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61. Welcome To KCCLA - Korean Cultural Center: Los Angeles Operated by the korean government's Ministry of culture and Tourism, dedicated to providing insights into the rich cultural heritage of korea. http://www.kccla.org/ | |
62. Marimari.com : Korea - Culture - Mask Dance-Drama , Madangguk Mask dancedrama goes by many names in the traditional Korean culture t alch um, sandae-nori, ogwangdae-nori, yayu, and pyolshin-gut-nori. http://www.marimari.com/content/korea/best_of/culture/culture1.html | |
63. :: Culture & Art In KOREA :: Korean traditional court music is slow and simple in tempo and rhythm in Korean court music consists of two kinds, Dangak (Chinese court music invented http://www.culture-arts.go.kr/english/contents/con1_1.html | |
64. Korean Online - History Of Hangul Part I A simple look at the origins of korea's written language and the impact it has had on the culture. http://www.johnwasham.com/koreanonline/hangul_history.shtml | |
65. Welcome To Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea Details about housing, MWR, tenant commands, and Korean history and culture. http://www.cnfk.navy.mil/ | |
66. Welcome To Korea Now !!!-Society & The Arts An article from the korea Herald by Jeremy Garlick discussing the role which Toegye and the Dosan Confucian academy have played in korean culture. http://kn.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/html_dir/2002/09/26/200209260028.asp | |
67. Consulate General Of The Republic Of Korea In San Francisco Korean Consulate General in San Francisco, with jurisdiction in Northern California, Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Has information on consular affairs, the Korean economy, culture and art, and learning Korean. http://www.koreanconsulatesf.org/ | |
68. Fiji Embassy - Tokyo, Japan Embassy of the Republic of the Fiji Islands, located in Tokyo and accredited to Japan and South korea. With information on the embassy staff, investing in Fiji, and Fijian culture. http://www.fijiembassy.jp/ | |
69. Pacific University's Portal On Korea - Culture culture, Korean War Resources An Interview With a KoreanAmerican on Cultural Differences Korean Immigrants to America Korean Food http://mcel.pacificu.edu/as/students/korea/culture.html | |
70. Pacific University's Portal On Korea - Culture - Gaming The rise of online gaming in South korea has brought improved economic prospects Gaming and the culture that has grown up around it are now the defining http://mcel.pacificu.edu/as/students/korea/culture-gaming.html | |
71. Goethe Lands In North Korea | Culture & Lifestyle | Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle News, Analysis and Service from Germany and Europe - in 30 Languages. http://www.dw-world.de/english/0,3367,1441_A_1207346_1_A,00.html | |
72. Goethe Institute Opens Center In North Korea | Culture & Lifestyle | Deutsche We Deutsche Welle News, Analysis and Service from Germany and Europe - in 30 Languages. http://www.dw-world.de/english/0,3367,1441_A_1224511_1_A,00.html | |
73. Culture Of Korea korean art possesses several distinguishing characteristics that create a Once known as the Eastern Land of Courtesy, korea, in its long history, http://user.chollian.net/~jis0523/korea-culture.htm | |
74. Korean Culture, With Photos Last revised November 24, 2004. korea s culture. korean literature List of my translations and articles, with the text of a few articles. http://www.sogang.ac.kr/~anthony/index02.htm | |
75. Korea - Culture Shock! korea culture Shock! - Kuperard buy online from Maps Worldwide. http://www.mapsworldwide.com/maps_20897.htm | |
76. Maps Of South Korea. Buy Maps Of South Korea Map 6, korea culture Shock! £9.95 . 7, Lonely Planet korea Travel Guide £14.99 . 8, South korea Handbook £12.99 http://www.mapsworldwide.com/maps_of_south_korea_119s0.htm | |
77. Asia Bookroom: Korea - Culture & Customs Asia Bookroom (formerly The Old Bookroom) is a large bookshop which sells new, out of print and antiquarian books on Asia primarily. http://www.asiabookroom.com/currentlists_xAsia/koreaculturecu.htm | |
78. Kids.net.au Korea Lonely Planet s Guide to South korea culture profile - A brief look at All About korea korean culture profile - Provides an illustrated look http://www.kids.net.au/kidscategories/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studies/ | |
79. Bibliography / Book List: Korea - Culture, History, Economics, Development, Lite Clark, Donald N. culture and Customs of korea (culture and Customs of Asia Series). Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000. Cumings, Bruce. korea s Place in the http://www.ibike.org/bibliography/korea-books.htm | |
80. Click Korea: Access To Korean Arts & Culture Click korea is an online resource developed by the korea Foundation to meet the need for broader access to information about korean arts and culture. http://www.clickkorea.org/News/newsContent.asp?menubar=2&page=11&strTitle=0&strC |
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