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121. ¢Ã¢à GLOBAL LANGUAGE CENTER ¢Ã¢Ã¢Ã¢Ã¢Ã¢Ã¢à Provides regular, intensive, and weekend classes in korean. Schedule, course profile, registration and online application. http://www.tk.ac.kr/language/html/about.htm | |
122. Korean Alphabet And Pronunciation korean, a language spoken by about 63 million people in South Korea, North Korea, The relationship between korean and other languages is not known, http://www.omniglot.com/writing/korean.htm | |
123. Korean Superstitions:Rike's Adventures In Teaching English In South Korea Gathered by English language teachers in Korea. http://www.teachkorea.com/rike/thatslife/superstitions.htm | |
124. OWLSÂ@ÂlÂÃÂhÂÂ,ÂCÂêÂwÂCÂoÂ^ÂCÂkÂãÂBÂsÂCÂÃÂóÂ@Â|Âó language education, translation, interpreting, narration, web site production and DTP. Available in English, Japanese, Chinese, korean and some European languages. http://www.owlsone.co.jp/ |
125. Quitnow - Languages Other Than English Quitting information and tips in Greek, Italian, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, korean, and Vietnamese. http://www.quitnow.info.au/nesb/index.html | |
126. Thai Translation Agency Language School Russian Japanese Chinese Bangkok Thailan Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, korean, English courses in Bangkok, plus translation, interpreting, local coordination, multilingual web design and localisation services. http://www.geocities.com/taiyobkk | |
127. Adelaide Institute Of TAFE English Language Centre Provides a range of ELICOS courses for international students in Adelaide. Course details, fees, FAQ, and information in Chinese, Thai, korean, and Japanese. http://www2.tafe.sa.edu.au/institutes/adelaide/elicos/elicos.html | |
128. Young-il Foreign Language High School Provides language instruction in English, Japanese, Chinese, French and Spanish. School profile, news, admissions information. In korean and English. http://www.youngilf.hs.kr/ |
129. Microsoft Global Input Method Editors (IMEs) selecting Global IME 5.02 from the taskbar, you can write the language youchoose. And now, you can input Chinese, Japanese, and korean text into any http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/recommended/ime/default.mspx | |
130. Avantpage Translation & Localization language translation, web sites and prepress output. Specializes in nonlatin scripts like Chinese, Japanese, korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, Thai and Vietnamese. http://www.avantpage.com/ | |
131. µ¶Ãþî Ãýº -¿Ã½ºÃ®¸®¾à ïÃà ë ì¼ì´ ì°ìÂÂ. ë ì¼, ì¤ì¤Ã¸리ì ì ÃÂÂ. ë¹ÂìÂÂë êµÂ립ìÂÂëÂÂ, ë¹ÂìÂÂë ìÂÂ립ìÂÂëÂÂ, ë ì¼ ìÂÂë ì§ÂÃÂÂì¤Âë¹ ì½Âì¤. ë ì´êµÂì¬ ì½Âì¤, ë¹Âì¦ÂëÂÂì¤ ë ì¼ì´. 경젠ë ì¼ì´, ìÂÂÃÂÂë ì¼ì´, ìÂÂì ë ì¼ì´, ì²ÂìÂÂë  ÃÂÂë¡Âê·¸ë¨. http://www.actilingua.com/korean/index.htm | |
132. Korean As A Second Language A place for students of korean to practice writing skills, discuss learning strategies and experiences, and get help from others. http://groups.msn.com/KoreanasaSecondLanguage/ | |
133. Korean Through English An online version of the popular language curriculum produced by the korean government. http://www.mct.go.kr/hangeul/ |
134. DPRK-Book Catalog of korean and English-language books, periodicals, music and videos distributed by Korea Publications Export Import Corporation, the country's official book exporter/importer. http://www.dprk-book.com |
135. Untitled Document language learning courses for Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French, German, Chinese, Russian, EnglishESL, Greek, Arabic, korean, Hebrew, Irish Gaelic, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, Vietnamese, Portuguese, and Norwegian. Free language dictionary. http://www.speakalanguage.com/speak-language/learn/learning free-dictionary.htm | |
136. Language Translation Services At Emultilingual.com language translation between English and all foreign languages including Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, korean, Vietnamese, Russian. http://www.emultilingual.com/ | |
137. CNU LEC Provides training in languages including korean and English. Institute profile, course information, tips for new teachers coming to Gwangju. http://language.jnu.ac.kr/ehome/index.html | |
138. Task-based Language Teaching: A Demonstration Module Set of taskbased worksheets for teaching korean as a foreign language. In PDF and JPEG formats. http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/publications/RN37/ | |
139. LinguaExpress / Program Tour / KFL (Korean As A Foreign Language Education) Prog Offers korean as a Foreign language (KFL) theme based language courses from beginner to advanced at Sookmyung Women's University. http://sookmyung.ac.kr/~uo9165/program/kfl.html | |
140. Korean Report An outsider's view of korean music, movies, food, friendship, sports, social life, language, history, hiking, festivals and life on the peninsula. http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~melmoth/korea/ | |
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