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41. Interns2000.01: [Interns 2000] Life In Zimbabwe Land (5) Oshiwambo German Herero Nama Damara Lozi kwangali Tswanaall I saw a few peopleat the Meeting, and I that are trying to overtake the indigenous plants.. http://hub.col.org/2001/interns2000/0048.html | |
42. LINGUIST List 14.1257: African Linguistics/NJ USA relationship the case of (Ru-)kwangali, (Oshi-)Kwanyama behaviour of the Mankonpeople a case AIDS Awareness Campaign in Nigerian indigenous Languages The | |
43. News This Week - September 2000 than 2 000 shops belonging to indigenous business people to shut down in areas suchas kwangali, Kahenge and to controlling the movement of people across South http://search.choike.org/cgi-bin/choike.cgi?cs=&q=human rights&ch=http://www.que |
44. Kamba - Search For Kamba Infomation, Kamba Links - Usearch.co.uk Kenya People 1%. Religions Protestant 38%, Roman Catholic 28%, indigenous beliefs26 maroola plum 2082 ; Kamba (Kenya) - muua 1597 ; kwangali - ufuongo 1171 http://www.usearch.co.uk/index.php?qry=Kamba&offset=20 |
45. Marula [Definition] Hausa dania; Kamba (Kenya) - muua; kwangali - ufuongo; Lovedu The Maasai or Masaiare an indigenous African tribe of semi-nomadic people located primarily http://www.wikimirror.com/Marula | |
46. UNITA-A Case Study In Modern Insurgency of the South West africa People s Organization (SWAPO), which Nganguela,kwangali, Lwena, and the Lunda (all of which constitute http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/1984/BRR.htm | |
47. AWisa - AIDS Workplace Programs In Southern Africa People and History. Namibia is one of africa s three most sparsely populated Obligations to promote the welfare of the indigenous people were generally http://www.awisa.de/region/namibia.htm | |
48. US Department Of State Post Report Afrikaansspeaking, mixed-race peoples, such as the Coloureds The main indigenouslanguages are Oshiwambo, spoken by the Ovambo; kwangali, spoken by the http://library.state.gov/MMS/postrpt/pr_view_all.asp?CntryID=104 |
49. Namibie Translate this page Luyana, kwangali, langue bantoue, 157 000, 8,8 % lÂOrganisation du peuple duSud-Ouest africain (South West africa PeopleÂs Organization, ou SWAPO). http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/axl/afrique/namibie.htm | |
50. BIOGRAPHIES OF NAMIBIAN PERSONALITIESin Alphabetical Order The kwangali community moved from Makuzu to Sihangu (near Mukukuta). to the Old Location Uprising with many people killed by the South African Police. http://www.klausdierks.com/Biographies/Biographies_N.htm | |
51. MSN Encarta - Search View - Namibia The Ovambo, an agricultural people who live primarily in the north, make up about In mid1996 an agreement was reached with South africa to cancel debts http://uk.encarta.msn.com/text_761574992__1/Namibia.html | |
52. Namibia The Land Obligations to promote the welfare of the indigenous people were generally ignoredand a www.sadcreview.com © 19972005 Southern African Marketing Co. http://www.sadcreview.com/country_profiles/namibia/nam_theland.htm | |
53. Angola - Ovambo, Nyaneka-Humbe, Herero, And Others a set of Bantuspeaking people, described on of David Dalby for the InternationalAfrican Institute, noted The members of the second set, kwangali-Gcikuru and http://www.mongabay.com/reference/country_studies/angola/64.html | |
54. Makadi Safaris - Quality African Trophy Hunting Safari Company density of less than 2 people per km2, and hence one of the lowest in the world . Apart form the indigenous African languages Oshivambo, Oshiherero, http://www.makadisafaris.com/hunting.html | |
55. New Page 1 Apart from the indigenous African languages Oshivambo, Oshiherero, NamaDamara andKwangali also German is one doctor for every 4450 people, and one http://www.dornfonteinsafaris.com/en/ennamibia.htm | |
56. LINGUIST List 14.1257: African Linguistics/NJ USA Akinbiyi Akinlabi, 4th World Congress of African Linguistics Genetic relationship the case of (Ru-)kwangali, (Oshi-)Kwanyama and (Oshi) Ndonga habil. http://www.ling.ed.ac.uk/linguist/issues/14/14-1257.html | |
57. Sources For The Numbers List Thanks to the following people who ve sent me numbers over the net kwangali JKKloppers 1994 =Rukwangali; also Oxford 1991 (ident.). R. http://www.zompist.com/sources.htm | |
58. The African Marula Fruit Notes from the Kew Garden survey of economic plants for arid areas on the marulafruit, a fruit which is used extensively by African people, http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/ceb/sepasal/birrea.htm | |
59. Republic Of Angola  General Information  Useful Contacts Official Portuguese (spoken by 57600 people); 42 spoken languages. http://www.artafrica.gulbenkian.pt/html/paises/angola_i.php | |
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