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101. CNN.com - South Korea's Culture Minister Resigns Under Public Pressure - Septemb A close aide to President Kim Daejung who has been a key player in reconciliation talks with North korea resigned Wednesday amid allegations of involvement http://www.cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/09/19/skorea.minister.resign.ap/ | |
102. Asia Blog » Korea Ponders Nude Beach korea ponders nude beach Posted in korea , culture by Elliott Back on June 18th, 2005. Del.icio.us , Print This is nonnews, but korea is pondering http://asia.elliottback.com/archives/2005/06/18/korea-ponders-nude-beach/ | |
103. Asia Blog » Korea Posted in korea, culture by Elliott Back on June 18th, 2005. Del.icio.us, Print. This is nonnews, but korea is pondering installing a nude beach to http://asia.elliottback.com/archives/category/korea/ | |
104. Korean Culture Moogunghwa(Rose of Sharon) is much loved as the national flower of korea, TaeKukKi(the national flag of korea) is unique among the national emblems of http://evlweb.eecs.uic.edu/sopark/korean.html | |
105. Korea Infogate - South Korea Map, Travel, Korean Language, Music, Culture,news, korea infogate provides useful and practical information to people around the world Select 1st Category, Accommodations, Art culture, Communities http://www.koreainfogate.com/ | |
106. Business Culture, Practices, Protocol, Customs And Business Etiquette In Korea Information and links to korea business culture, practices, protocol and business etiquette including practical tips on doing international business. http://www.businessculture.com/korea/ | |
107. Dog Stew North Korea S Culture And Society May 14, 2005 in North korea s culture and Society, North koreaUS relations, Nuclear Energy Weapons, Regional Politics Permalink Comments (0) http://mansei.typepad.com/dogstew/north_koreas_culture_and_society/ |
108. About Korea In its subsequent history, Hangeul has been a mainstay of Korean culture, helping preserve the country s national identity and independence. http://www.korea.net/korea/kor_loca.asp?code=A020302 |
109. Teaching English In Korea - Culture And Pitfalls Your browser doesn t support frames. Please click here to load the culture and Pitfalls page. http://www.english-korea.org/pages/cult_f.htm | |
110. Doing Business In Japan Or Korea? Understand Japanese Or Korean Business Culture Japan business culture, korea business culture 2 Learn business culture 3 Go to Japan or korea to continue these studies http://www.etp.org/ | |
111. South Korea WWW Virtual Library Click korea Access to korean Arts and culture (Seoul, korea) korean American Museum of Art and Cultural Center in Los Angeles (anet.net, USA) http://www.duke.edu/~myhan/s-sk.html | |
112. Korean Food Recipes And Culture Of Korea korean recipes, cooking tips with food information, Korean food culture, cooking methods, country information, food substitutions, and Korean food history. http://asiarecipe.com/korea.html | |
113. KOREA AND THE KOREAN PEOPLE korea s metalcraft culture dates back to the Bronze Age in the 6th or 5th centuries BC A wide variety of bronze relics have been recovered around the http://www.indiana.edu/~easc/resources/korea_slides/crafts/4-1.htm | |
114. Entrez PubMed In both the United States and korea, culture heavily influences a mother s behavior toward her infan http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7 |
115. I Need To Improve My Korean Language And Teach More About Korea S I need to improve my korean language and teach more about korea s culture/help me i live in russia, near korea and study this amazing language at my http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/korean/centre/resources/communication/cooperative/ |
116. Photojournalist Jay Dunn: Images & Reporting From Burma, India, Laos, Vietnam, C Uunveils the most unexpected and beautiful moments shadows and light, rituals and romance, the passion and poetry of many cultures flowing together. Travels to China, Japan, India, korea and Vietnam. http://www.deceptionbay.com/ |
117. ¹®Ã¿¹¼úþÃÃ亸½Ã½ºÃ
à Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.culture-arts.go.kr/ |
118. The Korean Culture Pages These short essays on aspects of Korean culture from the university student s perspective were prepared by students of Sogang University to introduce their http://www.sogang.ac.kr/~burns/cult96/cult96-index.html | |
119. Welcome To The Korean Cultural Service Information on facilities, activities, events, pictures, forum of the organization. Includes a country study of korea. http://www.koreanculture.org/ | |
120. Korean Tea Culture Development of the tea ceremonies of the Korean peninsula, its relationship to other aspects of society and culture. http://www.teaculture.co.kr/ |
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