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81. Click Korea: Access To Korean Arts & Culture Click korea is an online resource developed by the korea Foundation to meet the need for broader access to information about korean arts and culture. http://www.clickkorea.org/News/newsContent.asp?menubar=2&page=10&strTitle=0&strC |
82. Cheong Wa Dae For Kids A look at the people and culture of korea. Simple illustrated text. From the Office of the President. http://www.president.go.kr/warp/en/children/country/ |
83. Click Korea: Access To Korean Arts & Culture Online resource developed by the korea Foundation to meet the need for broader access to information about korean arts and culture. http://www.clickkorea.org/ | |
84. Korea Seoul Mission Alumni Homepage Dedicated to those who served missions in Seoul, but offers information to everyone interested in korea and its people, culture, economy. http://ldsmissions.net/ksm/ | |
85. Kids Culture Center - Korea - Culture Here you will learn about the everyday lives of families from korea. http://www.kidsculturecenter.com/korea/korea_cult.htm | |
86. ¾Ã¸§´Ã¿î¹Ã·¡! Ãà º¹ÃÃȍø! Ãñ¹¹ý濬±¸¿øÃà Governmentfinanced think tank to gather and manage information on acts, survey and research legislation to assist the national legislation policy, disseminate information on acts, and enhance the legal culture. http://www.klri.re.kr/ |
87. Beauties In The Richness Of Korea's Culture :: Term Papers, Essays - Free Summar Looking at the concepts of beauty in the Korean culture. http://www.academon.com/lib/paper/30458.html | |
88. Hello From Korea - Traditional Korean Culture - Korean Foods - Kimchi And Pulgog Two foods that people have come to identify with korea are kimchi, a fermented vegetable dish, and pulgogi, a marinated meat dish. This site describes both in detail. http://kangsel.x-y.net/korea/Culture_Foods.php3 | |
89. About Korea - Culture Korean culture has blossomed over a long history. Though influenced by other Asian cultures, its roots lie deep in the creative Korean psyche, http://www.visitkorea.or.kr/english/ekorea/ekorea03.htm | |
90. ¿©¼ºÃç´à èÃäÃÃÃö Aims to collect funds to bring a better future for daughters and to create a honorable donation culture in korea. http://www.womenfund.or.kr/english/ |
91. South Korea Business Etiquette, Culture - Doing Business In South Korea South korea business etiquette and South korea business culture, customs and protocol Complete guide to doing business in South korea. http://www.executiveplanet.com/business-etiquette/South Korea.html | |
92. Ministry Of Culture And Tourism Provides images of korea and information about local festivals. Also includes a free online version of korean through English, a program designed to help Englishspeakers learn the korean language. http://www.mct.go.kr/ |
93. Life In Korea: Kimchi- Korea's Food Photographs from the Kimch'i festival held in Kwangju each October. http://lifeinkorea.com/culture/kimchi/kimchi.cfm?xURL=festival |
94. Cultural Exchange: Europe In South Korea. CulturE-ASEF Cultural centers, organizations, associations for European cultures; events, projects etc., within the framework of cultural exchange. http://www.culture-asef.org/english/asia/kor/easia/ | |
95. The Seoul Times Internet newspaper for foreigners in korea, with news on culture and social affairs. http://theseoultimes.com/ |
96. Cultural Exchange: Asia In Germany / South Korea. CulturE-ASEF Cultural centers, organizations, and associations for cultural exchange with South korea, events, projects, cultural studies at institutions of higher http://www.culture-asef.org/english/eu/deu/aeuro/kor/ | |
97. Maxtill Mouse Pad Is All Things To All People  In Korea - Culture The pads are made by a Korean company, offering customers a chance to plaster anything they want on the surface RSS NEWSFEED. culture RSS 2.0 XML Feed http://culture.joystiq.com/entry/3971190443365299/ |
98. World Of Warcraft To Launch In Korea - Culture - Culture.joystiq.com World of Warcraft is going to launch in korea tomorrow, which should add a tiny bit of cash to BlizzardÂs bank RSS NEWSFEED. culture RSS 2.0 XML Feed http://culture.joystiq.com/entry/1234000210027800/ |
99. Multimedia Resources Korea Univ. Of Kansas korea s culture videorecording / korean National Tourism Corporation. OTHER ENTRIES Han guk Kwan gwang Kongsa. SUBJECT(S) 1) Arts, korean. http://lark.cc.ku.edu/~eastasia/mediakorea.html |
100. Beauties In The Richness Of Korea's Culture.: Custom Research Papers, Research P Custom Research Papers, Research Paper Topic, Term Paper Topics, Free Term Papers, Term Paper Outline. http://www.paperspecialists.com/show/asian_studies/beauties_in_the_richness_of_k | |
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