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101. Kyrgyzstan Arts And Humanities History kyrgyzstan Arts and Humanities history, kyrgyzstan Arts and Humanities history homepage, kyrgyzstan Arts and Humanities history web, http://search.asiaco.com/Kyrgyzstan/Arts_and_Humanities/History/ |
102. [ RADIO FREE EUROPE/ RADIO LIBERTY ] Freed from jail after more than four years, kyrgyzstan s former security chief, having already secured her place in kyrgyzstan s history by becoming the http://www.rferl.org/specials/kyrgyzelections/introduction_presidential.asp | |
103. Travel, Climbing, Adventure Tourism, Rafting, Wildlife In Central Asia And Kyrgy history. The first signs of a man on the territory of kyrgyzstan date from the early Paleolithic period Ashels epoch (400-100 thousand years ago). http://www.dostuck.com.kg/page.php?cat=history |
104. CJR Daily: Archives An Eyewitness to history in kyrgyzstan So wide is the abyss between the rich and the poor in kyrgyzstan that ordinary people simply cannot control http://www.cjrdaily.org/archives/001400.asp | |
105. Kirgisistan and history of yurt making and usage in kyrgyzstan from the Museum of Cultural history at the University of Oslo....... http://www.khm.uio.no/utstillinger/kirgisistan/english/531.html | |
106. Kyrgyzstan Development Gateway: Kyrgyzstan At A Glance Provides information on kyrgyzstan. A pilot project of the Development Gateway Foundation aimed at harnessing knowledge and Internet technology for sustainable development and poverty alleviation in kyrgyzstan. http://eng.gateway.kg/ | |
107. The Kyrgyzstan Freenet Links to websites for and about kyrgyzstan. http://www.freenet.kg/ | |
108. Kyrgyzstan Animated GIF image. http://www.atlasgeo.net/flags/anglais/html/Ekyrgyzstan.htm |
109. CNN.com - Turkey Supports Kyrgyzstan's Fight Against Islamic Militants - October CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/central/10/18/kyrgyzstan.turkey.ap/index.html | |
110. Ãà öèîÃà ëüÃûé áà Ãê Ãûðãûçñêîé ðåñïóáëèêè Legal staus, foreign exchange laws and monetary policy. http://www.nbkr.kg/ |
111. FIFA.com The Official Web Site Of The Fédération Internationale De Football As News, general information, and contacts. http://www.fifa.com/en/organisation/confederations/associationdetails/0,,KGZ,00. |
112. British Council - Kazakhstan UK's international organization for educational and cultural relations. Helping to exam academic knowledge, inform and consult according to education in GB. http://www.britishcouncil.org/kazakhstan | |
113. Amateur Radio Union Of Kyrgyzstan And EX9HQ Central Club Station Amateur Radio Union of kyrgyzstan and EX9HQ Central Club Station. Member list and contact information. http://www.qsl.net/ex9hq | |
114. Interslavica Republik Kyrgyzstan Links und Informationen. http://www.osteuropa.ch/zentralasien/centralasia_kirgistan.htm |
115. Stalemate In The Aral Sea Basin: KyrgyzstanÂs New Water Law Analysis of water management in Central Asia following the Soviet collapse. http://www.angelfire.com/md3/heltz/ | |
116. Centre For Social Research Survey studies and research on ethnic, interethnic, political and social issues in the Kyrgyz Republic. http://www.angelfire.com/ar/researchkyrgyzstan/ | |
117. Kyrgyzstan Central Asia - Travel Visa Tours Accommodation Maps - Uzbekistan Kaza Vias, tours and travels information for kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. http://www.centralasiatravel.com/ | |
118. CNN.com - Kyrgyzstan Landslide: '34 Dead' - Apr. 20, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/central/04/20/kyrgyz.landslide/index.html | |
119. Ãà éäæåñò ïðåññû: Ãà ðêåòèÃãîâûå è ñîöèîëîãèà ÃÂöõýõôõûÃÂýÃÂù ôðùôöõÃÂàÿÃÂõÃÂÃÂàÃÂÃÂÃÂóÃÂ÷ÃÂÃÂðýð; øýÃÂþÃÂüðÃÂøàþ ÿþûøÃÂøÃÂõÃÂúþù, ÃÂúþýþüøÃÂõÃÂúþù ø ÃÂþÃÂøðûÃÂýþù öø÷ýø àõÃÂÿÃÂñûøúø. http://www.expert.kg/digest | |
120. Australia, S. Korea May Put Troops In Kyrgyzstan CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/central/12/05/kyrgyzstan.troops.ap/index.html |
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