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21. Kiribati: Books, Bibliographies, Articles, Etc of kiribati and history of the Catholic Mission. translated into......kiribati Fisheries Bibliography Suva FAO/UNDP regional Fishery Support http://www.wysiwyg.co.nz/kiribati/biblio.html | |
22. LyricsVault: History Of Music; Cultural And Regional Genres Of Music Cultural and regional genres of music Cultural genres Music of kiribati (tekainikamaen) Music of Korea (North and South) (ppongtchak, Norae Undong, http://www.lyricsvault.net/history/CulturalRegionalGenres.html | |
23. Kiribati For more regional information on kiribati, go to. Gilbert Islands Abaiang Abemama Culture of kiribati history of kiribati Lifestyle People http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/kiribati/introduction.html | |
24. About The Country, General Information On Kiribati history of kiribati. The Micronesians populated kiribati sailing in from theSouth Pacific between 200 For more regional information on kiribati, go to http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/kiribati/about_destin/about_country.html | |
25. Kiribati (British Empire & Commonwealth Land Forces) Brief Constitutional Military history of kiribati General. regional.Colonial Period. Independence Period. Index of Regiments. General http://www.regiments.org/nations/oceania/kiribati.htm | |
26. Kiribati Overview | NZAID Caption NZAID has a long history of support to the kiribati Marine Training Scholarships for undergraduate or postgraduate study at Pacific regional http://www.nzaid.govt.nz/programmes/c-kiribati.html | |
27. History Of Kiribati - MavicaNET regional Australia and Oceania kiribati Path to the top World TravelGuide kiribati - history Government - English http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/24202.html | |
28. Kiribati - MavicaNET regional Australia and Oceania Path to the top. Nature Land Islands Insular Territories Insular history of kiribati 5. See also http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/10365.html | |
29. Micronesia, 1900 A.D.-present | Timeline Of Art History | The Metropolitan Museu Timeline of Art history World Map regional Map Britain holds a protectorateover kiribati, which later becomes a formal colony, while the United http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/11/oci/ht11oci.htm | |
30. Micronesia, 1800-1900 A.D. | Timeline Of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum O Timeline of Art history World Map regional Map Britain establishes aprotectorate over kiribati, and the United States assumes authority over Guam http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/10/oci/ht10oci.htm | |
31. Kiribati Web Directory. Top / regional / Pacific Islands / kiribati The CommonwealthOnLine kiribati history, geography, economics, travel, society, laws, http://www.reference.com/Dir/Regional/Pacific_Islands/Kiribati/ | |
32. Manila, Regional Delegation (Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federa *history *Structure *Finances and budget *Human resources Manila, regionaldelegation (Australia, Fiji, kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of http://www.icrc.org/web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList150/33C46320C8650296C1256B66005A | |
33. Kiribati --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia Provides a history, list of readings, and information on regional attractions,culture, Includes a history and an economic summary. kiribati http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9275293 | |
34. SportingPulse Homepage For kiribati Islands Football Association. history but with the establishment ofKIFA in 2002 the agenda changed to regional and international focus. http://www.sportingpulse.com.au/assoc_page.cgi?client=@Kiribati Soccer Associati |
35. Local And Regional Book Publishing - Paper For 1997 Waigani Seminar I look at local, national regional and international factors and overlap For example, more than 10000 copies of kiribati Aspects of history and its http://www.pngbuai.com/600technology/information/waigani/book-publishing/WS97-se | |
36. MSN Encarta - Kiribati kiribati participates in many regional organizations, including the South Coeditor of Tides of history The Pacific Islands in the Twentieth Century. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562805_2/Kiribati.html | |
37. PICISOC : PacInet 2005 PacINET is a regional conference for practitioners, developers, researchers andthose Connecting kiribati history of communications within kiribati http://www.picisoc.org/tiki-print.php?page=PacInet 2005 |
38. About The Pacific Studies Initiative Project kiribati Aspects of history. Institute of Pacific Studies, University of theSouth Pacific. South Pacific regional Environment Programme. 1992. http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/external/psiweb/contemporary/huffer.html | |
39. About The Pacific Studies Initiative Project Malama Meleisea, O Tama Uli (On Reserve); kiribati Aspects of history (On the way this issue has defined regional cooperation in the South Pacific. http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/external/psiweb/history/pol_of_pac_hx.html | |
40. Charting The Pacific - Places Pacific regional statistical data, country profiles, and an overview of the key history. The three groups of islands forming today s kiribati (Gilbert, http://www.abc.net.au/ra/pacific/places/country/kiribati.htm | |
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