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21. The Xhosa Of South Africa from Central africa into the southern africa areas. The indigenous people they meton their migrations were the Khoisan (Bushmen and Hottentot) peoples. http://edncd.schoolnet.org.za/edn-jan03/Finding Information/CONTENT/THE XHOSA OF |
22. Marula Tree Kenya Umganu Fruits Fruit *the Africa Bark Eaten Kamba (Kenya) muua; kwangali - ufuongo; Lovedu - marula; MaasaiThe Maasai or Masaiare an indigenous African tribe of semi- nomadic people located primarily http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Marula.htm | |
23. Anthropology Matters Journal 2004, 6 (2). Fumanti: 'The Making Of The Fieldwork- 3 SWAPO is the acronym of South West africa People s Organization, 8Rukwangali is one of the five indigenous dialects of Kavango and the most http://www.anthropologymatters.com/journal/2004-2/fumanti_2004_making.htm | |
24. Namibia white population, German 32%, indigenous languages Oshivambo Herero, Damara/Nama,Lozi, kwangali and few leaders South West africa People s Organization (SWAPO http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/straylight/653/namibia.html | |
25. Africa & Slavery, Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Antiquarian Booksellers 254 DAMMANN, E. Studien zum kwangali. (Westafrika). Grammatik, Texte, Glossar . Studies in the cosmological ideas and social values of African peoples. http://www.gertjanbestebreurtje.com/catlists/cat116.html | |
26. US Department Of State Post Report The main indigenous languages are Oshiwambo, spoken by the Ovambo; kwangali, In the 1999 general election, the ruling South West africa PeopleÂs http://foia.state.gov/MMS/postrpt/pr_view_all.asp?CntryID=104 |
27. DX LISTENING DIGEST 3-031, February 23, 2003 Edited By Glenn From 1968 the South West african People`s Organization, SWAPO, was involved services on FM for the indigenous peoples, as was the case in South africa. http://www.worldofradio.com/dxld3031.txt |
28. ** Southern African MSFS **Â Â People Of Namibia The Kavango people have four separate dialects (kwangali, Mbunza, are generallyaccepted to be the oldest indigenous inhabitants of southern africa, http://www.msfssa.iway.na/people.htm | |
29. UN Notes On Namibia - October 2000 The six, all said to be members of the kwangali tribe, were allegedly accused with the Working Group of indigenous Minorities in Southern africa (Wimsa) http://www.namibia.de/english/pops/UN-arch/2000/un10_00.html | |
30. EBALL EBALL = Electronic Bibliography for african Languages and Linguistics. In africa s indigenous peoples first peoples or marginalised minorities ?, http://goto.glocalnet.net/maho/eballsamples/sample_w310.html | |
31. The Early History And Migration Of The People Of The Kavango The Mashi River is one of the rivers in africa with the most names. Hyena clan (Vakwasipika) which later separated into the kwangali and Mbundza people; http://www.economist.com.na/2001/261001/story21.htm | |
32. The Mongongo Nut, Ricinodendron Rautanenii indigenous people have been reported as eating around 100300 fruit a day in Muller, Hans 1988 A trip to africa a personal report on african fruit and http://www.naturalhub.com/natural_food_guide_nuts_uncommon_Ricinodendron_rautane | |
33. People Of Namibia Today the Kavango consist of five individual tribes, namely the kwangali, European settlers came into contact with the indigenous Khoisan people. http://www.holidaytravel.com.na/index.php?fSectionId=4 |
34. Economic Development And Cultural Change Many other developing countries both in subSaharan africa and elsewhere also Studies of the impact of economic development on indigenous people tend to http://www.mindspring.com/~okavango/bnr.html | |
35. Angola The hyphen between kwangali and Gcikuru implies mutual intelligibility were hardshipswell known to the Angolan people. the early days of the indigenous kingdoms http://wrc.lingnet.org/Angola.htm |
36. AllRefer.com - Angola - Ovambo, Nyaneka-Humbe, Herero, And Others | Angolan Info In far southwestern Angola, three categories of Bantuspeaking peoples have been The members of the second set, kwangali-Gcikuru and South Mbukushu, http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/angola/angola73.html | |
37. Namibia Language, Namibia indigenous ethnic languages are the first language of 90% of the population. USIS English Teacher Training Activities in SubSaharan africa http://creekin.net/k15353-n128-namibia-language-namibia.html | |
38. Challenging The Vestiges Of Past Subjugation: Influences Of Educational Reforms Informed by a belief that indigenous Namibians were not qualified to make In addition to their mother tongue (Damara, Oshiwambo, kwangali, Tswana, http://radicalpedagogy.icaap.org/content/issue5_2/01_dunn.html | |
39. Marula -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article a mediumsized dioecious tree, indigenous to the Hausa - dania; Kamba (Kenya) - muua;kwangali - ufuongo; Lovedu member of the tall Negroid people of southeast http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/M/Ma/Marula.htm | |
40. Marula - Iridis Encyclopedia a mediumsized dioecious tree, indigenous to the Hausa - dania; Kamba (Kenya) - muua;kwangali - ufuongo; Lovedu movie, Animals are Beautiful People by Jamie http://www.iridis.com/Marula | |
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