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Kiribati Culture: more detail | |||||
21. CategoryKiribati Culture See also the Dictionary definition of Kiribati, culture Articles incategory kiribati culture . There are 0 articles in this category. http://askfactmaster.com/Category:Kiribati_culture |
22. MapZones.com : Kiribati Culture Information of Country s culture, tradition, social life, group, newspaper,musium, books, novels. http://www.mapzones.com/world/pacific/kiribati/cultureindex.php | |
23. Kiribati kiribati culture Embraces a Volunteer Teacher (Contemporary Women s Issues Database).China begins removing satellite tracking station from Kiribati (AP http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107682.html | |
24. Massey News | Article Title kiribati culture is very controlled, so this is one of the few times they canstand in front of others and express powerful emotion. http://masseynews.massey.ac.nz/_2001/publications_2001/Massey_News/August/Aug_27 | |
25. Kiribati Map, History Of Kiribati, Kiribati Profile, Kiribati Economy, Kiribati Map of Kiribati, Kiribati Map, History of Kiribati, Kiribati History, KiribatiProfile, Kiribati Information, kiribati culture, Kiribati Economy, http://www.mapsofworld.com/kiribati/ | |
26. Fact Sheet Of Kiribati, A-E, South Pacific Islands - Jasons Travel Channel Culture The kiribati culture is Micronesian in origin; the emphasis is onhospitality, family values and a relaxed lifestyle. IKiribati (the people) value http://www.jasons.com/000982,,,,,PG,1,0.mel | |
27. Kiribati Arts Kiribati Arts. kiribati culture ARTS AND SKILLS Kiribati dancing is anart.Ã Like other social functions, it is rather formal http://www.ezilon.com/world/countries/kiribati/kiribati_arts/index.shtml | |
28. Kiribati bullet, Promote pride among young people in Ikiribati culture. bullet,Raise cross-cultural awareness realities of other culture and Kiribati ways. http://www.spc.int/youth/Country_briefs/kiribati.htm | |
29. Kiribati: Customs It will be necessary to be sensitive to the values of the Ikiribati culture.Top of page You may need to adjust the way that you might act and dress in http://www.wysiwyg.co.nz/kiribati/customs.html | |
30. PBS - The Voyage Of The Odyssey - Track The Voyage - Kiribati outsiders rarely visit, and local tradition remains strong. Abemama is a chanceto experience Ikiribati culture as it was 200, 500 even 1000 years ago. http://www.pbs.org/odyssey/odyssey/20010119_log_transcript.html | |
31. PBS - The Voyage Of The Odyssey - Track The Voyage - Kiribati According to Ikiribati culture, the first sign of womanhood is the onset of themenstrual cycle. For the family of any young girl, this is a time of joy http://www.pbs.org/odyssey/odyssey/20001016_log_transcript.html | |
32. Maria Borovnik - PhD Research - Geography - University Of Canterbury Since kiribati culture is based on extended family systems which is common onPacific islands, international labour circulation must have a strong impact http://www.geog.canterbury.ac.nz/research/phd/mariab.shtml | |
33. Peace Corps | Learn About Peace Corps | What's It Like To Volunteer? | In Their In kiribati culture distant relatives are considered as close as a brother or asister. A cousin might stay with his relatives for as long or as short of a http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=learn.whatlike.story&story_id=52&assig |
34. Annual Reviews - Error As such it has been integrated into the makeup of kiribati culture, Health,Culture, and Community Case Studies of Public Reactions to Health Programs. http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.anthro.32.061002.093 | |
35. Category:Kiribati - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia kiribati culture. S. Kiribatirelated stubs Retrievedfrom http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CategoryKiribati . Categories Oceaniccountries Pacific http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Kiribati | |
36. Youth Ambassadors Intake 12 looking forward to developing links between the Environment Departments ofKiribati and Australia and enhancing his understanding of kiribati culture. http://www.ausaid.gov.au/youtham/ayad/intake12/Hipkins-Kiribati.cfm | |
37. Country Assistance Plans - Kiribati - ADB.org The participatory system that characterizes the Ikiribati culture requires thatmost of the issues be discussed in Parliament and approved by the Cabinet http://www.adb.org/Documents/CAPs/KIR/0200.asp | |
38. Radio Content In kiribati culture there s a specific family that has the role of welcomingvisitors, and in many cultures in the Pacific your social and economic http://www.abc.net.au/ra/carvingout/radio/radio01.htm | |
39. Project MUSE kiribati culture is widely described by both IKiribati and Like in anydiasporic community, I-Kiribati practice their culture on new lands and in new http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/contemporary_pacific/v016/16.1teaiwa.html | |
40. PICISOC : PacINET2005 Minutes 04-05-05 The meeting officially started at around 2.45 pm (Kiribati time) and Titeem put the Garlanding in the Programme in accordance to the kiribati culture. http://www.picisoc.org/tiki-print.php?page=PacINET2005 Minutes 04-05-05 |
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