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21. DRESS CODES AND PRESTIGE STAFFS: CONSTRUCTING POLITICAL AUTHORITY WITH STAFFS IN Staffs come in different materials and forms and most examples in africa are made to the world and with the benefits of the indigenous people in mind. http://www.ijele.com/issue4/mshana.html | |
22. African Arts: Folk Arts And Personal Independence In Tanzania: Fundi Mdawalo Bin In the context of the colonial history of africa, the struggle for The Matrilineal peoples of Eastern Tanzania (Zaramo, Luguru, Kaguru, Ngulu, etc.). http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0438/is_2_37/ai_n7580163/pg_3 | |
23. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles They are one of the most homogenous people groups in africa, speaking a common language,adhering to a single faith, and sharing a cultural heritage. http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=109392&rog3=TZ |
24. KeepMedia | The Atlantic: South Africans Only Apartheid kept most South africans isolated from the rest of africa and deeply I have heard it said that kwere , kwere is more than a mocking http://www.keepmedia.com/pubs/TheAtlantic/2001/11/01/377742?extID=10026 |
25. KeepMedia | The Atlantic: South Africans Only Africans claim to hear kwere , kwere when immigrants as President, unfamiliar,unimagined people started to Beach promenade are indigenous South Africans. http://www.keepmedia.com/ShowItemDetails.do?item_id=377742 |
26. A R T T H R O B / I N T L _ L I S T I N G S Following a highly successful tour in South africa, kwere kwere/Journeys intoStrangeness cultural and geographical variety of people in South africa. http://www.artthrob.co.za/03apr/listings_intl.html | |
27. A R T T H R O B ArtThrob Contemporary visual art in South africa. kwere kwere / Journeysinto Strangeness at the Wits Gertrude Posel http://www.artthrob.co.za/00may/listings.html | |
28. Musées Afrique Sotho, Nguni, Shona, Lovedu Exposition Ulwazi Lwemvelo IndigenousKnowledge in South africa Aquarelles de Joy Adamson peoples of Kenya http://www2.unil.ch/gybn/Arts_Peuples/Ex_Africa/ex_Af_musaf.html | |
29. South Africans Only Refugees to South africa are not getting a warm reception. I have heard itsaid that kwere, kwere is more than a mocking imitation of foreign http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2001/11/nixon.htm | |
30. Paradoxia In Africa In africa, the concept of traditional sexual socialisation is voiced in various Among the Yorubaspeaking peoples, girls of better class were almost http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/GUS/AFRICAOLD.HTM | |
31. Archaeolink.com Archaeology, Anthropology, Social Studies, General Knowledge indigenous Studies by region. africa. africa, african Anthropology GeneralResources Asian indigenous and Tribal People - General Resources http://archaeolink.com/ | |
32. Project MUSE - Information groups to include the Luguru, Kutu, kwere, and Zaramo 1954. The indigenous PoliticalSystem of the Sukuma and People and Production in Late PreColonial Tanzania http://worldshakesbib.com/journals/africa_today/v048/48.4gunderson.html | |
33. Search For Islamized www.uiowa.edu/~africart/toc/people/kwere.html MindaNews Who Are th ePresent Peoplesof Mindanao the region, further classified intothe Âindigenous AÂ(the http://www.host-park.com/members/get.php?art=1&key=Islamized |
34. News This Week - August 2001 Lutoya is a kwerekwere . A foreigner. One ofthousands of foreigners But onthe whole, South africa and its people are wonderful ñ compared to http://www.queensu.ca/samp/migrationnews/2001/aug.htm | |
35. NATIONS OF THE OLD WORLD ************** * EUROPE Kuria Kutu Kw adza Kwavi Kwaya kwere Lambya Langi Luo 62%) Chinese (15%) see CHINA indigenous (6%) Cambodia Chinese see CHINA China, People s Republic of http://landru.myhome.net/jtrees/text/Nations_of_old-world.txt | |
36. Ngoni - Ngoni Recommended By Swoopon Online. 118,500 sq km Population 11.6 million People Chewa, Nyanja Catholic (20%), Muslim(20%), traditional indigenous beliefs Government The kwere name for a Wiggy http://www.swoopon.com/Swoopon/Ngoni .htm |
37. Web Server Statistics For The University Of Iowa .nz (New Zealand) 0.05% 51 0.03% 8138 0.06% 3017 .za (South africa)0.05% 49 0.03% 136 /~africart/toc/people/kwere.html 134 http://www.uiowa.edu/stats/stats-2000-07.html | |
38. East Africa Living Encyclopedia The Swahili were, and are, an urban people living in stone towns up Swahili culture has been at the crossroads of africa, India, Arabia and Europe. http://www.africa.upenn.edu/NEH/tethnic.htm | |
39. The Languages And Writing Systems Of Africa Angola, Republic of Angola, República de Angola, former People s Republic of Angola The number of languages listed for Central African Republic is 69 http://www.intersolinc.com/newsletters/africa.htm | |
40. News Analysis Voice Of Biafra International (VOBI) Broadcasts ÂMy peoples and my nations shall not be sacrificed for the sake of Anyi kwerena ihe Uwazurike gwa ra ha. Ka anyi kwu o kwa ufodi ihe ndia ozo http://www.biafraland.com/newsanalysis100204.htm | |
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