflrc.hawaii.edu/ | |
127. Teaching Resources: Teaching About Japan teaching resources, Students. teach btm Certification for Japanese languageteachers in the New England area is provided by Tufts University (Department http://www.boston.us.emb-japan.go.jp/eng/teaching/teachjap.html | |
128. ESL Teachers Board, English As A Second Language, ESL Job Overseas, ESL Teachers resources FOR ESL SCHOOLS. Read ESL Teachers Resumes Post your ESL Jobs inKorea In China Elsewhere Classroom language Survival for ESL Teachers http://www.eslteachersboard.com/ | |
129. Directory | Subject Centre For Languages, Linguistics And Area Studies By selecting a subject, you will be able to view all the resources which arerelated to that Fund for the Development of teaching and Learning (FDTL) http://www.lang.ltsn.ac.uk/resources/keywordlist.aspx | |
130. FREE -- Federal Resources For Educational Excellence - Home Page The Federal resources for Educational Excellence FREE Website offers hundreds Foreign languages Health and safety language arts Mathematics http://www.ed.gov/free/ | |
131. S.C.O.R.E. Language Arts Schools of California Online resources for Education Please READ IMPORTANTNOTICE The SCORE language Arts CyberGuides are currently in need of http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/cla.html | |
132. ReadWriteThink quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction. Reading Association, National Council of Teachers of English, MarcoPolo http://www.readwritethink.org/ | |
133. MY TEACHERS PAGE During the year, I will be adding resources for teachers to this site. This is the Foreign language Teacher s Guide to Learning Disabilities. http://www.eagle.ca/~matink/teacher.html | |
134. Teaching With The Web If you do not have a frames capable browser, you can access this information butit won t look pretty. teaching with the Web Links. http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/lss/lang/teach.html | |
135. Andrew Moore's Resource Site Home Page - Default Andrew Moore s resource site for English teachers; free access to extensive Alevel language tutorial on English varieties of the British Isles New! http://www.universalteacher.org.uk/default.htm | |
136. Web English Teacher Web English Teacher presents the best of K12 English/language Arts teachingresources lesson Cable in the Classroom, an outstanding resource for teachers. http://www.webenglishteacher.com/ | |
137. EspanOle! Pagina Principal Resource site for Spanish teachers and students, and Hispanics with pages dedicatedto foods, countries, language, music, art, people, history and other http://www.espanole.org/ | |
138. TESL/TEFL/TESOL/ESL/EFL/ESOL Links Links of Interest to Students Teachers of English as a Second language Thereare currently 12142 registered links. (Last Update 24Jul-2005) http://iteslj.org/links/ | |
139. Latin Teaching Materials At Saint Louis University: Teach & Learn The Latin Lang Materials for all levels of Latin teaching and learning acceleration readers,reading acceleration machine freeware, pedagogical reflections and related http://www.slu.edu/colleges/AS/languages/classical/latin/tchmat/tchmat.html | |
140. TESOL - Home Page A global professional association for English language educators involved in theteaching English as a second, foreign, or other language. http://www.tesol.org/ | |
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