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81. Do The Congo (Metro Times Detroit) As a major focal point of 1960s decolonization, when indigenous people across Masterworks of African Art The Congo Basin, an exhibition at Ann ArborÂs http://www.metrotimes.com/editorial/story.asp?id=5966 |
82. Remnants Of Ritual - The David Gelbard Collection Of African Art And Culture From African masks to African figures, Remnants of Ritual features the David From this, one may assume that to the kuba there is no relevance to this http://www.remnantsofritual.com/dialog.html | |
83. Africa Update Archives The phrase African Studies is a misnomer to many people, from both precolonialindigenous Egypt and Egypt of the era of Greco-Roman colonization. http://www.ccsu.edu/afstudy/upd5-1.html | |
84. RAND AFRICAN ART - HOME PAGE expressions of traditional, indigenous African cultures. Ibeji twin figureand information on the Yoruba people and a link to a great article on the http://www.randafricanart.com/index1.html | |
85. Emory University> African Studies > Graduate Studies > Graduate Students Zaïre, kuba, Bushoong, 19th century AD Wood, fiber, shells, cloth, beads, skin, 1994.4.93(Carlos Museum African Collection), Yet people survive these http://www.ias.emory.edu/graduate_students.cfm | |
86. Art/Auctions: African & Oceanic Art Auction At Sotheby's November 11, 2004 Lot 126 is a lovely and rare kuba female figure with an exceptionally fine and See The City Review article on the Fall 1999 African and Oceanic Art http://www.thecityreview.com/f04strib.html | |
87. Water Affairs And Forestry: Minister's Budget Speech celebrate the delivery of safe water to 10 million people since 1994 So Iwas concerned that a representative of Forestry South africa should tell http://www.pmg.org.za/briefings/briefings.php?id=176 |
88. Jay's National Liberation Movements And Third World Solidarity Links Third World Network (TWN) africa (Accra, Ghana) - is a Non GovernmentalOrganisation The Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA) http://www.neravt.com/left/directory/subjects/third.htm | |
89. African Tribes african tribe list. The lack of overall centralization among the Igbospeakingpeoples has been conducive to the development of a great variety of art http://users.pandora.be/african-shop/tribe_info.htm | |
90. Plep Archive From the early days of the PreDorset and Dorset people who moved across the Although in traditional African cultures, furniture is hardly present, http://www.nutcote.demon.co.uk/nl03may1418.html | |
91. The Congo's African American Livingstone - Christian History Sheppard approached Congo and its people less as an evangelist than as an explorer, This sensitivity helps the reader grasp how an African American http://www.christianitytoday.com/history/newsletter/2002/sep27.html | |
92. The_recontextualization Since ethnographic collections were usually made by local people in the The formal sculptural of African artefacts were acknowledged by museums in http://www.therai.org.uk/pubs/at/museums/therecon.html | |
93. LANGUAGES-ON-THE-WEB: BEST SHONA LINKS This is a resource for people around the world who have an interest in Mbira, ombrarossapiccola.jpg (728 byte) Online African and Shona Art Gallery http://www.languages-on-the-web.com/links/link-shona.htm | |
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