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81. Howard Zinn's A People's History As Lawrence Wittner writes, The war rejuvenated american capitalism. Alonzo Hamby noted (Beyond the New Deal) that the korean war was supported by The http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/zinn-chap16.html | |
82. American Red Cross Museum The american Red Cross and the korean war. Previous Page FAQ s About Our history, The korean war began in 1950 when Communist forces of the Democratic http://www.redcross.org/museum/history/korean.asp | |
83. American Red Cross Museum Clara Barton is one of the most honored women in american history for being a true The korean war began in 1950 when Communist forces of the Democratic http://www.redcross.org/museum/history/faqs.asp | |
84. Millet | No Cold War,... No Korean War Rethinking the korean war A New Diplomatic and Strategic history The book requires some background in Cold war history and american political history. http://www.unc.edu/depts/diplomat/item/2005/0103/book/book_millet_steuk.html | |
85. American Merchant Marine At War - Revolution To World War II To Today american Merchant Marine at war Dedicated to the Mariners who died in service history, korean war, Europe, Arctic, Tankers, Troopships, Reserve Fleet, http://www.usmm.org/ | |
86. North American Aviation North american history. http//www.boeing.com/history/bna/ Developed as a followon to the F-86 Sabre used in the korean war, the F-100 was the http://www.centennialofflight.gov/essay/Aerospace/NorthAmerican/Aero37.htm |
87. Ancestors In The Americas: Asian American History Timeline Asian american history Timeline. This timeline is primarily adapted from korean war 1952 Clause in the McCarran - Walter Act grants the right of http://www.cetel.org/timeline.html | |
88. TheHistoryNet: Where History Lives On The Web for the history magazines World war II, Wild West, american history, America s Civil war, Select a Magazine, american history, America s Civil war http://www.historynet.com/ | |
89. Search The Internet! Lengthy article describing the war from an american perspective, with images and some useful links. http://www.koreanwar.com |
90. Korean War Web Sites Links to websites on the korean war. Includes museums, memorials, veterans associations, unit histories, combat action reports, casualties, Africanamerican soldiers, retrospective studies of the war and combat effectiveness. http://members.aol.com/veterans/warlib6k.htm | |
91. Coalition Of Families Of Korean Cold War POW/MIA's Families of american POW/MIAs from the Cold and korean Wars, dedicated to a full accounting of all missing servicemen. http://www.coalitionoffamilies.org/ | |
92. Korean War - The Forgotten War In Korea korean war A Fresh Perspective This article from Military history written by Colonel discusses one of America s most important wars the korean war. http://americanhistory.about.com/cs-new/koreanwar/ | |
93. LKM Direct Limited Manufactures ranges of 15mm and 1100 scale miniatures which include periods such as the american Civil war, World wars 1 and 2, Post war including ArabIsraeli and korean war, and many models of modern vehicles and infantry. http://www.quickreactionforce.co.uk/ | |
94. Korea's Partition: Soviet-American Pursuit Of Reunification, 1945-1948 James I. Matray examines initial efforts at korean reunification between the end of World war II and the start of the korean war. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/korpart.htm | |
95. What I Can Do - I Will - A tribute to korean and Vietnam war POW/MIA/KIA, but dedicated to all american veterans. http://www.faraway-soclose.org/ | |
96. JPRI Working Paper No. 93 Essay examining growing antiamerican feelings among the South Koreans, their causes and relation to Cold war events. http://www.jpri.org/publications/workingpapers/wp93.html | |
97. The Forgotten A film about american soldiers in the korean war, directed by . Synopsis, credits, production images, trailer, and links. http://www.theforgottenthemovie.com/ | |
98. Reaction Formation A psychological application of Freud's theory about Reaction Formation to the plight of american POWs during the korean war http://www.koolpages.com/almalaika/repb.html | |
99. Korean War US POW's In Soviet Jails A news story on american prisoners of wars captured during the korean war and sent to Soviet prisons and labor camps. http://www.kimsoft.com/korea/mia-russ.htm | |
100. Casualties Of The Korean War Statistics on North korean, South korean, american, Chinese and other nations' casualties and fatalities during the korean conflict. http://www.clas.berkeley.edu/~korea/casualties.html |
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