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Kongo Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail | ||||
61. African Art: Information From Answers.com African art, art created by the peoples south of the Sahara. The sculptureof the kongo kingdom is usually characterized by naturalism. http://www.answers.com/topic/african-art | |
62. Tricks Of The Imperialist Forked Tongue: Chinese Imperialism Only few of these indigenous people exist on that island today. The solutionto the threat of Chinese imperialism in africa is to trade or Cooperate http://www.expotimes.net/pastissues/issue000927/chinese.htm | |
63. AfricaSpeaks.com - Map Of Africa And Resource Links The origins of African Country Names or what they mean. Congo Named afterthe 15th Kingdom of kongo which thrived on both banks of the River Congo, http://www.africaspeaks.com/maps/ | |
64. Cabinda Situated in Central africa between Zaire and Congo, Cabinda stretches along The population of Cabinda, which stands at around 300000 indigenous people, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/cabinda.htm | |
65. H-Net Review: Richard A. Corby segments of Esikongo society, and its interaction with indigenous culture . kongo (African people) History Juvenile literature; kongo (African http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=14150972074921 |
66. McREL Online Standards And Benchmark Database Topic Encounters between Europeans and nonEuropean peoples Understandsrelations between King Affonso II of the kongo and the Portuguese http://www.mcrel.org/compendium/topicsDetail.asp?topicsID=1092&subjectID=6 |
67. World Civilizations Online Chapter 27 -- Chapter 27 Outline Both Europeans and indigenous peoples were active participants in the commerce, Slavery was an indigenous feature of African culture and economy. http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/stearns_awl/chapter27/object | |
68. Link-A AMREF is africaÂs largest indigenous health charity, and for 44 years in AMREFÂs mission is to empower disadvantaged people in africa to enjoy better http://us-africa.tripod.com/linkA.html | |
69. Democratic Republic Of The Congo - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The kongo was a highly developed state located primarily in the southwest He became a member of the permanent committee of the AllAfrican peoples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo | |
70. Photographs Of Africa | Picture Africa Photographing People in Southern africa, 1860 to 1999, Conference, Queen Nzinga,King of Benin, King of the kongo, European trading posts) and the slave http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/photographs.html | |
71. African Art African art, art created by the peoples south of the Sahara. regionsrichest (because of the people s sedentary lifestyles) in indigenous art. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/ent/A0802669.html | |
72. African Arts: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, New York - New Acquisitions Triple crucifix kongo peoples, Angola/Democratic Republic of the Congo 17th The central African kingdom of kongo, with its capital at Mbanza kongo, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0438/is_2_34/ai_81102658 | |
73. Spirits The Portuguese first traveled to central africa in 1483, when Diogo Cão The exhibition opens with a series of artworks from the Dan peoples of Côte http://www.nmafa.si.edu/exhibits/spirits/intro.htm |
74. Flag Animation The transition from an African to a Caribbean state flag shows white and palecolours, (today Mexico City) and the god(esse)s of the indigenous peoples. http://www.thyes.com/flag-metamorphoses/flag-animation.html | |
75. African Timelines Part II: African Empires West africa, The Land and its People (The Cora Connection) In the foreststates of West africa, such as Benin and kongo, slavery was an important http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum211/timelines/htimeline2.htm | |
76. USA/Africa No. 228: Indigenous Values I derived from their own indigenous African institution the village issue waslaid before the people to debate and reach a consensus. http://www.utexas.edu/conferences/africa/ads/228.html | |
77. Bantu Peoples -- Encyclopædia Britannica occupying almost the entire southern projection of the African continent. indigenous peoples Compilation of links to articles and essays on http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9013220 | |
78. People (from Kinshasa) -- Encyclopædia Britannica The Twa, or Batwa, are a people of Central africa. indigenous PeoplesCompilation of links to articles and essays on Aboriginal people of Australia. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9042 |
79. Island Agenda Island peoples have an incredible interest in ÂelsewhereÂ, possibly the Among priority concerns, indigenous communities across the world are today http://www.unesco.org/csi/B10/mime4.htm | |
80. AARDOC: African-American Religion In The Atlantic World Africans and people of African descent also encountered an indigenous In many respects, for example, the religion of the people of kongo and the http://www.amherst.edu/~aardoc/Atlantic_World_1.html | |
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