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81. Prescription For Literacy: Providing Critical Educational Experiences. ERIC Dige Such preschool activities as learning nursery rhymes and stories, The Effects on High School Seniors of Learning to Read in kindergarten. http://www.ericdigests.org/1992-5/literacy.htm | |
82. BCPL Kid's Pages Summer Reading Club Main Page This is an image of the inside of the Summer reading Club game board. from Readto-Me for ages birth through kindergarten, Wild about reading for school http://www.bcplonline.org/kidspage/summerreading.html | |
83. Elementary Education Resources: Kindergarten AAA Math Kindergarteninteractive activities and resources Cooperative Learning activities A Space Site For Young Readers Bat activities http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/kindergarten.html | |
84. Weekly Reader | Teachers | Kindergarten Your friends at Weekly Reader Visit the kindergarten Fun and Games page (use the where you will find more activities to share with your class! http://www.weeklyreader.com/teachers/kindergarten/ | |
85. ¡ColorÃn Colorado! Reading In Kindergarten Before doing an activity or reading a story in class, teach preselected Click here for additional resources on teaching reading in kindergarten. http://www.colorincolorado.org/teaching/kreading.php | |
86. Manatee County Benchmarks: Reading: Kindergarten Writing Mathematics kindergarten reading Workshop Home Benchmarks Page Benchmark B The student selects materials to read for pleasure. http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/palmasola/psKgle.htm | |
87. Book Reviews For Kindergarten activities, related books and links to other subjects and resources. kindergarten. ** Aardema, Verna. Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People s Ears. http://www.carolhurst.com/titles/k.html | |
88. Kindergarten Online Games - Child-reading-tips.com Your online info source for kindergarten online games. http://www.gourmetimpression.com/Press/childreadingtips.html | |
89. Reading Computer Games For Kindergarten reading computer games for kindergarten and place our problem before large accomplishment may be produced by a lodge them, and expose surf broke he dipped http://reading-computer-games-for-kindergarten.amove.lubin.pl/ | |
90. ESTRELLITA Accelerated Beginning Spanish Reading In kindergarten, the program is used throughout the year, in Texas in 1999 and is on their official stateadopted list for kindergarten reading programs http://www.estrellita.com/ | |
91. 'Kindergarten Connection" This is a collection of activities shared by teachers with teachers. The plot, in all versions I have read, except for the Cajun Gingerbread Man, http://www.kconnect.com/kc-integrated.html | |
92. PALS - Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening Early reading First PALSPreK can be used for preschoolers as an Early reading Virginia reading First schools must screen all kindergarten, first, http://pals.virginia.edu/ | |
93. 2Learn.ca: Elementary/Junior High English Language Arts: Kindergarten @www.2Lear It is intended that students engage in purposeful language activities that kindergarten, General Outcome 1. Students will listen, speak, read, write, http://www.2learn.ca/currlinks/curriculum/EnglishLAcurriculum/kindergarten.html | |
94. Learn To Read At Starfall - Teaching Comprehension And Phonics A free website to teach children to read. Perfect for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. Contains exciting interactive books and phonics games. http://www.starfall.com/ | |
95. Online Games For Kindergartners This page focuses on Internet games that reinforce kindergarten skills. Community Helpers Words to short books about Community Helpers are read to the http://www.kinderhive.net/techgames.html | |
96. Saxon Publishers Saxon provides free online activities for both math and phonics. These online activities are an engaging way to provide additional practice for all students http://saxonpublishers.harcourtachieve.com/ | |
97. Funschool - Games All, Arcade, Fifth Sixth Grade, First Grade, kindergarten, Preschool, Puzzles including Reader Rabbit, The Oregon Trail, Sponge Bob, and more. http://games.funschool.com/games.php | |
98. Language Arts -phonics, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Vocabulary, Book Review,crea Book Review Read book reviews or write your own. Activity Bookmarks. Create and decorate these bookmarks and use them to write unfamiliar words. http://www.dositey.com/langk2.htm | |
99. ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan PrinterFriendly Version Writing Reports in kindergarten? Young children often have fiction read to them, but many children have little or no experience http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=73 |
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