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81. Letter Work I do not claim to be an expert when it comes to teaching kindergarten (even As an independent writing activity I have the children create their own http://www.coe.iup.edu/worldofkindergarten/LW.html | |
82. Laurel Springs Home School: Kindergarten - High School Home Schooling Curriculum Students will refine and expand their writing skills through seven ÂWriterÂs This program integrates a textbook, activity workbook and audio CDs to help http://www.laurelsprings.com/prntDrivers_education.asp | |
83. School Specialty Publishing Activity Center - Kindergarten MOST POPULAR activities kindergarten Six hands-on activities for the letter Z include Air Write the Letter Z; Z Shapes; The Z Zone; Zippers; http://www.standardsmadeeasy.com/GradeActivity.asp?grade=k |
84. Teaching Economics In Kindergarten When I began teaching kindergarten three years ago, I did not think it was During the writing activity, students draw pictures and they use letters or http://www.cksd.wednet.edu/cc/Micro/kinder.htm | |
85. 'Kindergarten Connection" The kindergarten Connection offers free lesson plans in math, language arts, You can extend this activity by writing a subtraction number sentence after http://www.kconnect.com/kc-gingerbreadmath.html | |
86. Evan-Moor Educational Publishers - Skill Sharpeners Spell & Write, Kindergarten a story or article,; a spelling list,; spelling activities, Each unit in Spell Write, kindergarten is built around a shortvowel word family. http://www.evan-moor.com/catalog/book.asp?CID=5&SID=242&BID=685 |
87. The Math Forum - Math Library - Kindergarten This page contains sites relating to kindergarten. Math activities for Grades K4 - Biezad, Ward; NASA Dryden Flight Research Center http://mathforum.org/library/levels/k/ |
88. The Looping Link - Mrs. Flint's Class There are four teachers that loop from kindergarten to first grade. Whole Group Lessons in writing, Reading, Phonics, and Mathematics http://www.myschoolonline.com/page/0,1871,42492-137208-44-46073,00.html | |
89. The Hood Children's Literacy Project Exploring Written Language From A kindergarten Perspective Below are some of the activities that we used during the times I met with Dottie and her http://www.lesley.edu/academic_centers/hood/currents/v1n1/mcmackin.html | |
90. Elementary Education Resources: Kindergarten The program was written and produced by teachers and has been highly recommended by both AAA Math Kindergarteninteractive activities and resources http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/kindergarten.html | |
91. Writer's Workshop - Kindergarten Introduction Mini-Lesson - Class Status - Write and Confer - Sharing More writing Ideas - Web Resources - References. Introduction - kindergarten http://www.teachersfirst.com/lessons/writers/writer-k.html | |
92. ECLAS-2 And E-PAL Description Spelling is a group administered activity beginning in kindergarten and The Listening and writing Strand was made optional for all students for the http://www.nycenet.edu/daa/ECLAS/ECLAS_info.html | |
93. Thanksgiving In my kindergarten classroom the week before and the week of Thanksgiving, for conferences and I am going to use this as a reading writing activity. http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/YLP/97-98/97-98_units/97-98mini-unit/BWexler_Thanksgiving | |
94. Language Arts -phonics, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Vocabulary, Book Review,crea Language arts programs, games, lessons in phonics, spelling, writing, reading, Activity Bookmarks. Create and decorate these bookmarks and use them to http://www.dositey.com/langk2.htm | |
95. KINDERGARTEN Not only are the kindergarten students learning to read and write, Activity Classes  kindergarten students participate in enrichment classes. http://www.dothan.k12.al.us/mon/kindergarten.htm | |
96. Kindergarten Literacy Web Page Show and Tell is a favorite activity among the kindergarten children. On a piece of chart paper, write a simple one sentence morning message twice. http://www.usd320.k12.ks.us/solar/Kinder/kind_lit_webpage.html | |
97. RichlandOne Interactive - Kindergarten Units/Lesson Plans kindergarten Units/Lesson Plans Click a link below to jump to a subject area Associate written words to pictures (such as in books, stories, labels, http://www.richlandone.org/resources/teacher_resources/connections/kindergarten/ | |
98. Weekly Reader | Teachers | Kindergarten Activity Blasts Issue Links Science Spin Write To Zip Classroom Visit the kindergarten Fun and Games page (use the reproducible coloring pages, http://www.weeklyreader.com/teachers/kindergarten/ | |
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