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81. Mots Pluriels Shirley Lim kom begins by suggesting that contemporary African debates on democracy have In the cultural sphere of East Asia, young Hong Kong people imitate the http://www.arts.uwa.edu.au/MotsPluriels/MP1400sl.html | |
82. The Case Against New Fossil Fuel Exploration There is a huge new boom in oil exploration throughout Central africa. Once construction begins, we ll see an uncontrollable influx of people in search http://www.ran.org/oilreport/africa.html | |
83. Denying Democracy, Denying Development: The Case Of Zimbabwe The signatories to this Statement are African Services Committee; Our landhad been stolen from us the indigenous people, by agents of the British http://www.unwatch.org/speeches/Subcom-Zimbabwe.html | |
84. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Volunteers live together and work on indigenous development projects An interesting option is volunteer program for groups of 5 to 50 people from http://www.camden.rutgers.edu/dept-pages/pubpol/opportun.html | |
85. JAIC 1992, Volume 31, Number 1, Article 2 (pp. 03 To 16) Many people in Western cultures view African objects as culturally foreign These conclusions presenting a possible African view of indigenous material http://aic.stanford.edu/jaic/articles/jaic31-01-002.html | |
86. Counter Information No. 49 WRITE WSF, PO Box 1717, Rosettenville, 2130 South africa. 5000 indigenouspeople have decided to comitt suicide if Occidental Petroleum violate their http://www.counterinfo.org/archive/ci49.htm |
87. Toespraak Geleentheid , africa Dialogue Lecture Series. Datum , 21/10/2002 Indigenouspeoples, finally, share all the characteristics of national minorities but http://www.vryheidsfront.co.za/a/toespraak.asp?language=a&offset=60&id=58 |
88. MORKEL OPENING ADDRESS OF THE SECOND SESSION OF THE SECOND After all we are the home of the indigenous people of colour. The predominantbeing, Christian, Islamic, Jewish, African Traditional and even a few http://www.info.gov.za/speeches/2000/000209948a1004.htm |
89. G Lucas Launch Of National Symbols Booklet indigenous knowledge is therefore not to be taught as something apart. It is partof the history of people as much as it is about people. http://www.info.gov.za/speeches/2004/04100109451006.htm |
90. Barbara Buntman Seeing Ourselves Exploring The Possibilities Of fig 3 /Khomani people at the exhibition Miscast, , South African National indigenous Southern African hunter gatherers who belong to the African http://www.abdn.ac.uk/chags9/1Buntman.htm |
91. MSN Encarta - Suriname (country) With a population of 438144 (2005 estimate), Suriname has fewer people than any Suriname has one university, the Anton de kom University of Suriname, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761573549_2/Suriname_(country).html | |
92. The Cultural Anthropology Of Middle America The Miskito people are descendants of Indians and fleeing African slaves and now They do not have an overt indigenous aspect and the people reject any http://www.oakland.edu/~dow/personal/papers/meso/ca_of_ma.html | |
93. AfricanPoetry have developed within the African people s tradition of poetry. indigenousAfrican poetic techniques. Angus Calder, Jack Mapanje, and Cosmo Pieterse http://www.fb10.uni-bremen.de/anglistik/kerkhoff/AfricanLit/AfricanPoetry.htm | |
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