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21. Korean Name - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia When using European languages, some Koreans keep the original order, while othersreverse Categories Names by culture Korean names korean language http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_name | |
22. The Korean Language Program (KLP) Offered by the Language Education Institute for international students at universities in Seoul. Includes schedule, contact and admissions information. http://lei.snu.ac.kr/english/eng_pages/SN00175_00.jsp |
23. ABC News Sirius To Launch Korean, Chinese Language Channels Sirius to launch Korean, Chinese language channels http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
24. IPL Kidspace: Say Hello To The World Say Hello in the korean language. Hangul. Korean Click to hear how to sayhello in Korean! Words in English from the korean language http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/hello/korean.html | |
25. Yamada Language Center: Korean WWW Guide korean language Classroom Offers lots of basic vocabulary under 7 Declan s korean language Page - Lots of links resources. short history of hangul http://babel.uoregon.edu/yamada/guides/korean.html | |
26. Yamada Language Center: Korean Fonts With these fonts you can write in Korean without the korean language Kit or HanTalk . HanTalk or the korean language Kit is required to use it. http://babel.uoregon.edu/yamada/fonts/korean.html | |
27. Corpus Linguistics For Korean Language Learning & Teaching Workshop June 30July 11 2003 at the University of Hawai'i. Acquaints participants with the basic concepts, including corpus construction and annotation, concordancing, frequency counts and ranks, grammatical tagging, and related concepts. http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/prodev/CLKor/ |
28. YourDictionary.com  Altaic Language Dictionary: Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Mon For related korean language resources see Korean grammars, news, and fonts Back to table MORE LANGUAGES. ManchuTungus Languages  Profile http://www.yourdictionary.com/languages/altaic.html | |
29. Korean-English-Korean Electronic Dictionaries. English Korean Language Translato KoreanEnglish electronic dictionaries. English korean language electronictranslators ECTACO. Korean words and phrase translation. Korean dictionaries http://www.yourdictionary.com/ectaco/dictionaries/korean.html | |
30. êµÂ립êµÂì´ì Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.korean.go.kr/ |
31. International Facilities Program and admissions information from Pusan National University. http://www.pusan.ac.kr/english/subpages/sub7-frame.asp?item=3 |
32. KLEC: Korean Language Education Clearinghouse The korean language Education Clearinghouse was started in 2003 by KLEC seeksresources to be used for korean language and culture education. http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/korean/klec/about.html | |
33. Korea Infogate - South Korea Map, Travel, Korean Language, Music, Culture,news, Offers Yellow Pages with maps, travel guide, driving directions, news, Koreancuisine, events calendar, games, weather, and fortune telling. http://www.koreainfogate.com/ | |
34. Language Browser: Korean Guide to korean language films. http://imdb.com/Sections/Languages/Korean/ | |
35. Korean Language Eibokken s Korean Dictionary Eibokken was one of Hamel s mates. Multatuli inkorean language On line language course An Introduction to Korean http://www.henny-savenije.pe.kr/links5.htm | |
36. Download Details: Office XP Tool: Korean Language Pack The korean language Pack installs korean language support files for the operatingsystem. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9cfa419f-f25d-4f9c-b1dc |
37. Chinese Software, Japanese Software And Korean Software By NJStar Chinese language Word Processror for simplified and traditional chinese, NJStar Communicator and Chinese, Japanese, korean language Viewer, http://www.njstar.com/ | |
38. Korean Church, Korean First Methodist Church Of Cincinnati. ½Ã
½Ã³Ãü Ãà This site is primarily written in the korean language. Includes news and announcements, information about the pastor, sermons, an online forum, and contact information with maps to the church. http://www.koreanfmc.org | |
39. NJStar Communicator - Chinese Language, Japanese Language, Korean Language Enabl Chinese language, Japanese language, korean language communication software forWindows. It enables view, input, print of CJK website, email and news groups http://www.njstar.com/communicator/ | |
40. Learn Korean Korean Lessons contain short stepby-step materials for you to study Korean with.It starts with some fundamental features of the korean language http://www.learnkorean.com/ | |
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