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Komodos: more books (64) | ||
61. Komodo Dragons Like the crocodilian family, komodos guard their nests till the eggs hatch. The reason komodos protect their eggs is because of the carnivores nature of http://www.dracoslair.net/komodoo.html | |
62. Komodo Dragon (Varanus Komodensis) Fact Sheet, 1998 komodos are usually found in the rocky valleys between 500700 m. Adult komodosfrequently occupy the transition zone between tropical monsoon forest http://library.sandiegozoo.org/Fact Sheets/komodo_dragon/Komodo.htm | |
63. Here There Be Dragons: A Visit To Komodo Island Hey, says the fellow on the right, am I late? Dragons feeding. It doesn ttake komodos long to devour a goat. Dragons feeding. As you can plainly see. http://www.merriewood.com/exindo/komodo.html | |
64. PBS: Wild Indonesia If hungry, a Komodo will eat snakes, birds, and even smaller komodos. Like most predators, komodos attacks are nearly all failures, but when a Dragon http://www.pbs.org/wildindonesia/dragon/ | |
65. Komodo Dragon While smaller komodos have to be content with eggs, lizards, As the sun rises,komodos move out into the rising sun to bask in its heat. http://www.szgdocent.org/resource/rr/c-komodo.htm | |
66. Australia 2002, On The Road With Bob And Betty Van Leer komodos are the world s largest lizard. There is speculation that the Chineseconcept The komodos we saw were from about four to eight feet in length. http://www.bobvanleer.com/australia2002/Australia2002Komodo.htm | |
67. WhoZoo: Komodo Dragon komodos mate from May to August. Males engage in mating combat in which they rearup on their hind komodos may live for 30 years. The Animal at the Zoo http://www.whozoo.org/Intro2003/AmandaWill/ALW_KomodoDragon.htm | |
68. Komodo Monitor (Komodo Dragon): WhoZoo komodos lay eggs, and the female will protect her nest during the incubation period . Both their jaws and their stomachs are expandable, and komodos can http://www.whozoo.org/students/amabau/komodo_dragon.htm | |
69. ANIMAL BYTES - Komodo Dragon komodos are opportunistic carnivores whose saliva contains several strains komodos have been known to dig up freshly buried humans and eat the remains. http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/animal-bytes/animalia/eumetazoa/coelomates/d | |
70. Predators komodos will even attack each other. They first give out a warning by arching komodos do not like to eat humans but they will attack and kill them. http://www.k12.hi.us/~kapunaha/student_projects/komodo/predators.htm | |
71. Behavior komodos tend to be loners. They usually hunt and wander alone, but they feed asa group. Each morning at about 530 am, komodos wake up and search for food. http://www.k12.hi.us/~kapunaha/student_projects/komodo/behavior.htm | |
72. Coin-Op : Votre Specialiste En Jeux Video & Films DVD En Suisse ! Sony, Sega, Ni komodos. Dama, une île isolée dans le Pacifique Sud. En fuite après uncasse sanglant, plusieurs malfaiteurs s y posent en catastrophe, http://www.coin-op.ch/dvdpage.phtml?id=21610 |
73. Marty Leipzig On 'Dragons' Young komodos up to 29 inches (.75 meters) live in trees and eat insects, birds,eggs, komodos are most abundant in the lower arid forest and savanna. http://www.holysmoke.org/hs02/dragons.htm | |
74. Komodo Dragons: They May Not Be Pretty, But Komodo Dragons Deserve Our Protectio However, while komodos are vulnerable to attacks from poachers, Since komodoscan t hear well, they rely on a highly developed sense of smell to sniff http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/12-26-2001-8380.asp | |
75. Komodo: EarthÂs Last Dragon But there have been instances when 10 feet komodos have been found. They arenormally a sandy brown with dark markings, although color may vary. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/5-8-2004-53896.asp | |
76. Komodo Dragon - Venomous In the case of WILD komodos that eat lots of half rotten animals, sorry thatis not true i lov komodos their bite isnt venomous but their saliva is http://www.repticzone.com/forums/KomodoDragon/messages/245323.html | |
77. Komodo Dragon - Wondering former experience by encountering us, very few think we are food even komodos.komodos are apex predators in their part of this world, therefore they http://www.repticzone.com/forums/KomodoDragon/messages/268961.html | |
78. Komodo National Park | About Komodo Dragons After feeding, the komodos become quiescent and approachable while their With komodos, the male hemipenes are located here as are the female genetalia. http://www.komodo-gateway.org/facts.html | |
79. Audubon: Ask Audubon komodos serrated teeth retain scraps from previous meals. Interestingly, aKomodo bite doesn t affect fellow komodos in the same sickening way. http://magazine.audubon.org/ask/ask0201.html | |
80. The CHUD.COM Message Boards - Billy Bob, Lizard Slayer Leave them komodos alone. They ain t doing you any harm. Maybe if he hadn tmarried a gal with such reptilian features he wouldn t be acting so apeshit. http://chud.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-48032.html | |
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