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21. Brooklyn Museum their role as living legacies for the indigenous peoples of the Americas. kuba artist, early 18th century. Wood. Brooklyn Museum, Purchased with http://users.telenet.be/african-shop/brooklyn_museum.htm | |
22. African Masks In a wider sense, Âkuba art includes the arts of neighbouring peoples whose Having conquered the indigenous peoples, the Lunda gradually assimilated http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/nieuwenhuysen/african-art/african-art-collection-mas | |
23. Anthropology - Research Papers On - 009-006 indigenous peoples of the Arctic, Subarctic, and Great Basin A 5 page overviewof the kuba masks produced by the kuba people of Zaire. http://www.papers24-7.com/categories/009-006.html | |
24. An A-Z Of African Studies On The Internet Bg6 The Dagara and their Neighbors (Burkina Faso and Ghana) Richard kuba Carola Lentz Henry Bredekamp, Human Rights, Oral History and indigenous peoples http://www.lib.msu.edu/limb/a-z/az_bg6.html | |
25. 100gogo Expedition Of Africa, Africa's Super Predators & Mammals Safari The modern African peoples are believed to have appeared about 100000 years ago in The other indigenous groups are all Bantuspeaking peoples, http://www.100gogo.com/africa/ | |
26. FAF - Preamble Much of the wealth in indigenous africa was of the social type; that is, In kuba society of Zaire, wealth is a powerful means of acquiring prestige, http://freeafrica.org/concept_of_wealth.html | |
27. Congo - A Look At The Past The indigenous peoples in Congo were forest dwellers. the first millenniumAD, Bantuspeaking peoples established themselves throughout Central africa. http://cp.settlement.org/english/congo/alook.html | |
28. Arts & Humanities Afrocentric is centered or focused on africa or african peoples, especially inrelation to and indigenous groups 314 african Aperture - Photography http://www.nigeriainfonet.com/Directory/arts__humanities.htm | |
29. African History but rather as the indigenous achievement of western, eastern and southern africa . This is well illustrated by the kuba kingdom, which developed a http://www.zyama.com/Iowa/African History.htm | |
30. Tribal Tattoo Design Books At Mehndi Skin Art around the world rediscover the art and traditions of indigenous peoples, Living With Decorative Textiles Tribal Art from africa, Asia and the http://www.mehndiskinart.com/tribal_design_books.htm | |
31. In These Times 25/16 -- Out Of Africa indigenous expression took on fresh value. Some Europeans, meanwhile, began But most of the objects are tribal art, such as a kuba royal statue from the http://www.inthesetimes.com/issue/25/16/zachary2516b.html | |
32. The First Masks Over thirty thousand years ago, somewhere in africa, an indigenous Hunter had a idea For early indigenous peoples, masks were a way to the gods, and http://www.africans-art.com/index.php3?action=page&id_art=28378 |
33. Language And Literature - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts The Bushoong are a subgroup in the kuba chiefdom, and exchange their art for there are many interesting examples from the indigenous peoples of North http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/LangAndLit.html | |
34. AllRefer.com - Zaire - Peoples Of The Lower Kasai And Its Tributaries | Zaire In Between the Tio in the west and the kuba, most of the peoples in the region wereorganized Officially Recognized Languages Other indigenous Languages http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/zaire/zaire66.html | |
35. Between The Natural And Supernatural As an early modern artist, he bridged foreign and indigenous cultures. Among East and Central africa peoples there are master storytellers and singers. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Smithsonian_GIFS/Ken_text.html | |
36. Africa Access Review Of Children S Materials, Ed. Brenda Randolph African names of certain places and people (eg Kemet is the indigenous name The usages are Kwele people, kuba people, Teke people and Asante people. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Proceedings_Rev/afrik_access.html | |
37. Developments To The 19th Century (from Central Africa) -- Encyclopædia Britan e ty = s David W. Phillipson /e , e African Archaeology /e (1985), Vansina s e The Children of Woot A History of the kuba peoples /e (1978) http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-40649 | |
38. Encyclopedia Of African History Central africa, Northern Central Sudanic peoples Central africa, Northern Chadic Literacy and indigenous Scripts Precolonial West africa alMaghili http://www.routledge-ny.com/ref/africanhist/thematic.html | |
39. Encyclopedia Of African History Central africa, Northern Central Sudanic peoples Central africa, Northern Chadicpeoples Literacy and indigenous Scripts Precolonial West africa http://www.routledge-ny.com/ref/africanhist/azentries.html | |
40. Book Reviews This impressive study approaches two crafts among the Mande peoples of West africa . Joseph Aurelien Cornet writes about the kuba wisdom basket, http://www.tribalarts.com/review/review_su98.html | |
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